Chapter 22 & 23

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We were all getting ready int he back of my dad's SUV. It was Sam, Josh, Cole and me in with him and the others in the second SUV behind us. Sam hasn't said a word or even looked at me since we made the plan and decided to go through with it. Cole was clearly upset but he wasn't letting anyone know, i could tell though and it was killing me. My dad even was upset but he knew just like i did, it's the only way to get in the house.

"Josh run this over again please," My dad says as we pull out of the woods onto the main road toward our town. Josh looks in the back where we all were and gets our attention. Sam refused to look anywhere but out the window still.

"Alright, we are going to park a ways away, so that they can't see us coming. Then we split up, obviouslt Cass is the target of choice, cole is to but they go for Cass since she is a girl and can't fight back, well at least that is what they think," he says with a smirk as i put a gun in my back pocket with a small smile. "Sam will go with her according to the cheif here," he says playfully hitting my dads shoulder. "Then Cole and TJ will take the right side and i will go with the Justin on the left to get in the house. TJ just dropped the girls off at a secret location so they will be safe...." he finishes.

"Do we know how many guys there are around the house?" Cole asked loading his gun.

"Last time i was there, i counted at least twenty, but it could have doubled for all we know.... I'm not taking any chances, so everyone needs two guns on them and a knife..."  dad says lookoing at us in the mirror as he pulls onto a dirt road. We all get what we need as we ride and wait. I look at Cole.

"You don't need to be the hero Cassidy... This is dangerous," he begs me trying to get me to go back on the plan.

"Cole..... Mom is in danger, everyone we love is in danger... I'm not losing anymore family. We need to end this, here and now. Once dad gets his stuff we will be good. He told me a few hours ago that there is a list of contacts, people who will come and team up with us to end this all, they want to help. We NEED that list," I tell him making him sigh as we stop in the middle of no where. There is another small forest that is behind our house, we just have to get through it.

"Here we go," Dad says as well all get out. TJ pulls up behind us, it was just him in the car now. Cole suddenly hugs me and i hug him back.

"Pizza is on me tonight," He jokes because he hates pizza, but he knows i love it. I hold back tears as i nod and smile at him. Cole then goes to my dad to walk, Josh the chance to hug me.

"Try not causing to much trouble this time cass," He jokes letting me go. I punch his arm.

"Try not getting shot this time please," I tease him as he walks toward the back of the car for his last gun. Then TJ walks up to me, I knew TJ didn't like me at first because i got them into this mess. He surprised me when he pulled me into a hug.

"I find out one of those assholes hurts you, they are dead," He says still hugging me. To be honest, TJ has become like another brother to me, as did Josh. 

"Same goes for you buddy," i say making him laugh and join Josh. I finally take the moment to go to my dad. He pulls me into a hug and i squeeze him back.

"My baby girl, i never meant for this to happen.... If i would have known they would come, i would have left. You and your brother don't deserve this, you deserve a normal life," he says as i pull back to look at him.

"Stop... without all this happening i wouldn't have such a good family," I say motioning to everyone here. "This is our family, and no matter what, family protects family.... You always tought us to protect what we love, and that is what I am about to do. I don't regret anything, i am happy this happened. Because if it didn't i wouldn't have had the chance to meet a great group of people," i say making him smile.

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