26. The Village's (Secret)

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Another 2000-plus chapter for you guys, hope you enjoy reading:-)

A day later....

I opened my eyes, I saw a ceiling, a brick ceiling to be exact. I gently moved my head and tried to look in my left and right side, seeing a wall probably made of cement, wood decorations and candle chandeliers, herbal fruits and plants present on a table on my left side. I was on a medic room. I slowly sat upright as I still felt the pain on my head. I gently touched my head, I felt something, it was a bandage strapped on. I was healed, by who?

I looked at the left side where the door is located. I saw the door opens, then a person peeked on me, that person walked towards me. He wears a orange saffron, a buddhist monk's outfit. He was  probably the one who healed my wound on my head. He tried to get closer to me but I froze off...

"Who are you? What are you doing? "I asked, scared

The monk spoke with an mix of Khmer and Indian language, probably he was saying that I need to calm down, because of his hand's motion. I was confused of the language that he speaks. (I will try to write the dialogue between us clearly for you to understand)

"What are you saying? ", I asked again. I have a million questions that came up from my mind, if he only spoke English, I could ask him now

"I say... You calm down.... Do not be scared", He tried to speak in English

"Do you speak English? ", I questioned curiously, I didn't know that he could speak little English

"Yes, yes", He said to me, "Can you stand up? ", He motioned his hand

"Yeah, I could, maybe ", I said back

"Are you sure that you could stand up? ", The monk asked, he sat down on my side to help me walk, just in case

"Yeah, yeah, I could stand", I said back. I had complete legs, why he would ask me that?

"Please, don't freak out, but you need to see your legs", He uttered to me, as I opened the blanket and checked my legs

"AHHHH!!! ", I screamed as saw my lower left leg gone, just like Hiccup's. The peg leg was just like exactly like Hiccup's peg leg on the Part 1 on the HTTYD movies

"What happened?! ", I shouted. The only thing that I remember is being hit by a piece of ice, why my legs has been involved?!?!

"I don't know, but your friends had bought you here with your left leg gone", the monk replied

"Did you do this metal leg of mine? "

"Yeah, I built a metal leg for you"

"Thanks, thanks for building me a new leg.... Wait, are you also a blacksmith?'

"Yeah, I am the best blacksmith here in my village"

"Woah! "

"Other question, could you walk despite of your new leg? "

"I could walk, I can try", I said to him, as I removed the blanket and put my foot down the ground, as I finally stand up and walk. I was a little limpy but I still got my balance, I walked to the door, and I saw the outside. It was beautiful!

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