Chapter 38

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Sam never got a word out after that because I screamed as head lights blinded our sight. Sam shouted a few choice words before a truck slammed into us, causing our truck to flip several times before TJ's Truck collided with ours sending us flipping the other direction and TJ to do the same. All the flipping and glass shattering and blood, what is happening. I do know that somewhere along the flipping Sam tried covering my body with his but it was no use. I felt the truck slowly come to a stop, upside down. Our seat belts were still holding us in, tight might I add. I was going in and out of consciousness as I looked to see Sam. He was out, arms just hanging there as we sit upside down.

"Sa...Sam," I manage to choke out as i reach for him. Blood was dripping from my arm and i could feel it dripping down my face as well. I couldn't reach him.

"Get them out and take them to the boss," I hear someone say. I see people walking out the windows that were no longer there. I remember that Sam keeps a gun in his middle consul so i move as fast as possible, it hurt let me tell you. I grabbed the gun and aimed and shot the guys foot, causing him to fall to the ground where i shot him again and he was dead. I heard another guy shouting making his way over. The gun was out of bullets, i mean it was just for emergency use only. I began feeling dizzy again as i dropped the gun.

"Got you," A man says laying on the ground. He forcefully pulls me out, which let me tell you, hurt like a bitch because you try being hit head on them flipping god knows how many times. He threw me on the ground and i couldn't move, i was so out of it that i barely seen who it was.

"S...Sa...Sam," I cry out but it barely came out as a whisper. The man laughs and kneels beside me.

"Sweetheart, your little boyfriend is as good as dead. I'm surprised you survived that crash, then again good thing you did. I would love to take you to the big man, but he also did say you didn't need to be alive, and since you killed my partner, i think it's only fair to get even," he says standing up and pointing a gun at me. He went to shoot but someone tackled him from behind. It was Sam, but how did he get out? I hear a gun shot and look to my left, the man was dead on the ground, Sam laying next to him.

"Sam," I shout out with more volume this time. My adrenaline was running now and it was pushing me to keep going. I rolled on my side and looked over at Sam who was barely breathing it looked like.

"CASSIDY! SAM!" I hear Josh's voice shout from down the road. I look and he is standing over by TJ's truck pulling him out of the mess. I couldn't say a thing back because i was focused on Sam and Sam only. I did see that TJ was alright for the most part, limping but okay. Josh ran over and got to me first.

"Help Sam!" I shout at him. TJ comes to me as Josh goes to Sam. TJ was banged up, but he didn't get the main impact as we did, so i was sure he was okay. Good thing Josh left before us or he would have been hit as well.

"Sam, come one man!" Josh says pushing on Sam's chest. I tried getting up but TJ held me down.

"Just hold still, you don't know how bad you are hurt," he says to me. I look at him with pleading eyes and he knows what I want.

"TJ..... Take me to Sam, please," I beg with tears in my eyes as the pain is coming back. TJ carefully picks me up and sets me next to Sam. Josh was still doing CPR but stopped when I pushed him away. Josh sits there holding his head as he looks at his cousin, on the ground, not breathing. I was leaning against what was left of Sam's truck and pull Sam's upper half onto my legs and hug him as tears stream down my face, stinging my cuts but i didn't care.

"Don't you leave me Sam, not like this. Not dying because of my family," I say as I kiss his head. "You can not leave me, you promised," I choke out as i bury my face in his chest and hold him close.

"Dammit!" TJ shouts kicking the truck and pulling at his hair. Josh was still sitting with his hands covering his face. I was so focused on my pain and crying over Sam that I didn't notice what was happening. A sudden cough from Sam made me pull away and look down at him. His chest was once again moving up and down, his coughing told me that air was getting to his lungs, but he still wasn't awake.

"Thank god," Josh says pulling Sam off me and onto the ground once again. "Come on Sam, stay with us okay," he added in as the ambulance siren could be heard coming down the road. As they all focused on Sam I began feeling light headed.

"TJ," I whispered as he rushed to my side.

"Don't you fall asleep Cass, not today... Help is almost here," He said picking me up again as the ambulance pulls up. A team of medics rushes over with beds. TJ sets me down on one as they strap me down. TJ goes with me in the first ambulance, as soon as the doors close i freak out.

"I need to be with Sam," I say trying to get up. The medic and TJ stop me.

"He will be alright Cass," TJ says as one medic looks him over. He just had a few cuts from class and bruises. 

"What happened?" One of the medics asked. That was the last thing i remember before darkness took over suddenly.

"She's going into shock," The medics shouted as i heard them rushing around. I felt a sharp bolt go through me before i was completely out. 

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