74. Captured (Part 2)

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(If you are not familiar by the photo above, it's a cover from a book that I adore by Nickdabeast03 - Dragons Soul Book 2 : Dragons Fire, please check it out and the other books of the Dragons Soul Book series, I beg you😁😁)

[Nickdabeast03 Forever!]

-Dusty's POV-

We finally saw their faces, being terrified at them. We all looked around as they all circled our area, our hearts thumped in horror as we all looked at them, assuming that they would kill us on spot. As we saw them, I tried to recall what I have saw, they were all men but they are also six feet in height. They were all like the same man because they are all exactly looked the same (Like The Secret Service), they also wore some kind of a blue suit that some agents use.

They all had their earpieces on their ears which means they also had communications of each other. Then, we  heard a loud interference on our earpiece, it was so loud that we really need to remove it immediately. We reached our hands on our ears and quickly removed it from our ears, only leaving it hanging on our shoulders. Maybe they knew our location and also knew that we had our coms, so they decided to jam the signal on our place except for the men they sent.

We stared at the men around our perimeter, about 50 yards away and closing. They all had their own guns raised on us, I do say that it was like a standard M4 rifle but, the magazine was huge. Other than that, our hearts we're still thumping more as they cane closer to us, every step is synchronized and calculated. They all had raised their rifles on us, never taking a single second away from their sights. As they all halted again in their positions, 40 yards away this time. As one of the men lowered his brought a kind of a drone out on his hands, then, it hovered near us above and it spoke. It must be a speaker to us to tell something without moving on our position. Well, the drone spoke mainly English.

"Human creatures, you are in a restricted city on the behalf of the advanced and the most civilized race here on the planet Earth. These men here are sent to kill you, if you don't want to be, please give your guns on the men that will come near you and comply to their actions. But if you don't, we could do shoot you drop dead and never pick you body in our mighty city. You're call humans", The man on the drone's speaker said softly but serious, the drone finally came back to the men where it came from and finally raised their guns back again to our bodies. We we're shocked that the 'humans' here on Agartha can speak a fluent English! On the other hand, the men around us had started to walk again towards us. Every step they make, our hearts had been racing more faster and faster due to the fact that they all would shoot us and just leave our bodies in here. As I turned to the gang and spoke a word with them.

"We need to fight them! ", I said at them, barely whispering to not be heard by those 'humans' that had been walking towards us, considering us as a threat. But, as I said that sentence, they all revolved their heads on me and furrowed their eyebrows.

"Are you out of your mind? ", Kent snorted, gritting his teeth, as I let out a disappointed sigh at me and spoke again, "We have no power against them, they are almost 60 men circling us and readying to shoot everytime against some 6 boys that had been not ready for this kind of situation. Plus Dennis, our leader had been unconscious. We don't have enough power to fight them", Kent stated, explaining everything on our side and on the-men-that-who-wants-to-kill-us side. Stating that we don't have enough power to make a move against them.

"Yeah, Kent is correct Dusty, we don't have enough firepower to return fire at them, or even shoot at them. We are outnumbered", Nafie bellows, supporting Kent's statement, as he sighed in defeat at us and removed tge sling of his AK74 around his body and held it tightly, "But if we stay and fight them, I'm still in", He adds, smirking at me and nods in agreement that he still would be ready to fight them until death.

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