3. Agartha : my Special Notes and Plans

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March 20th, 2020

Now, I made a lot of theories but, I need only one to believe in. Well I'm not sure if all of these are correct, but if guessed that one of these theories are correct, were in business. Well first of all, I need to determine which is the location that the dragons went, I searched for 6 straight hours about it and still, I still found nothing. I got some coordinates, but there are no hard evidences about it.

'How do I figure this out, arrgghhh! I will find those dragons I promise. I will!'

Then I search again for another 3 straight hours, well I got one information : Agartha

'I knew this word before, But I am not familiar in it, I wrote this one on my note. Now I know it!! Heh, I still doubt it, Let me search more!'

As I searched more about Agartha, I compiled more and more informations about it, the map, the directions, the different ways on how to go there.

'Yeah, well I need a plan about it, and I need to be very, very precise for this, one wrong move could cause a great accident, so I should be really careful planning about this, hence I will succeed. I highly doubt it of course.'

Then after my 9 hour-straight search, I got my wholesome information about Agartha

"Yes for thor! I'm finally finished", I exclaimed with a little grin on my face

So yeah, I got a ton of information which tells about Agartha

Here are some infos :

1. There are 7 major entrances to Agartha according to my opinion :

-Kentucky Mammoth Cave

This cavern is 681.1 kilometers long, well it has so many minor caverns connected to the major cavern. Some parts are not yet explored, they say that the other parts that are unexplored leads to Agartha, for example for this statement is:

"At Mammoth Cave, Captain Symmes' theory provided guides the opportunity to use his popularity to their advantage while also sparking the imagination of their guests in the same way that they had with their other ominously-named feature. For those who doubted Symmes' theory, it may have also provided them with the chance to have some fun at the expense of the ridiculed scientist. Symmes' Pit Branch was a tall camyon half a mile in length, that terminated at a large dry pit thatgave the passage its name. Symmes' Pit was described by both Edmund Lee in 1835 said Robert Montgomery Bird in 1838. Bird described the pit being similar to lion-spider's trap and warned visitors to stepping to close too close to the dangerous pit with unknown depth. Despite the laugh visitors may have had at the unbelievable nature of Symmes' theory, a warning from their guide and from well-known figures like Robert Bird may have also kept them wondering. Where did that pit lead"

2. Himalayas mountains

This mountain has also an entrance to Agartha, said to be guarded by monks

3. Mt Shasta, California, US

The Agarthean City of Telos is supposedly found beneath this mountain

4.Mato Grosso, Brazil

The city of Posid supposedly lies between this plain

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