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*On Camera*

Logan:Welcome back to impaulsive the number one podcast in the world do me a favor put your f**kin headphones on

Spencer:yea what are you doing

Logan:stop going out the night before a podcast

Mike:we podcast everyday 

He laughed off

Logan:If you guys aren't subscribed go listen to the podcast on spotify, itunes we do audio only and its extended q&a after the podcast is over so yeah hit that subscribe button we got a dope a** guest today um we're joking mike we love you 

Mike:I love you

Logan:We enjoy having you on this set even if you are hung over

Mike:You look like aaron carter or slim shady heada**

Logan:I know I'm a toe head he went lighter than I thought he would

Mike:You look like jake pauls less good looking brother

Logan:*laughs* we'll uh cut it there we wanna introduce our guest uh ladies and gentleman she's got 429 million followers on social media she's a boss a badass its Keisha Love

I walked on and they clapped and I sat down and put the headphones on

Me:*smiles* whats up

Logan:So speaking of aaron carter you tweeted at him after he tried to come for uh for colson lets see this tweet

He pulled it up on the screen

Logan:Can you read this

Me:*smiles* lol cause he doesn't care to hang with you and your embarrssing crew of youtube groupies. Home alone with his best friends like a respectful king cause he has me, sweetie. Unbothered by your irrelevant ugly a**. Go to bed

Mike:You roasted him 

Spencer:more like threw him in a burning building

Logan:You really went in tell me what led up to this cause they've had beef in the past right?

Me:Well no it was aaron just trying to revive his career

Mike:*smiles* Oh my god

We all laughed

Me:*smiles* Um he was offended because cols didn't f**k with him at a party

Logan:You often come for people and you go hard if they mess with him tell me about that

Me:I'm just very territorial

Mike:*smiles* Side note your like very different in person

Me:*smiles* am I?

Mike:You seem very uh rugged online and your just so sweet in personal

Me:*smiles* Thank you

Logan:Also you have a baby

Me:*smiles* I do but he's not a baby he's a toddler

He pulled a picture up on the screen and I smiled. 

Me:*Smiles* that's my bubs

Mike:Adorable kid 

Logan:but uh you look amazing

Me:thank you

Logan:can we- wait colson bro cool if we like look at her


(he said from off camera)

Logan:Okay cause I'm not *laughs* tryna catch hands um can you stand up for us

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