Chapter Thirteen: Plank-Ton

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I looked at Burger Beards ship to see it being held up by Plankton. He looked different though. He was shirtless with blue speedos, and blue boots. He was giant and super buff.

"Plankton?" Spongebob asked surprised.

"It's Plank-Ton!" Plankton corrected.

Plankton shook the ship in the air side to side telling Burger Beard to come down but he must have hidden inside. Plankton threw the ship in the air, caught it, and spun it on his finger like a basketball. He eventually stopped and put his head in the porthole of the ship. But Plankton suddenly threw the ship holding his eye both crashing onto the street. Burger Beard climbed out of his half-destroyed ship and ran off. I wanted to run after him but my curiosity got the better of me. Does Burger Beard really know my real dad? I climbed up the ship that was now lying on its side and managed to get into the Captain's cabin.

The place was a mess but something that caught my eye was a picture of two men, a woman, and a baby girl. One of the men I quickly recognized as Burger Beard, the other wore a white sailors shirt with a frilly tie, a dark purple Captain's coat, an eye patch on his right eye, a hook on his left hand, a long brown beard, and a pirate hat. The woman had (M/H/L), (M/H/C), (M/E/C), (M/S/C) and wore (inserted what your mum wears). The baby had my skin, hair, and eye color. Are these two people my parents? I took the photo and looked over a few papers until two caught my eye. I didn't have time to read them over so I put them in the picture frame and exited the cabin. I ran to the seashore with everyone else but no Burger Beard.

"Can we do hands in the middle again?" Patrick asked.

"Yes, we can, Patrick. But this time there's one more hand to go in the middle," Spongebob said motioning to Plankton.

We all put our hands in the middle expect, "Plankton?"

Plankton gazed at the formula in his hand and Mr. Krabs sounded worried but Plankton handed the formula back to him.

"Here you go, Krabs. She's all yours," Plankton said.

"This doesn't have another insulting note in it, does it?" Mr. Krabs asked taking the formula.

"No, that's the old me. The one who turned his back on everything important just to have that formula all to himself. But I realize now that keeping something to himself is..." he hesitated, "...selfish."

"Especially when that something is the Krabby Patty. Okay, everybody, let's get back to Bikini Bottom and..." Spongebob went to grab the page but he didn't have it, "oh, no! I don't have the page! It must be back on Pelican Island!"

"Don't worry. I thought of everything," Plankton said taking the page from somewhere and giving it to Spongebob, "alright, Spongebob, take us home."

"Thanks," Spongebob said taking the page and turned to see Squidward flexing, "Squidward!"

Squidward was loving his new look way too much. Granted, he was looking fine but, again, he was enjoying the look way too much.

"Come on, it's time to go back and open the Krusty Krab!" Spongebob told him.

"Are you out of your patty-flipping mind?" Squidward asked, "I'll never leave this place! I mean, look at me. I'm a god!"

"No, Squidward, you're a cashier," Spongebob told him writing on the page.

Squidward was the first to disappear before we did and arrived back at the Krusty Krab. Nothing was destroyed anymore. Everything was back to normal. Everyone was back in their normal outfits except for me. But Squidward was still upset at the fact that he was just his old self again.

"Don't be sad, Squidward," Spongebob told him, "I left you a little surprise under your shirt!"

Squidward lifted his shirt to reveal, "rock-hard abs!" He put his shirt back down and playfully punched Spongebob's arm, "aw, Spongebob, you're okay in my book."

"Aw, shucks."

"Excuse us!" Someone said, "we'd like 3,000 Krabby Patties please!"

Everything was back to normal. People were eating Krabby Patties, Spongebob was back in the kitchen, Squidward still wasn't enjoying his job and Plankton was plotting new ways to steal the secret formula. At the end of the day, we went back to our rebuilt homes and I finally had time to read the letters that were sent to Burger Beard. One of them was dated two years before the other one so I read the one first.

Dear Burger Beard,

'Twas an honor to see ya a few months ago old friend but, I'm afraid I have terrible news. My wife, (M/N), has recently died due to illness while at sea. Now I have to look after me dear baby daughter on my own. Hope all goes well.

Yours truly, Patchy the Pirate.

Is Patchy that man in the photo? Strange name but, who's the daughter? Maybe the next letter will explain.

Dear Burger Beard,

Not only have I lost me wife, I've now lost me precious 3-year-old daughter! She fell overboard during a storm we were sailing in. I told her to stay in the Captain's cabin but she didn't listen. I tried to reach her before she fell but it was too late. Oh, what am I to do now? You know where to find me to talk more.

Patchy the Pirate.

Only Burger Beard will know where that is. So, maybe Patchy is my dad. He lost his daughter the same way I disappeared nineteen years ago. I need to know where he is. I could go search for him but that would take a long time to search every island in the whole world just to find one man who I'm currently assuming is my father. I decided to let my mind rest from all this so I put the letters in my bedside table drawer and put the picture on top after cutting Burger Beard out of the picture. Literally. I got dressed in my (F/C) pajamas and went to bed.

(A/N: another day, another writer's block. Here are two videos to make up for the short chapter)

(My YouTube channel)

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