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A/N: This is a continuation of the last chapter

Lux's pov
Veronica and Haim were too busy laughing at the whole skeptical of me being mad at Feldman, which really isn't funny.  I just knew he was gonna pull something like that, and I was proven right. Just wait till he gets down here, I'm gonna give it to him good.

I bit the inside of my lip with angst that Veronica and Haim since they were making this worse. I turned to glare at them miffed. "I'm glad you two think this is funny," I announced with a nod. 

They just continued to laugh at my expense. This isn't really that funny so why are they laughing so hard?! "Will you two shut up?!" I exclaimed as they both burst out into a bigger fit of laughter.   

Just as I was yelling at them I heard the water splash and a loud voice indicating someone had just come down the slide. I turned back to the slide to find that it was finally Feldman, this should be good. 

I was about to go over to him and start scolding him for being such an ass to me, but Veronica beat me to it. I saw her walk away from Haim, reach down and slide her flip flop off her foot and proceed to whack him in the head with it. 

He grabbed his head and looked at her baffled while whining. "Owwww! What'd you do that for??!?" He questioned Veronica. 

Veronica just started laughing again. "That's what you get for scaring Lux! She could have gotten hurt, doofus."

Feldman turned his gaze over to me now still holding his head from being whacked in the head from Veronica. "Lux I'm-"

I held my hand up to stop him from talking. "No, No, No." I stared. "Don't give me any of your excuses, Feldman."

He blinked a few times as he finally got up from the slide. "But it-"

"You always do this, ya know that?!" I scolded as I got closer to him pointing my finger at him. 


He shook his head. "I wasn-"

"Why?!" I asked again, not letting him finish.

"I wa-"

"WHY?!" I repeated louder using my hands for dramatic effect. 

Before I knew it Feldman grabbed a hold of my cheeks with his hand to get me to shut up. He leaned into me as he had my cheeks squished in his hand. "..If you let me get a word in, I'd tell you."

I moved his hand away from my face and held my head up high. "I don't wanna hear anything you have to say." I turned on my heel and walked away from him. Past both Veronica and Haim who had a look of shock and...amusement? 

I heard footsteps behind me, meaning it was probably Feldman following me. "Luxsy, wait." He huffed out gazing at me.

I side-eyed him with annoyance. "Don't call me Luxsy."

"Okay...Cupcake?" He asked with a knowing smirk appearing on his face.

I stopped dead in my tracks causing him to stop as well. I glared up at him as I bit my lip in irritation. "You..are so childish, ya know that?"

He looked taken back as he puts his hand on his chest in shock. "..I'm childish?" He repeated baffled. "Coming from the one who's complaining about a slip in the water slide."
I gasped loudly. "I'm not complaining.." I corrected. "...It could have been catastrophic." I pointed out.

He scoffed as he leaned in closer mockingly. "Oh..you didn't hurt yourself did you?" He questioned in sarcasm. He then put both his hands on his face, dramatically. "Oh, heavens that Lux gets a minor bruise." He smirked.

I shook my head irritated. "Don't you patronize me, Feldman," I ordered. "Or I will never talk to you again."

He opened his mouth to say something when Veronica came just in time and rested a hand on either of our arms. "As entertaining as this is to watch.." She began with an amused grin. "Please stop bickering cause we still have things to do."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest and huffed out a frustrated breath. "..Fine whatever, let go V," I stated.

As all eight of us began to walk to the next slide I felt Bender from behind me pick me up over his shoulder. Well that was startling, but I'll allow it, just this once. I don't wanna walk to the next slide anyway.

The next slide we all arrived at was one with rafts, some had only one person on it, some had two or more, etc. 

As we stood in line, Bender finally put me down. I noticed that Duckie and Veronica were standing very close to one another, their hand's inches away from touching. 

I raised an eyebrow at them, suspiciously but didn't say anything, focusing my attention on something in the distance.

Andie and Blaine went first down the slide, seeing them two happy was really cute. I sort of expected Veronica to be with me, or at least Haim. But for some reason she wasn't leaving Duckie? But it's still cute, regardless. 

I watched both of them get on a raft together, as they went down I heard someone complain behind me. At first I thought it was Feldman being annoying again, but as I turned around I realized Haim was jealous.

Haim crossed his arms and snickers to himself privately. Wow, he's really jealous, maybe I should somehow make him feel better. But it will be kind of hard since Bender is keeping me pressed against his body tightly as his hands rest intertwined above my stomach reaching dangerously low. 

Feldman and Haim decided to go down the slide together, of course, as expected. As Feldman made his way to the raft I saw him glaring towards Bender and me, mostly Bender. But he's probably still mad about the skeptical I pulled earlier. 

As I watched them go down, all I could hear was Haim's dramatic voice saying he's going to fly off the raft or something and Feldman just being loud as hell. 

It was honestly pretty funny, and I would've laughed more but Bender was getting too much now. He started kissing and nuzzling my neck rather roughly and pressing firmly on my lower stomach. Okay he's getting to be way too much and especially in public. 

I moved my neck a little in disgust as if to tell him to stop. "Stop." I breathed out annoyed, but he only brought me closer to him. 

I ripped myself from his grasp and glared at him in devastation and enmity. He knows I'm not ready and he has the audacity to be acting this way in public, in front of other classmates, and most importantly my friends.  

I let out a frustrated breath. "Bender, I said stop!" I shouted glaring daggers at him letting him know I was dead serious. 

He scoped me up and down with a mix of lust and anger, anger that I had stopped him yet again. "...What you don't want me anymore?" He implied. 

See the thing with Bender is he jumps to conclusions. The minute I don't wanna go that far he automatically thinks I don't wanna be with him when that's not true. I shook my head at him.
"No, I never said that," I answered.

He walked over to me not once taking his eyes off me. "Listen here sugar.." He began as he looked down at me. "..If you don't start opening up to me..." He paused. "..I might just have to find it from somebody else."

I can't believe what I'm hearing. I knew exactly what he meant by opening up. He knows I'm not ready and now he's basically giving me an ultimatum. I'm so furious with him that I can't even function. I quickly slapped him across the face and walked away from him. He's not about to give me a choice between him and my innocence. 

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