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Lux's pov

One week later-Monday. The rest of this chapter will be continued in the next update :)

I walked out of English, not feeling ready for gym like always. Veronica was cheery and bubbly as usual, probably since she'll see Haim in the gym with his uniform on. Knowing her that's probably why she's got a bounce in her step.

Veronica and I were walking down the hall towards the gym when a hand grabbed a hold of my arm, stopping me from walking any further. I turned my head to see who it was, and was met with Steph's gorgeous blue eyes.

I was in a state of shock, Steph one of the richest guys in school had taken hold of my arm and was staring directly at me. I gazed into his eyes, not being able to speak. I mean it's no secret that I like him.

Veronica turned around, looking back at me with a raised eyebrow, I glanced at her before saying. "Y-you Go on ahead, I'll meet you in the gym." I was stuttering! Oh my god, I never get this way but I can't believe Steph was actually gonna talk to me!

I turned back to face him as I batted my eyes at him flirtatiously, he smirked down at me in response. "So you're the new girl from new york?" He asked scanning me up and down with his eyes.

I grinned at him. "Why yes..yes I am," I responded, taking a good look at him as well. Perking up my body in confidence. "..I'm Lux and you are?..." I asked holding out my hand for him to shake. He smirked at me, licking his lips before answering me.

The next thing that happened, I swear my heart even stopped beating for a moment. He took a hold of my hand in a gentlemanly fashion and ever so slowly brought my hand up to his lips. "I'm Steph Mckee." He placed a small kiss on my knuckles as I stared at him dazed for a moment. "..So uh.." He lowered my hand but didn't let go of it as his eyes scanned my body again. "..What are you doing Friday night?"

Holy shit is he asking me out, I can't believe he's actually asking me out?! Is this for real?! I raised my eyebrows at him in interest as I smirked. "..I don't know yet. I'll have to see what my friends are doing." I answered as my heart was beating a hundred times per minute.

Since we were by the lockers he sort maneuvered his body closer to mine, pushing me up against the lockers while leaning one arm on the lockers staring down at me. I was in a state of shock and ecstasy, I didn't expect him to do that but...I sorta like it. "

"I'm sure your friends won't mind, let me take you out Friday night." He implied, moving closer to me and leaving only a small gap between us.

My breath hitched in my throat from the sudden movement. I gazed up at him with a smirk. "..Well I'll check if I'm free and I'll let you know," I informed him by holding my head up high with confidence.

He took a breath staring directly in my eyes. "Until then." He took his arm off the locker putting his shades on. "...Lux." With that, he winked at me and walked in the opposite direction of me.

I watched him leave as I finally let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Holy shit Steph Mckee just asked me out, but I don't know I should go. I like Bender and...I just don't know if I should go. Maybe. I heard the bell right which means I am now officially late for gym. Good, I hate the gym anyway.

                                                                                              * * *

I walked into the gymnasium as all eyes were literally on me due to me being late, Including Veronica who was staring at me knowingly. I smirked at the gym teacher who was obviously annoyed that I had come in late and had disturbed the class.

The teacher Mr. Shrub rested both his hands on his hips disapprovingly. "Nice of you to join the class, Ms. West." He announced with sarcasm loudly.

I did a military salute mockingly in response. "Happy to make your acquaintance, Sir," I replied with sarcasm and a knowing smirk.

Mr. Shrub rolled his eyes and checked something off on his clipboard. Probably writing something about me talking back to him, I don't know. "Just change into your uniform." He ordered.

I make my way over to the locker rooms waving him off in the process, not really caring. I notice Veronica put her hand to her face in frustration at my childlike behavior meanwhile both Corey's, that were on the other side of the net that was dividing the boys and girls, were having a laughing fit quietly to each other at my inquisitions.

I walk back into the main room where everyone is stretching and stand by Veronica who stares at me with questioning but also eager look. "Why did you take so long?" She questioned.

I smirk at her and begin stretching, poorly might I add. "Well Steph and I just got stuck talking to each other, that's all," I answered shrugging my shoulders as if it was nothing.

Veronica looked at me puzzled. "What could you possibly be talking about?" She questioned, squinting her eyes at me skeptically.

I shook my head. "We weren't just talking," I stated. I perked up my body in confidence gazing forward. "He was also undressing me with his eyes." I declared side-eyeing her with knowing smirk.

Veronica looked at me, her eyes widening as she gasped loudly and dramatically. "Oh my god!" She covers her mouth not realizing how loud she actually was.

Great! Now that she's got both Corey's attention because obviously they're not doing what they're supposed to, they were both watching us with questioning glares. "Shhh!" I whisper yell at Veronica, she's way too dramatic sometimes. "He also asked me out this Friday." I grinned with confidence.

Veronica literally screamed very high pitched now causing everyone to now glare at us including Mr. Shrub, who is already annoyed with me by now. I rolled my eyes at the embarrassment as both Corey's were trying to come a little closer to hear what we were saying.

Mr. Shrub glared at us both crossing our arms. "Ladies, if you can't keep quiet I'm gonna have to separate you both."

Veronica looks to him waving her hand to try and defuse everything. "I'm sorry, Mr. Shrub, I promise it won't happen again!" She finished with an awkwardly cute smile, hoping he'd drop it. He listened and went back to directing the class.

I sighed as everyone besides the two Corey's went back to minding their own business. Why the hell are they so god damn nosy, this is girl talk? I pushed Veronica over to the corner more away from them being so nosy. "But I don't know if I'm gonna go yet?" I stated.

She shook her head. "Why-well I can think of a few good reasons. But why?" She questioned.

I squinted my eyes at her. What was she trying to say? There isn't anything bad with Steph, not that I know of. "Because I like Bender. " I answered. " I don't wanna hurt him."

Veronica shot me a stern look. "Bender?!?!? What do you mean Bender? What about-" She exclaimed, but abruptly stopped, looking away with a weary expression.

I gazed at her with a questioning glare."...About what?"

She opened her mouth to say something when Mr. Shrub beat her to it. "Alright, ladies I'm gonna have to separate you."

Veronica and I both looked at him stunned. "Evers you go with Haim.." He began as he pointed to Haim who waved and had a look of excitement plastered all over his face that she just so happens to be partnered with him. The irony. A small smile made its way onto her face as she went to go stand by Haim.

"West you go with Feldman.." Mr. Shrub finished as he pointed to Feldman who had a shocked look in his eyes as he froze. What is he so worried about?

I rolled my eyes at Mr. Shrub and trudged my way over to stand by Feldman. I mean it's probably a good thing, he and I could tease Veronica and Haim so maybe this wasn't so bad after all?




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