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This is a pretty long chapter, the next chapter is a continuation of this.

Veronica's pov

As Lux parked her car in the parking lot we already saw Bender waiting by the entrance of the carnival smoking a cigarette. Oh great, loudmouth is already here. I saw Lux quickly take her key out the ignition and run out over to him.

Haim, Feldman, and I all got out of the car after her, but of course, Feldman upon seeing Lux over there all up on Bender made him snicker. As the six of us made it over to where Lux and Bender were, I saw her wait till we all approached, and then gave Bender a sloppy kiss in front of us. I heard Feldman snicker again. Is she trying to gross us out? What is the purpose of this? I rolled my eyes, not wanting to see any more of that.

We all made it into the carnival, it was filled with teenagers and kids running around. We all decided it was good to go on the carousel first, which was great. I needed to talk to Lux anyway privately. I grabbed her hand and made her face me.

 Did she roll her eyes, why? I don't know. "What?" she asked me in a petty tone, oh great. She's mad at me! I gotta let her know nothing was happening, but how?

I let out a sigh. "Sit with me on the carousel, please? I need to tell you something" I pleaded.

She lightly laughed and nodded. "Alright, Bender probably doesn't wanna go on this one anyway," she stated and walked with me. I was hoping she wasn't mad and that it actually was all in my head

We headed to the carousel, Lux and I sitting together, Andie and Blaine sitting next to us, Feldman and Haim were behind us. Duckie was in one of the seats behind us by himself, I smiled slightly at him. We both made eye contact, Duckie flashing me a bright smile and sending a wink my way. I bashfully smiled and turned away blushing, looking back at Lux who snickered at me.

I glared at her. "What?" I whined as she laughed louder at my question.

Lux stopped laughing for a second. "Which one do you plan on riding today?" She asked, raising her eyebrows suggestively.

Oh my god, she didn't just say that. My eyes widened as my face turned bright red, I tried to say something back at her, but all that came out was a squeak. Lux laughed at me as I buried my head into my hands, why'd she gotta embarrass me like that?

Lux pinched me in the arm as the ride started. "What did you wanna talk about?" She questioned as I glanced at her. Okay, here I go.

I sighed. "It's about what Feldman and I were talking about in the car." I paused for a second as she perked up. "But first, promise me you aren't mad at me?" I was hoping she wasn't and that she'd understand what I was saying.

Lux glanced at me, her full attention on me and what I was saying. "I'm not mad, don't worry. Just tell me what it is" She stated firmly as I let out a sigh of relief. Good, she wasn't mad at me!

I looked at her. "Feldman was giving me advice on how to get closer to Haim," I confessed. "I asked him for help because of course, I trust your opinion but he's his best friend, so I figured it would help me be less confused." I finished.

Her gaze was at her hands that were holding the pole. She had a look of guilt and confusion. "..That's all?.." She asked not looking up at me.

I let out a shaky breath. "Yes, that's all," I responded, that wasn't entirely the truth but I couldn't tell her...not now anyway.

Lux stayed quiet for a moment. "...Do you like him?" She asked in a very quiet voice finally gazing up at me.

I was taken back by that. Does she seriously think that? "Of course not. He's like my brother!" I answered. She only nodded understanding, but this only made me more curious. "..Why do you ask?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

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