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A/N: Just a small disclaimer!! This chapter has curses and not so nice behavior between some characters towards the end! It will also be in two parts! 

Lux's pov

We all finished the clown game which I assumed was fun, I wasn't really paying attention so. We all decided to head to the bumper cars which I know will be fun, I absolutely love the bumper cars and I'm pretty damn good. All eight of us each sat in our own car, even Bender.

As the operator sounded the alarm to start I was off, trying to find which person to bump first. In front of me, I noticed Duckie hit a wall, causing him to get stuck as he struggled to get out of this cramped spot. I passed by him laughing as I went since he makes everything dramatic anyways so that was fun for me.

I noticed Haim trying to catch up to Veronica and he was coming up pretty fast as he T- boned her which was absolutely hilarious to me, causing me to tease them as I passed them by. My main goal was to try and get Bender just to see his reaction to it but before I could get to him I felt a huge bump to the back, startling me.

I turned around thinking it was Veronica but was startled to find it was Feldman. He gave me a sinister smirk and I glared back at him in response to ruining my momentum. I quickly tried to speed off when his car blocked me off again, stopping me from being able to move my car. I was getting miffed now as he only laughed at my fatal attempt to get out of his car pinning mine to the wall.

I backed up my car and tried my hardest to get away from him. "Why are you always bothering me?!" I exclaimed while trying to hold in my laughter.

As I faced my direction back forward I didn't realize Veronica was heading straight for me and before I could turn around we hit head-on causing a big thud to be heard just as the ride ended.

Veronica and I were cracking up at the stupidity of us both making a hard head-on collision. We all left the bumper cars in a fit of laughter.

Veronica was walking with Duckie while I was walking with Bender, the two Coreys together and Andie and Blaine together. We were all heading to the mind scrambler as it's one of my favorite rides and I haven't been on in forever.

Bender glanced down at me with a coy smile. "Darling, come on the mind scrambler with me." He ordered as he kept a firm grip around my waist.

I glanced up at him trying not to show my silly smile when he called me that. He never calls me something that sweet, it's really rare so I take it when I can. I didn't answer. I only stood on my tippy toes to try and give him a kiss on the cheek but he only moved his neck away from me playfully. I did a quick jump and got his neck anyway.

All eight of us went on the ride together, Andie and Blaine on one booth, both the Corey's on the other next to them, then Veronica and Duckie in the last of that section. Bender and I were in the next section over, but when we passed them we all should be able to see each other so it does work out to our advantage.

The ride starts as were all pushed and tossed in the small booth not being able to stop laughing. Since this is a fast ride I noticed Veronica cling to Duckie around his waist for dear life, as she scurries away from the velocity of the ride. Meanwhile, the Corey's were laughing cracking jokes at each other.

All of us seemed to be finally enjoying ourselves, even Bender who's been in a funk all day and hasn't wanted to participate in anything. But I'm glad he's finally enjoying himself, for once.

We all got off the ride all dizzy and disoriented, as Veronica still clings to Duckie trying to regain composure from being on the dizzy ride. We all made our way to a small coster that looks like it could break your neck with every turn it makes.

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