Chapter 3

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Molly looks at what i am looking at before a frown settles on her face which confuses me. Sam was still staring at me, which wasn't about to help him.

"Cass," Keegan says walking up next to me with his arms crossed look at Sam. Now, Keegan and my brother were the fittest boys in this school, but Sam, boy he was just a fit as them. I smiled at Sam before turning to Keegan.

"Hey Keeg," I greet him as i swing my back pack over my shoulder. Molly looks at Sam with an apologetic look before leaving.

"Cole is looking for you," he says, but i knew Cole really wasn't, Keegan just didn't like this new kid either. I look at Sam then back to Keegan and decided to have a little fun.

"Oh alright, but have you met the new kid..." i say walking over next to Sam and placing a hand on his shoulder making him look at me weird.

"No, and i really don't want to," he says grabbing my arm and pulling me toward him but Sam grabs my other arm.

"Hey, don't touch her like that," Sam says in a defensive tone. Oh no he didn't, all hell is about to break loose now. Keegan steps forward moving me behind him as he is boiling with anger.

"Don't tell me what i can can can't do kid, that for your information is basically my sister, so YOU don't touch her, think aboout her, or even look at her," Keegan says getting closer and closer to Sam. But the strange thing is, usually when Keegan is like this, everyone steps down to him, he can get mean fast. Sam is different tho, he stands his ground and just smirks while looking back at me. Then Keegan gets really pissed and shoves him making Sam get defensive now.

"Whoa boys," I say getting between them, i face Keegan and place a hand on his chest making him look at me for a second. "Keegan, calm down please...He isn't worth your time, or the bench for the big game, alright?" i say making him calm down a little. He knew if he got in trouble in the next two weeks coach would bench him. But all the boys would take that if it meant protecting one of us girls, which i thought was stupid because i can look after myself. I push Keegan toward the other hall as we leave Sam he says something.

"See you later Cassidy," he says as he watches us leave. That kid is strange, and it makes me want to know more about him.

"Are you crazy?" Keegan says as we get to lunch where everyone is.

"You have to ask that question?" Cole jokes as we sit down. Keegan glares at me.

"Go on Cass, tell your brother what you did today," Keegan says, "Actually Molly can tell you too because she was with her," he says making Molly look away.

"Oh great, what trouble are you two in now?" Cole jokes making Jason, Devin, and Alex laugh.

"Nothing, we were just talking to people," I say as if it was no big deal. Molly doesn't say a word though.

"They were talking to the new kid...The kid we told them not to," he says making Cole almost spit out his water. He slams it on the table and looks at me.

"Seriously Cassidy, we ask one thing, only one thing of you and you go and do it anyways.....Can you not follow simple instructions?" he says making me get mad.

"I'm eatting lunch somewhere else," i say getting up but Cole grabs my arm.

"Cassidy we aren't done," he says in more of a protective brother tone now. I pull away and walk out of the lunch room. I need to clear my mind, so i walked out to the soccer field. I loved coming here, skipping class and enjoying the cool Fall air. I can't wait for soccer season to start. I set my bags down and got my soccer ball out, i always have it with me. Dad got it for me when I was just six, it is purple and silver with a tons of autographs on it. I set it down and began kicking it around for a few minutes. a few minutes must have turned to hours because when I finally stopped kicking the ball it was getting super late. 

"Oh crap!" i say as i grab my ball and run to my backpack to check my phone, 15 missed calls from Cole, 6 from Keegan, 7 from Molly, 2 from Talia, 36 from Mom, and 24 from dad....  I was so dead. I grabbed my crap and took off running down the street, it was around 10pm now and starting to rain. I stopped running, out of breath. It was at least a five mile walk in the rain if i went the normal way, or i could cut through the city and it will only be three miles.... Yeah City it is.

I know my parents never allow me in the city, but i have been there a few times with Talia when we sneak out, but never at night. They never told me why they didn't want me in the city, maybe to many people. But right now at this time, it was silent, the storm made everyone go in for the night i was guessing. I slowly made my way throught the dark down. alright maybe this was a bad idea after all. I went to turn around and seen a shadow a ways down and my heart beat accelerated. I kept going the other way at a faster pace. I was freaking out now and turned into an alley way and behind some boxes that were there. I grabbed my phone and called the first person i wanted to see.

"Jesus Cassidy we have been trying to get ahold of you for hours! Mom and dad are looking everywhere for you," Cole's voice yells over the phone. Then he sighs in relief, "where are you?" he asked probably able to hear the rain.

"I was playing soocer to cool off and lost track of time....I wanted to take a short cut to get home, and now im in the city but someone was following me," i whisper hearing footsteps coming. I cover my mouth to keep calm as Cole flips on the other end of the phone.

"Damn it Cassidy, you know not to go into the city....Stay there, Keegan and I are on our way," he says, "Don't you dare hang up the phone," he says just as my phone dies on me. I slam it on the wall.

"Piece of crap  for a phone," i say making the person who was walking stop. I cover my mouth and watch through the cracks of the boxes, i don't see anything. Maybe they left, i slowly got up and made my way toward the enterence to the alley and looked out. Someone grabs me and pins me to the wall. My mouth was covered and my back to them, but they were leaning their body on mine making me freak out as the rain poured around us.

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