Chapter 47

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The bullet never came tho. When I opened my eyes Heath had Austin on the ground and the gun sliding across the floor. Austin punched Heath, who was losing to much blood to fight back so he fell to the ground. Austin got up and went for the gun but my dad went for it as well. Both were fighting for it, i took the chance to get to my mom and Heath. 

"Mom?" I said checking her pulse, the bullet only hit her shoulder, she won't die from that. I drag her out without the other men seeing me and get her a safe distance from the warehouse before going back for Heath. I got back inside and the two boys were still fighting for the gun, my dad had a weaker advantage due to being hurt. I got to Heath who was shaking now, and blood all over. I got down on my knees and placed my hands over the shot. He looked at me with blood dripping from his mouth. 

"Cassidy," He said making me shake my head holding back tears. I hate him, but not like this, not enoough to let him die like this.

"I'm going to get you out of here," I say letting a tear fall. He grabs my arm with his blood covered hand making me look at him.

"Cass, the bomb. You need to get it deactivated before the others show up." he says but i focus on his bleeding. "Look at me," He says making me stop and look at him again. "You can do this....Don't make me regret helping you kid... Go help the people you love," He says making me shake my head.

"I can't let you die like this Heath," I whisper. He nods his head at me.

"Yes you can, it's either one person or yoour whole group of friends and family," he says. "I won't hold it against you. Go do what is right," He says making me let go of him and look at Austin and my dad fighting still. I nod and get up.

"Kill her!" Austin shouts as i hear doors somewhere in the building opening. I use all my strength to run through the many halls looking for the door to the basement. As I do this i realize something, why would Austin tell me where the bomb is? No one does that, because then they give it all away. I stop and think, he is tricking us. It has to be somewhere else.

I stop and listen as i hear trucks pull up. I rush to a window and see that the boys are actually here this time. I hear my dogs barking as they make their way in. I open the window up, taking a big chance of being hear by the gang but i don't care. 

"COLE STOP!" i shoout making them all look at me. 

"Cassidy we are coming," Cole shouted as Sam and the others walked aroudn the truck. I smiled in relief when i seen Sam. 

"You can't..." I say as someone tackles me from behind.

"Find her!" I hear Sam shout. I roll on the ground getting the guy who attacked me off. He smiled when he got up and pulled a gun but someone tackled him from behind next. It was Heath, how is he still standing. He was holding his stomach where the blood was coming from. Looking at me he nods for me to keep going as he holds off the guy. Gun started going off from the warehouse enterence and i prayed to god my dad was alright and the others.  I got to the stairs and went up to the second floor.

"Got you!" Austin said as he tackled me to the ground just as i reached the third floor. I tried crawling away but he was on top of me holding me down.

"This is over! Cole is here and there is no more fight. You don't have enough men," i say trying to push him off of me. He pins my arms down and smiles.

"If I go down, you're going down with me," he says pulling me up the stairs until we hit the roof. It was windy and cold out and a long drop to the ground. I heard all the shouting and guns still along with the barks of my dogs. 

"Austin!" Cole shouts from the door way," Austin wraps his arm around my neck and holds a knife to my neck as we stand at the ledge of the building. Cole looks at me, and I am sure i had the look of pure fear on my face.

"Make one move and we both go over," he threatens. Cole sets his gun down and holds his hands up.

"Don't do this man. Let her go, you can have me," Cole says in hopes it will stop Austin. It doesn't work though, Austin just smiles and steps closer to the edge. I look at Cole and see him give me a look, then using his hands so only I could see, tells me to jump. I mouth 'Are you fucking crazy' to him and he winks at me. He had a plan already, I just had to get the nerve to push myself off a building.

"You kids are dumb," Austin says just as I shove myself backwards. Austin loses his footing and slips, letting go of me but i slip as well and go over. Cole ran to the edge just as we dropped. I screamed and waited to hit the ground, but never did. Someone grabbed me, i slammed into the wall a little, but at least I wasn't dead. I looked up and seen Sam holding onto my arm out the second story window. I smiled as TJ appeared as well and helped pull me up. 

"Always have a plan," Cole said walking into the room. I smiled and Hug Sam and he hugs me back. 

"Guys let's get out of here, Austin has a bomb," I say as Sam helps me walk. Cole looks over the window one last time.

"He isn't dead," he says as we all look out. I see Austin pull out a little black thing and press something. My eyes go wide as he lets out a sickening laugh. A loud bang went off as we let out screams. 

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