Chapter Thirty-Eight: Reunion

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Rose is now three years old. A beautiful little girl she's become and she's going to start nursery soon but, right now, she is chasing me in the back garden. We were playing catch while (Y/N) was watching with a smile on her face. She tagged me and started running away. I ran after her and quickly caught up with her, scooping her up in my arms.

"Papa, look, he's flying!"


I looked over to where Rose was pointing to see a dolphin wearing a short blue cape, indeed, flying. Wait a minute!

"Bubbles?" I asked.

"Hello again," Bubbles said.

"Bubbles, what are you doing here?" (Y/N) asked.

"I have come to help you with your in..." Bubbles clicked for a second, "...investigation."

"What investigation?" I asked looking at (Y/N) confused.

"Squidward, remember when we met Burger Beard and we became superheroes and you got your abs?" I nodded, "I went onto his ship with Spongebob and Patrick and fought him but, by the end of the fight, he told me he knew my real father. After Plankton took care of Burger Beard a bit, I sneaked into his ship to see if he was lying or telling the truth. He was telling the truth but I don't know where my father is."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"At the time I refused to speak and, besides, I felt it didn't matter."

"I can take you to him," Bubbles said, "all three of you."

"Mama, who is he talking about?" Rose asked.

"Your granddad," (Y/N) replied.

"Can we go see him, please?" Rose begged.

I was actually curious as to who her real dad was so I said we should go. (Y/N) agreed and we climbed into Bubbles' mouth just like last time and took us to the surface. He took us somewhere that wasn't too populated with people so all this didn't look too strange. Bubbles told us that we were on our own from here. He gave us Patchy's house number and street name. Before he left, he informed me that he made me look more human to blend in. Bubbles left and I had a look at myself.

My extra legs were gone, a lot of my hair was gone and I was now wearing glasses. I asked if my hair was the same colour but (Y/N) told me it was now black. I decided to ignore my new look for the moment and we started searching for this Patchy. When we found the house, we knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Turns out Patchy is a pirate. (Y/N) apologised for bothering him and asked if we could come in as Rose needed the bathroom. Patchy let us in understanding. I went with Rose and (Y/N) stayed with Patchy.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Thank you, sir," I said once Squidward and Rose left.

"Not a problem. I had a little girl once so I fully understand," Patchy said.

I looked at the pictures of us on the side to see I was only zero to three in all of them.

"Is this your kid?" I asked.

"Aye, (Y/N) her name was," Patchy told me.


"She died when she was three about two years after her mother died."

"Rose is three years old."

"Might I ask your name, Mrs?"

"Your daughter and I have the same name."

"Oh! Well, isn't that convenient."

I stayed quiet for a moment, "if (Y/N) were alive and, say, standing right in front of you, what would you do?"

"Probably hug her out of pure joy. Why?" He asked.

I went silent again. How do I explain to him I'm his supposedly dead daughter?

"Can... can I tell you something without you thinking I'm crazy?" I asked.

"Go on..."

"... I am your daughter... I was saved the night I fell overboard by two superheroes called Mermaid-man and Barnacle-Boy. I wanted to return to you but, instead, I was given to a family of fish."

Patchy just stared at me and took in my features. I know from looking at the picture back at home that I resembled my mother a lot. Patchy probably realized that and he did exactly what he said he'd do. He hugged me like I'd disappear if he let go. I hugged him back, finally happy to meet him. 

"I can't believe you're alive!" Patchy said letting go of me.

"I can't believe I found you!"

"Wait... so is Rose me granddaughter?"

I nodded as Rose and Squidward entered the room. I introduced everyone and, with help from Bubbles, all four of us returned to Bikini Bottom. Patchy and I had a father and daughter day and caught up with things.

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