41. The Sail Preparation (Part 2)

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Me and Dusty woke up on the next sunny morning, we prepared ourselves and our money for the rent. We left the things first in the inn where we would find a boat nearby. Sept-Iles was near a body of water which we will have no problem travelling towards the Arctic, we would cross the Gulf of St. Lawrence towards Scoresby Sund in Greenland. Which would take us 18 hours to get there from Sept-Iles. On the other hand, Dusty and I are 910 meters away from the coastline so we could take a cab going to it. We waited outside for a local cab, while we think about the boat we will use...

"By the way Den, what type of boat we will use?", Dusty questioned me, he looked confused. Dusty shielded his eyes from the sun by his hand, looking at me

"We need a engine type boat, but we need to buy some gas for our return trip back here", I implied

"But we can take a sailboat, powered by wind, there will be no gas and engine issues. That will be a hundred percent natural", Dusty commented

"I do agree with that, but we need to go faster. The engine will do that, so we will take the engine", I said, as I raised my voice a little higher, I glared a little bit at Dusty and looked at me back

"Okay, okay Den, let's take the engine type. But do not blame if we had a problem on sea", Dusty sighed in defeat, as he rolled his eyes away from me. 

After several minutes of waiting, a cab was going towards us, Dusty raised his arm  in order to get the attention of the driver, then the cab finally stopped in front of us. We rode inside and told the driver where we are going. The total ride time from the inn towards the coastline is only five minutes. When we arrived a particular boat club, we stopped and finally stepped out. The boat club was being constructed on the shoreline. We went inside the boat rent which is moderate in size, we approached for the clerk and asked for the boat rents.

The clerk faced towards us and greeted, "Good morning, welcome to the Sept-Iles boat club, what we could do for you?", the clerk asked in a light and calm tone and smiled on both of us. I nodded in

"Good morning, where is your boat rents?", I asked the clerk back

"Take the corridor in the left and go the last door", the clerk motioned

"Thank you", we nodded in a thankful way and started to walk towards the hallway on our left side. There were a lot of doors on our sides, until we reached the last door. We stopped for a second and checked the tag on the door, it says 'Rent Department'. So this should be it, we knocked a little louder at the door, then we heard a voice inside

"Come in!", the voice said behind the doors, as we opened the door gently and peeked for a moment. After several seconds, me and Dusty finally entered the room, we saw a man sitting behind his desk. The room was quite small but can be livable by a single person, we saw cabinets on our right side, probably his paper works. the other sides were not walls or certain cement wall or other, instead it was a glass, a fiber glass to be exact. Which over views the sea outsides, we walked towards the front of the man and froze for a moment.

"Sit down, please", the man insisted, as we finally sat down to the chairs in front of his desk, the man places his both hands on his desk vertically, the fingers of the both hands were touched, the man faced us and took a sharp breath

"Good morning gentlemen, what could I offer you?", the man asked

"Good morning too, we are here renting for a engine type boat. How much could that be?", I leaned forward a little and spoke

"Engine type? There are some tug boats, Trawler, motorboats and yachts in the area", he cited some boats, as he bought some pictures form his desk drawer and showed it to us. The pictures were on his desk, he slides pictures to the sides

Me and Dusty thought for the type of boat that we will rent for a minute and finally made a choice, "What do you think bud?", I asked Dusty

Dusty fell silent for a few seconds thinking, "I could go for a Tug one", Dusty looked at the man, he nodded a little as he looked at me and raised an eyebrow

I looked at the man again and said, "Okay, we will go for the Tug Boat", I declared, as he finally put back the pictures to his desk drawer, as he began to total the amount of payment that we would give him, he mumbled for a minute using his calculator on the left side of his desk

"Okay, that has a total amount of  4950 Canadian Dollars. The Tug, the amount of gassoline inserted and the extra cans of gas in the Tug", He implied (if you're using US dollars, I assume that a one American Dollar will worth 1.43 Canadian Dollars when converted), a I gave him the money and stood up, we shook hands,said thank you and finally walked out of the place, we waited for another cab to take us back on the inn

"So, you just spent almost 4400 American dollars for a single rent of a Tug type boat?", Dusty snorted

"Yes, well it's not my money. Nafie gave it to me", I answered back

"Okay, you should get a cab now to go back to the inn, I'm hungry", Dusty replied, as a cab finally arrives and we went back to our apartment

 10 minutes later, we finally arrived back to the inn and ate our morning supper, we would discuss the preparation later on the evening. So we gathered the things that we would need for the observation.

--11 hours later--

It was seven o'clock in the evening, we were eating our dinner while discussing our action in going to the Arctic, we are facing each other, the things needed are on the closet of our room. Which is be tested tomorrow. Dusty broke the silence while we are eating our dinner

"So, how would we do it?", Dusty asked me, as he took another bite of his food

"I assume that if we arrive the Arctic, the weather condition there would be just calm. So we will take the action tomorrow before afternoon, then we would stop over Scoresby Sund to get more supplies, then a 12 hour trip towards the Arctic, then a rest for another 10 hours. I estimate that we will arrive in the afternoon day after tomorrow, which would be the warmest of the day. Then we would make a camp a thousand meters away from the base. The observation would be two days, to maximize the accuracy of our plan. We would observe the shifts, the timestamps of movements of the troops on the base. Then after it, we would return here and go back to the States. Which where we would make our plan.", I finished, as I took another bite from my food and drunk my glass of water beside my plate. Dusty nodded seriously

"So, we should check and prepare the things that we'll need tomorrow?", Dusty asked firmly

"Yes, tomorrow", I said,as I finally put my plate and glass on the sink, Dusty followed. As we brushed our teeth and finally went to bed

"Good night buddy", Dusty whispered, as he lied down to his bed

"Good night too", I said back, as I did same with Dusty. We finally closed our eyes shut and slept. We are going to be busy tomorrow

A big day tomorrow is happening, stay tuned dear readers!

Dennis out!

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