Chapter 40

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It has been a few more hours of us sitting in my hospital room. I have gone in and out of sleep and on a lot of pain medication to kill the pain. I was already sick of waiting to hear about Sam, it was killing me.

"I am her uncle," I hear my uncle Rylee shouting in the hall. He must be arguing with the nurse. Cole set it up so only him and my parents can come in unless Cole says otherwise like he did with TJ.

"We have a policy Mr.Stevenson," I hear my nurse say.

"Here we go," Cole says making me smile as he walks to the door where Rylee is trying to get past the nurse. "He can come in," Cole says making the nurse looked shocked for al the effort she just put into saying no. Rylee smirks and walks past her and closes the door.

"What kinda place they running here. Can't even come see my niece," He says walking over and kissing my head.

"Thanks uncle Rylee, but Cole has it that way for safety reasons," I say making him nod.

"A smart move," he says sitting next to Cole on the side of my bed, Tj was on the other side. "So where are your parents anyways, i didn't see them anywhere?" Rylee asked making the three of us look at him.

"I guess this war isn't over. Who we killed and thought was the leader was just a decoy. The real guy has our parents," Cole says with anger and emotion.

"What?" But things were going good for a month and now it's all back? Do we have any idea who it is?" Rylee asked looking at us.

"Someone who can track us in a group, i mean he knew over half us were on the road and he knew when to hit us," TJ says.

"And on the phone he said we needed to pick our friends more carefully," I add in making Rylee look at us.

"A friend? So it's someone in our group!" he says looking over TJ.

"It's not TJ, so calm down," Cole says know how Rylee can get.

"Well, where do we start?" Rylee asked as Josh walks in. We all look at him as he had a mix between Sam's blood and my blood, and probably some of TJ's blood on him as well.

"He still isn't responding to anyone, they have him on a breathing machine and in a room, he's in an induced coma," he says sittin next to TJ.

"What does that mean?" I ask him a panic as the beeping on my monitor increases making Cole tell me to relax a little.

"It means the doctors had to put a medical coma for him because his body needs time to heal its self because there was so much damage to it in the accident," he says making me freak out more.

"But he's going to be okay, right?" I say holding back tears.

"Right now they are saying his chances of living are 15% They've rare had someone with that much damage to the body survive," Josh says making my heart break. I stop breathing and the beeping goes flat. Cole goes into a panic and shakes me.

"Cass! Cassidy!" he shouts making me breath once again but in a panic. He wraps me in a hug and i just cry. Sam is going to die because of my family, because of me.

Later that night everyone was out in the hall, i guess Sam was on the third floor and i was on the second. I watched as I seen the guys leave to get food, leaving only Josh sitting there but he looked to be asleep. I pulled the IV out of my arm, and took the tubes off as well. I got dressed in my jeans and a hoodie, it hurt too, my whole body was in pain. I opened my hopsital door and stepped out and looked around. Josh was against the wall asleep. I smiled and walked to the elevator. A few nurses looked at me strange but i just told them I was a visitor not a patient. All i had to do was stay clear of my nurse. I made it to the third floor and didn't know where to go. I walked to the desk where an older woman smiled at me.

"Cassidy Bieber, aren't you supposed to be in your bed?" she asked. Who was she?

"Do I know you?" I asked. She smiled and nods.

"I was your mothers nurse when you and your brother where born. I know when you two are in here. Let me guess, you are looking for Samuals room?" she says typing away on her computer. 

"Yeah, but can you not tell the boys I was here," I asked.

"Of course dear, you're seret is safe with me... But please don't hurt yourself more. I heard you took a good hit in an accident," She says handing me a paper with the room number on it.

"Thanks you so much," I tell her walking/limping toward the room. I get to the door and look in, Sam was laying motionless on the bed with a ton of tubes hooked to his nose, mouth, arm. I opened the door softly and closed it. Looking around i made sure no one was around before walking to the bed. I looked him over, he was in bad shape. I took his hand in mine, making sure not to pull any tubes in the process. I used my other hand to carefully touch his cheek. He was so cold and it broke my heart, becuase the doctor was right, he did use his body to cover mine somewhere in the accident, i remember.

"Oh Sam, this was never supposed to happen. This was supposed to be done and over with and we were supposed to have a healthy normal life, like normal teenagers......" i pause and look at him when he doesn't make any sign of movement. Before i said anything else, my phone goes off. I pull in out and see Josh's number on it, angry i answer it.

"I'm done playing this sick game of yours. My friends are hurt because of you....." I say and stop before i say anything else.

"Cassidy, you're alive, that is a surprise, of course knowing you, you killed two of my men.... In return i killed one of your friends, I think the names were Jason and Devin," the voice says with a chuckle. 

"They didn't even have anything to do with this," I snap into the phone sqeezing Sam's hand without noticing it.

"Talia is next on the list, you have an hour to find out who I am, or else she dies, then I will just keep moving down the list until no one is left," the person says haning up. I slam my phone closed and look at Sam.

"I'm sorry Sam," I say kissing his head and letting go of him. "I'm going to end this before anyone else gets hurt," I say walking to the door. I open it and look back at Sam one more time. I walk back to him and place my necklace in his hand and close his fingers around it. "Don't ever forget me," I whisper before walking out and take the back way to leave the hospital, I was ending this war.

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