Chapter 8

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I wake up the next day and get ready as always.I walk downstairs and everyone was eating. I take my usual seat next to Cole and we don't exchange goodmornings like normal. Dad looks at us over the newspaper.

"Wow, what is with you two today?" he asked setting the paper down as he drinks his water. I shurg and Cole just ignores him. 

"I'm just tired that's all," I casually say making Cole fake laugh a little.

"Yeah she had a big night with friends," he says in a pissed tone.

"Oh sweetie, you went out with friends?" mom asked as she joins us at the table. I nod.

"Um, yeah. Molly and i went to the movies, it was fun," i say taking a drink of Orange Juice. As i do the front door opens and in walks Keegan of all people.

"Morning second family," he greets making my parents laugh. Keegan was actually welcomed anytime, and he knew it.

"Just in time, eat up," mom says as she cleans up everyone elses crap. Dad grabs his stuff and says his goodbyes before taking off for work. Mom leaves shortley after and it is just me and the boys.

"You're a brat," i say to Cole crossing my arms. He glares at me.

"You are the one who suddenly is becoming a rebel child," he snaps making Keegan look at us both funny.

"Alright you two, shut up! Cassidy, you shouldn't just go missing and lie about where you are and Cole shouldn't need to know your every move. I admit i don't like that Sam kid, but he helped Cass, so as of now he is alright in my book," he says making me relax a little.

"I don't care what he did...I don't like him," Cole says crossing his arms.

"I don't care what you like and don't like Cole....I finally found more friends and you are making me not talk to them...A good brother, twin, would let me do what i want. I know what is good and bad, and Sam is not bad," I say defending Sam. I was sick of this crap, next week we will be 18, he needs to let me do what i want.

"Hang out with him then, but when something happens, i won't feel sorry for you," Cole says which means i know he gives in. I smile and get up and hug him.

"Thank you,"I say kissing his cheek before leaving the room.

At school i look around for Sam, but he isn't anywhere to be found. That's werid, i always see him before first period.

"Ready for class?" Molly says making me jump a mile.

"Molly, geez don't do that," i say making her laugh a little.

"Come on," She says pulling me into class.

It's lunch time and still no sign of Sam anywhere. I was starting to get a little worried. I spot TJ walking past the lunch room, so i run after him. He was in a hurry where ever he was headed.

"TJ wait up!" i shout making him stop and look at me. He smirks when he see's me.

"Cassidy, couldn't get enough of me hmm," he jokes. I examine him, he has a bruise on his cheek which wasn't there last night.

"Where's Sam? I haven't seen him all day," i asked. I noticed TJ got tense when i mentioned Sam.

"Uh, he wasn't feeling to hot this morning, so he stayed home," he says walking again. I follow him, knowing he is hidding something.

"Seriously TJ where is he?" i asked making TJ stop and look at me with angry eyes.

"I just freaking told you..." he says looking behind me and tensing more.

"Calvin!" he shouts making me jump a little as another boy walks over. TJ steps in front of me, almost like he was protecting me from something which was weird.

"Where is he?" Calvin asked pissed off. TJ smirks a little.

"What, wanna go round two with him? I am sure he'd be happy to," TJ snaps back making Calvin attack him. The two start throwing punches and slamming each other into lockers. Making a scene.

"Break it up!" Keegan shouts as him and Cole run over and pull the two apart. Should have known they would break it up because i was there. Cole holds TJ back while Keegan grabs Calvin.

"There's always a way around security TJ, better tell your boys that," Calvin says as he walks away. TJ pushes Cole off him and looks at me pissed.

"You're causing us a lot of trouble," was all he said before walking away. Cole and Keegan looked just as confused as i was.

"Who the hell was that?" Keegan asked picking up some things that fell during the fight, one being a braclet from Calvin. Cole takes it and examines it carefully.

"I've seen this in one of dads books before," he says looking at it some more.

"Cole, seriously. Dad's books are like made up shit about who knows what," i say walking way. Cole sticks the thing in his back pockets and follows me with Keegan close behind as we go back to class.

After school i was sitting at home, waht did TJ mean when he said i caused them a lot of trouble? I just met the guy.

"Cassidy come to my study please," my dad's voice rings through the hallways of the house. I get up and rush to him, it must be important because we were never allowed in there. When i arrived Cole was in there, along with Sam?

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