Chapter Twenty-Six: When the going gets tough

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Everyone heard a wailing siren and the Mayor told all citizens to report to the town square. All the citizens gathered in front of the Mayor who was standing on a tall platform.

"Ladies and gentlefish, we only have until sundown tomorrow. But I will lead us through this crisis by setting meetings to encourage dialogue about drafting proposals for eventual action."

"So... we're doomed," Squidward summed up.

"I'm scared! We need someone to save us," a sardine said making weird hand gestures.

"We need to find whoever's to blame for all this," Old Man Jenkins said.

"Does anyone have an actual plan to propose?" The Mayor asked.

"Ooh, ooh, I do!" Patrick said raising his hand enthusiastically, "call on me! Me, me, me, me!"

"Yes, enthusiastic sea star?"

"If we all close our eyes, maybe nothing will happen."

"So... deep!" Two sardines said before walking away excitedly.

"No, it's not! It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," Squidward said.

"Hooray! Wait..."

"I've got it! We can find a way to halt the exponential increase of pyroclastic flow in the subterranean magma chamber," Sandy said.

"Yeah, what she said! La-la-la-laaa!" Spongebob paused for a second, "what did she say?"

Sandy chuckled, "science, Y'all. That's the answer!"

Time froze except for Plankton and Karen.

"I have a new scheme, Karen, my best one yet. But, for it to work, I need them to stay scared," Plankton told his wife.

"What are you talking about? The end is coming! This is no time for one of your schemes."

"Oh, yes, it is. What you said was true; it would take too long to hypnotize each of them into loving my Chum Burgers. But when fish are scared, they school together. If I can get them all in one place where there's nowhere to run, I can hypnotize them in bulk. First, though, I need to shut down that squirrel," Plankton cleared his throat and unfroze time, "excuse me."

"Yes? Oh, speak up tiny citizen," the Mayor said.

Plankton grumbled in anger while the people of Bikini Bottom chuckled, "do any of you actually believe that science can save us?" Everyone agreed among themselves, "oh, come on! Next, she'll tell us tidal warming is real."

"I've been studyin' Bikini Bottom for years now. If you just trust me-"

"Why should we trust you? You're not even from here."

"Yeah, you're a land mammal and so are you Miss Silent," Old Man Jenkins said.

"Leave (Y/N) out of this! It's not like she asked to be here in the first place," Squidward defended for (Y/N), putting his hands on her shoulders rather protectively but quickly took them off when he realized what he was doing.

"Since when does that matter?" Sandy asked Old Man Jenkins.

"Things are different now. Our town is under attack," Jenkins told her.

"You know what they say, folks: when the going gets tough..." Plankton was going to continue but he was interrupted.

"The tough..." Fred twirled around and ended with a flourish, "...get going!"

Everyone applauded but Plankton was having none of it, "no! The tough get lost."

Everyone looked at each other confused and Plankton froze time again.

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