Chapter 43

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I leave Cole's truck sitting in the drive way, the warehouse was just downt he road and back on a long drive. As I walk I look at he sky above me, storm clouds. Funny, the weather seems to know what is about to go down as well. I smile as i look around my street, all the memories here. All the old memories that i once forgot all flood my mind. The sudden rush of emotion brings my thoughts back to Sam, what happens now? When i'm gone, will he move on. I hope he does, he doesn't deserve this life. He deserves a girlfriend who doesn't come with all this baggage. He will remember me no doubt, but at least he will remember me as someone who helped them all out.

I get to the end of the long drive and look back, the warehouse is behind the woods. The drive wraps around the outside edge of the woods, which is why most people dont know of this place. Figures Austinw ould come here of all places. I walk down the drive, my palms sweating and my mind racing. Every movement i seen got my attentions, most of the time just leaves blowing in the woods and on the path. When i get far enough up the drive, the warehouse comes into view. I look it over, it was huge and creepy. Just like something out of a horror movie, which wasn't helping me nerves right now. I needed to do this, my parents are in there along with friends and family. I take a deep breath and push the front door open and walk in.

"Austin!" I shout and it echos around the whole building. It wasn't just a normal open area like most ware houses are, but one with many rooms and hall ways. It also has at least three levels to it, because i seen how big it was from the outside. I walked further into the hall and stopped when i heard a chuckle. I looked around in a panic before something hit the back of my head causing me to fall to the ground. Thanks to me still being in serious medical condition from the accident I blackedout.


I hear beeping, it's annoying. Where the hell am I? I slowly open my eyes and i can't breath, something was blocking my air way. I heard shouting and then the tube was removed and a few faces came into focus.

"Sam, you're awake," the lady says with a smile. I looked at her confused and felt the pain all over my body hit all at once.

"Yeah, we will get you some medication for the pain as soon as we can," another lady says. Looking around, i realize i am in the hospital. I don't remember what happened tho, like not a thing. I remember going to bed waiting for Cassidy to get back from picking up Josh.

"He's awake," the nurse says as she walks out the door. Next person to walk in is Josh. He had blood on his cloths.

"Dude, you have no idea how happy and relieved I am to see you alive," he says walking over next to me. I look at him weird.

"What happened?" I asked sitting up in pain. He looks at me like I have completely lost my mind.

"Don't you remember. Cassidy came to get me and called you. TJ and You both showed and we all drove home. I left first, then you and Cass drove behind me, then TJ... Someone planned to kill us, they hit you guys head on and you guys flipped, TJ did to but not as bad," he says as all my memeories flood back. I go into panic as Cassidy races through my mind.

"Is Cass alright?" I asked as i move my hand and something falls on my bed. I pick it up and examine it, Cassidy's lucky necklace. What is this doing here?

"Guys," Cole says as he rushes in with TJ, both had a look of fear on their faces.

"What?" Josh asked motioning that I was now awake.

"Cassidy is missing," Cole says looking at me. He sees the necklace in my hand and pulls his hair.

"You don't think she would go in alone?" Josh asked.

"Knowing Cass, she is," TJ says grabbing his jacket and walking out. Cole looks at me as i pull my IV's out.

"Dude, you can't leave, you almost died," He says trying to stay clam. I mean who wouldn't freak out when their sister is missing after almost being dead and now she can't be found and might very well be dead.

"Cole, I am not going to sit here and wait for a call that my girlfriend and your sister are dead.... If she gets hurt i won't forgive myself, you need me," I say as we glare at each other. We are both stubburn so you can imagine how hard it is to win.

"Hurry your ass up then," He says as Him and Josh help me up. We get out of the hospital and to the parking lot. Cole looks around like he is lost or soemthing.

"What's wrong?" Josh asked helping me stand. Cole kicks TJ's tire of his truck and cusses a few choice words.

"She took my truck," He says getting in TJ's truck, with Josh and I behind. TJ speeds down the street and toward Cole and Cass's house. When we get there the truck is there so everyone relaxes a little.

"Maybe she just wanted out of the hospital," Josh says as we all get out.

"She wouldn't leave her necklace though," I say as I go in first. "CASS!" I shout in pain as i walk in with the other behind me. TJ gets a weird look onhis face, I know that look.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"I don't know, I have a bad feeling in my stomach about all this," he says as Cole runs up the stairs calling Cassidy's name over and over. When he stops shouting we all look at the stairs and wait for him to come down. He walks down holding Cass's phone and a picture and a note. He hands the note to TJ and we all read it as Cole examines a picture. I take it and look at it. It's of Cass and a boy.

"Who is this?" I asked flipping it over. "Austin?" I say looking at Cole, Josh and TJ do the same.

"Austin, that name sounds so familiar," He says walking aroudn thinking. "I know that name," Cole says still thinking.

"Okay well, that is Heath in the background," TJ points out. My blood boils at the thought, he is behind all this. He is dead. 

"Find Heath," Cole orders taking the picture and looking at it some more. 

"I don't think Heath is behind this," Keegan says walking though the front door. Wasn't he supposed to be in Spain?

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