Chapter Twenty-Seven: Tomorrow is

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After (Y/N) wrote random things on the piece of paper, they put it on a clipboard and headed to the Bandshell to sort everything out.

"Alright, we gotta get this concert organized. The drum kit will go here," Squidward pointed to his left and the sound guy made a drum sound, "the confetti cannon there," he pointed near where the drum kit would be and motioned to the sound guy hoping for a sound but didn't get one, "oh," a confetti explosion went off and Squidward looked annoyed, "oh, and posters, of course. 'The Electric Skates. With very special guests: Squidward Q. Tentacles and (Y/N) (L/N)!'" He gasped and put a hand over his heart with a wide smile.

"Oh, I can still remember that night; my third-grade talent show. All the other fish calling me 'Loser! Loser! Loser!' To this day, whenever I hear that word, something inside me just snaps," Squidward straightened his posture and the sound guy made a snapping sound, "but you got me through it, Mama," he sent a flying kiss to her, "you told me someday I'd play the Bikini Bottom Bandshell. Well, before time runs out, I will prove you right! I'm a pretty squid, Mama... and I'm gonna show 'em what I got! Hit it!"

(Y/N) climbed into the orchestra pit and conducted, 'oh, look out world...' Spongebob, Patrick, and Sandy came in interrupting Squidward. (Y/N) climbed out of the orchestra pit and sat on the edge.

"Hey, Squidward, (Y/N), good news. We're going to save Bikini Bottom," Spongebob told them.

Plankton came in with Karen, "what are you talking about? Explain yourself, rhombus slacks."

"Sandy is going to build an ingenious bubble device to stop the volcano. Then all we have to do is climb to the top of Mount Humongous and drop it in." 

Squidward looked at Spongebob in disbelief and laughed in his face and Spongebob joined in, "you're kidding right? Nobody," he pointed at Spongebob, "has ever seen reached the top," he pointed to Mount Humongous, "alive."

The two looked at Mount Humongous in fear but Spongebob was slightly confused, "when you say nobody, do you mean that as a  figure of speech or...?"

"I mean nobody ever, period, full stop, exclamation point."

Spongebob gulped while Squidward snickered and left. (Y/N) disappeared into the orchestra pit.

"Don't worry, buddy, we can do it." Patrick told Spongebob, "I'll be with you the whole way, no matter what."

Plankton stopped time, "that sponge is the greatest threat to my plot. If somehow they do manage to climb that mountain..."

"We have to make sure they don't live long enough to reach the top," Karen said

"I like how you're thinking, Karen. And you know what, I'm so glad you want to scheme with me again. It's just like the old days."

Karen celebrated and her screen showed a fireplace, "I guess it took a little apocalypse to... spice things up."

Plankton and Karen left unfreezing time.

"We got this, boys. Come tomorrow, we'll be on that mountain like a smoked sausage on a hickory grill," Sandy told the boys.

The trio heard something in the distance. They soon found out it was a group of sardines wearing pink hats, green jumpers with pink sleeves and a star in the middle, and long green dresses.

(A/N: I couldn't find the lyrics so the song is at the start of the chapter.)

Patrick and the sardines started to leave but Spongebob tried to stop them, "no! No, no, no, no, no!" Patrick stopped with some of the sardines that were holding his robe, "you can't leave! We have a mountain to climb."

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