Chapter 34

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I walked after Cole to try and talk to him because i knew what happens when he is mad like this.

"Cole wait!" I say grabbing his arm as we exist the school. We were standing on the steps when he stopped. "School of all places?"  I said a little upset. He looked at me with confusion and sadness and so much more. It broke my heart because I knew that look oh so well, and i hated seeing it.

"I'm sorry about last night okay... I didn't want to believe that one of my best friends could hurt my sister. I just couldn't wrap my mind around it, but i also realize you are my twin and you wouldn't just lie about something like that....But i need to know what happened?" Cole says looking at me with so much emotion. I took a deep breath and shook my head and he let out a frustration groan.

"I'm sorry... I just can't Cole. You don't understand," I choke out.

"No i don't understands, because you won't let me in. How can you expect anyone to help you if you don't let them know?" He said in a more upset tone.

"You can't do anything about it! It's the past so it doesn't even matter," I say back.

"It obviously still bothers you because ever since he got back here you have been acting weird. So what, TJ gets to know your little secret but you own brother and boyfriend can't know. I think you at least owe it to Sam, he did protect you your whole life," Cole says.

"Not my whole life.. If he did then it never would have happened," I say holding back tears for the third time the past few days. Cole stopped and didn't say anything, like his mind was working through everything said the past twenty four hours, then i seen him realize something.

"He didn't?" Cole said making fists with his hands by his sides. "He raped you?" he snapped. I seen the angry rise in him as i slowly nodded my head and held back more tears. "He is a dead man!" Cole says going to go back inside but i wrap him in a hug to stop him. He stops and hugs me back.

"Please don't do anything... I just want it over, I don't want people making a big deal about it. Please Cole, just let it be, for me?" I begged him. I felt him relax a little but still tense.

"You want me to just let the asshole walk after hurting you like that? I don't think so," Cole says but i hug him tighter.

"Cole please," I say almost breaking down at that moment but i held it in. Cole finally relaxed all the way and kissed the top of my head. 

"Why didn't you tell me the night it happened?" he asked me as we sit on the steps. We were missing all of our classes but i didn't care.

"I was scared... He was your friend and i knew how much you two were close and I didn't want to ruin it for you," i said in all honesty.

"My sister is more important than any friendship Cassidy... You should have told me... But i understand why you didn't," He says making me cheer up a little.

"Dude i heard about your little rough house with Heath," TJ said walking up and sitting down with us.

"I told him about it TJ," I informed him. TJ looked surprised but nods.

"About time, now someone can help me kick his ass," TJ says making Cole fist bump him. I shake my head.

"No, i already told oyu both i want you both to drop it... I don't need more problems with life right now. Things are just getting settled down," I say and they both nod in agreement.

"Fine, but at least let me take his ass down in tonights football game? It will be an 'accident' i swear," Cole says with a smirk. 

"That might not be a bad idea... TJ you should have a small accident as well," I say making him grin. The rest of the day flew past and soon I was sitting with Molly and Talia in the bleachers waiting for the game to start. All our boys are on the team, which is awesome. Oh and Heath which is not so awesome but oh well. 

"Cass!" Sam shouts from the feild. I wave at him and he smiles as he talks with the boys. I see Cole say something to him and his attitude changes fast and i see him look at Heath with a look that could kill. TJ pushes Cole and looks like he was made about something. What is going on? As the game starts I watch as they line up. The ball goes and the game begins, and it was rough tonight. 

"Why are all the boys so angry tonight?" Molly asked. She has been gone a few days and hasn't gotten caught up yet. She is actually the only one who knew about the Heath thing, I ended up telling her the next day.

"Heath is back... And I told TJ then Cole and i think Cole just told Sam," I say as i watch TJ take Heath down. The whistle blows and i hear the coach freaking out.

"TJ you don't tackle your own members," He shouts. TJ shrugs.

"Sorry coach, i couldn't see," He says with a smirk as Heath pushes himself off the ground. Next Cole tackled him and it was a hard tackle and Coach freaked out yet again and threatened to bench the next player to tackle another member. The game was going smooth after that, no more tackles against out players and we were going to win without a problem. Even if the other team scored we would still win. As the last ball was thrown and everyone was rushing around the feild, i seen Sam going the other way and slammed into Heath with so much force you could hear it echo in the stands. The crowd all stood up and was silent as we watched. Sam was on the ground and so was Heath. Heath was holding his side in pain and Sam was holding his shoulder in pain as well. I rushed down the stairs and over to the fence where i watched as Cole, TJ, Josh, and Keegan all rushed to help Sam but not Heath. The coach was shouting words left and right and throwing things as the other players helped Heath. 

"Are you serious Johnson! What did i just get done saying to you?" Coach as as Sam walks over with the guys around him.

"Bench me then," Sam says in a testing tone because he knew coach never benched anyone. Coach and him had a stare down.

"Get your ass in the locker room and get it looked at... Next time i see a play like that you are done," he threatens as he walks back into the locker rooms. I looked back to the feild where Heath was being put on a stretcher still holding his ribs. I smiled a little and rushed to wait for Sam.

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