Chapter 33

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I woke up in the middle of the night in a panic as i had the same dream again of the night of the dance. I looked around and noticed i was still in Sam's bed, he had his arm wrapped around my stomach as he slept. I smiled a little and carefully removed his arm and got up. Sneaking out of his room i walked downstairs to get a drink, Cole was sitting at the counter drinking some water already.

"What are you doing up?" I asked him as i got myself a glass and filled it.

"I could ask you the same question but i know you just came from Sam's room," He teases making me blush.

"I fell asleep, nothing happened," I made very clear to him.

"I know, you are to much of a good girl to loose your V card yet," he said making my stomach drop a little.

"Anyways, why are you up?" I repeated my question. He  shrugs.

"I don't know, I was just thinking... Keegan has been acting strange since the whole gang thing happened, he isn't himself anymore," he said as i took a seat next to him.

"Maybe because he just had to be put in a situation no one should ever have to be in... I don't know, haven't we all changed a little?" I said taking a drink. Cole shrugs again.

"Yeah, but it's weird," he says. "He never wants to hang out anymore, he is always busy," he adds on in a rather upset tone.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about Colton, he's just maybe trying to catch back up with school like we all are," I say trying to be positive, but i noticed Keegans change as well.

"Yeah you're right... So I hear TJ and Heath got into a little tumble tonight," He says making me groan.

"Don't even start. Ask Heath about it because I'm pretty sure he started it," I say making Cole look at me funny.

"What makes you think Heath started it?" he questioned.

"Seriously, TJ never starts a fight unless provoked Cole," I say clearly annoyed that he hasn't learned that already.

"Heath told me TJ started it," Cole defends Heath making me laugh.

"And you believe that liar over your sister? That's cool Colton, good to know you believe me," I snap getting up and setting my cup in the sink.

"Come on Cass, you know i didn't mean it like that," He says getting up as well.

"No i knew how you meant it. You want to believe that piece of trash over me then go for it," I say a little louder. I knew our parents weren't home, but i also forgot we had people living here now.

"He is one of my best friends," Cole says back to me like i cared.

"Yeah well I am your family, and family is supposed to come first," I snap back making Cole get into the argument now.

"Because you follow that motto! If family comes first then why don't you ever tell anyone anything. Like all the times you came home crying, or what ever secret you and TJ have going on! And yes, i heard you two talking just like Sam did... Family is so important to you yet you keep secrets from us," Cole shouts at me, and i mean shouts, loud. I step back a little taken back by his outburst, because he never yelled at me before, ever. He realizes i was scared and calms down.

"You know, you really should know more about your friends then Cole... Because Heath has gone behind your back so many times," I say holding back tears.

"Don't make up lies about my friends just because you don't like him," Cole warns me making me tear up more. A fell a tear drip down my cheek and Cole's eyes soften a little. I could hear footsteps but i ignored them.

"Make up lies? So now i am a liar?" I whisper to him. He shakes his head.

"Cassidy," he starts but i cut him off.

"Because i would make this up....Heath hurt me Cole..... and you didn't even notice because you were such good friends with him," I shout back with tears running down my face. Cole looked at me with hurt.

"Who hurt you?" Sam says standing behind me with TJ and Josh. TJ looks at me with a sad look.

"He wouldn't," Cole says still not believing it.

"But he did... The night of homecoming when i came home crying.... You have no idea what he did. But don't worry, he's your friend, i am sure you will believe him over me like always," I shout at him as more tears run down my face.

"He wouldn't, not to you, he see's you as a sister too," cole says still not wanting to believe it.  I look at him in disbelief. Is he seriously going to take Heath's side on this? My own brother.

"Just forget it Colton, because you don't care anyways," I shout walking past everyone.

"Get back here and tell me!" Cole says but i hear TJ stop him.

"Just leave her be dude... I think things are heated enough right now," TJ says as i slam my bedroom door. A half hour later i hear my door open, i was asleep but could hear a little since i wasn't completely out yet. I felt my bed dip down and an arm pull me to a chest, Sam. He carefully kissed my head and whispered 'I love you' in my ear before holding me tighter making me fall into a peaceful sleep. 

Morning rolled around and i managed to avoid everyone all morning, except for Sam, but he didn't even ask about last night.

"Sam, i know you are wanting to know what happened," I said making him shrug.

"Yeah I am, but im not going to make you talk if you don't want to," He says making me smile a little. I hugged him as we walked into school. 

"I'll see you after first period," He said kissing me and walking the other way to class. I stop by my locker to get some things. As i do, i hear some lockers slam as if someone was throw into them.

"What the hell did you do to my sister?" I hear Cole shout and the lockers slam again. A small crowd was gathered and i pushed my way through. Cole was holding Heath to the lockers and it was not a friendly boys will be boys play either. 

"Cole stop," I said walking over but Cole didn't loosen his grip on Heath.

"I didn't do shit to her," Heath says smirking at me. Cole slams him back into the lockets again and i grab his arm.

"Cole, he isn't worth it i can tell you that... Come on, let him go," I beg my brother but he was not letting it go.

"When i find out what you did you better hope it's nothing serious because I will rip you apart," He says shoving him one more time before walking away

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