Chapter Ten: Sacrifice

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Squidward's POV:

The Apocalypse has been going on for a couple of hours now and (Y/N) has gone missing. I went to her house but she wasn't there plus, it was destroyed along with mine. I couldn't find her in the Krusty Krab, around town, or anywhere. Mr. Krabs suddenly called my name, asking where I had been. I explained that I'd been trying to find (Y/N) but she had gone missing. Mr. Krabs told me to check the janitor's closet as he wouldn't be surprised if she was hiding there. I ran to the Krusty Krab again and, when I arrived at the Janitor's closet, I heard soft sobbing. I opened the door to see (Y/N) sitting in the corner of the cramped room. She looked up at me with red, puffy eyes.

"Oh, (Y/N), your trust in us must be lower than low now," I said crouching in front of her.

(Y/N) nodded and took out her whiteboard that already had something written on it.

'I'm scared,' she told me.

"(Y/N), I won't leave your side, I promise. I hate seeing you so scared," I said wiping her tears with my thumb.

I sat next to her and gave her a hug to tell her she was safe with me. (Y/N) cuddled closer to me and silently cried. I gently rubbed her arm to try to calm her down but when we heard an explosion, (Y/N) whimpered and hugged me back. I sang the song she sang to me after the crane incident which helped her calm down. Night fell quickly and I told (Y/N) to get some sleep so I helped her take her cloak off to use as a blanket and let her lay on my lap.

 Night fell quickly and I told (Y/N) to get some sleep so I helped her take her cloak off to use as a blanket and let her lay on my lap

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Mr. Krabs burst into the room the next day yelling at us to wake up and get back to work. (Y/N) got off my lap and put her cloak back on and put her hood up. (Y/N) put her hand out for me to take so I did and realised my legs were asleep. All four. (Y/N) helped me to the cash register and sat with me. Hours passed and everyone was desperate for Patties but (Y/N) and I weren't paying attention. We were reading a book together. Patrick tried asking for more Krabby Patties but I told him we still didn't have any. I saw Patrick lick the picture of a Krabby Patty before holding it up asking if anyone had a picture of ketchup. Moron. Sandy burst into the Krusty Krab dressed in brown ripped-up clothing.

"I done figured it out!" Sandy told us making everyone gasp, "we have angered the sandwich Gods and only a sacrifice will appease them! Soon, our post-apoca-whatchamacallit will be over and Krabby Patties will rain down from above!"

"Rain down?" Mr Krabs asked, "well that's no good! How will I get me money?!"

"Oh, you don't like that idea?" Someone asked, "Then we'll sacrifice you!"

The crowd picked up me, Mr. Krabs, and (Y/N) and carried us to the exit when a photo booth appeared. Spongebob pulled back the curtain to reveal him and Plankton.

"It's not a good idea to have a sacrifice on an empty stomach," Spongebob said holding up the formula, "who wants a Krabby Patty?"

Everyone cheered and put us down. (Y/N) came closer to me most likely still unsure about this crowd.

"Spongebob, is that me formuler? Oh, happy day," Mr. Krabs took the bottle and kissed it, "I've missed you so much. Where was it? Where'd you find it?"

"Well, Plankton and I built a time machine out of an old photo booth and then we added--"

Patrick used the photo booth and he suddenly disappeared before Spongebob could stop him. 

"It's okay, everyone. The post-apocalypse is almost over! Ain't that right Spongebob?" Mr. Krabs asked.

Plankton and Spongebob high-fived while Mr. Krabs read the formula aloud, "Eugene, eat my sub-aquatic air bubbles! Love, Plankton!" He looked at the two angry.

"You grabbed the wrong bottle!" Plankton told Spongebob shocked.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Krabs!" Spongebob apologised.

"That's okay, Spongebob," Mr. Krabs said, "we'll have to sacrifice the two of you then! Prepare them for the sacrifice!"

The time machine returned and Patrick walked out, "I bring a message from the dawn of time!"

"What is it, Patrick?" Spongebob asked.

"Run!" Patrick exclaims as a Squdasaurus Rex burst out of the time machine.

The Squidasaurus Rex wreaked the Krusty Krab as we all ran from it. (Y/N) grabbed my hand trying to stay with me. The Squidasaurus Rex picked up Mr. Krabs and was about to eat him when we heard Plankton yell, "this is all your fault!" We all paused and gasped.

"My fault?!" Spongebob asked.

"You're the one who stole the wrong secret formula!" Plankton told him.

"I didn't know there were two bottles!"

"Of course, you didn't! 'Cause you have cotton candy for brains!" Plankton said making everyone go 'ooh', "no, seriously, he really does."

"Well, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if you weren't so selfish and evil!" 

"I was selfish and evil until you ruined everything with your teamwork!"

Spongebob gasped, "you take that back!"


Spongebob broke down in a screaming fit and kicked over a garbage can. Everyone gasped again when he dumped out the recycling and mixed it with the garbage. He held up two handfuls of goo from the mess he made and screamed loudly. He breathed heavily and regained his senses.

"Look at me. Why I've become like all of you. Savage. Fear-ridden. Selfish," Spongebob said, "an entire town of formerly good citizens, turned into heartless freaks, bent on their own self-prever... self-prever..."

"Preservation?" Someone completed for him.

"Yes! We've become alienated from each other. Each one an island unto himself, concerned only with ourselves. And in the name of all fishhood, I am not about to let that happen!" Spongebob tore a piece of someone's shirt off, tied it around his head, and stood on the broken cash register, "and so, if a sacrifice is needed to restore Bikini Bottom to its former glory then I am willing to take one for the team!"

Everyone watched Spongebob with solemn expressions and one fish took his hat off respectfully.

"You heard him!" I said happily.

Anything to get rid of Spongebob. The crowd picked him up and took him to the tower that was made for the sacrifice. We chained Spongebob to a platform under a giant rock. Everyone below was chanting 'sacrifice' and (Y/N) was looking really uncomfortable. Time for the sacrifice to begin. Spongebob started to sniff around. Mr. Krabs told him not to cry and that everything was going to be fine. For us.

Spongebob explained that he wasn't crying but he could smell Krabby Patties. Mr. Krabs told me to do the sacrifice so I put on an executioner mask and sliced the rope holding the rock. The rock fell on Spongebob and Mr. Krabs who lifted the rock up and sniffed the air. Spongebob was right. Mr. Krabs threw the rock off of him and told Spongebob to go get it while tearing off his apocalyptic outfit revealing his normal attire.

Wait. Do you mean we can just take this stuff off? I tore my outfit off to reveal my normal attire. Mr. Krabs threw Spongebob off the tower and told him to go and get the Krabby Patty. Spongebob bounced off the tower and ran in front of the crowd. (Y/N) ripped off her outfit and we followed Spongebob as he sniffed out the smell of Patties. We followed Spongebob through a shipwreck, a winter forest, upside down, the moon, rode on an eagle which I was terrified of, and up a hill.

"Come on, guys! I think it's just over this hill!" Spongebob told us as we climbed up the mountain.

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