Chapter 30

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I looked at TJ then shrugged.

"Seriously nothing TJ," I said hoping he would let it go. I should have known better with it being TJ of all people.

"Come on, you have everyone else fooled but not me. I seen the look on your face when he stepped out of his car, then when he was over here... What is up? And don't lie to me," He says playing the older brother role that Cole clearly failed to play right now. Although, Cole doesn't know about the whole thing so I can't say that really.

"TJ please can we drop it," I beg him but he crosses his arms.

"Not until you tell me, because i know there is something going on that you won't tell anyone," He says making me break down. I have to look away from him because just thinking about Heath made me tear up. "Cass?" TJ whispers touching my arm. I pull away.

"Why can't you just let it go?" I say at him. I look up at him with tears and my eyes and his whole mood changes. I've never seen TJ in this way before, he looked almost hurt seeing me like this, a soft side to him.

"Come on," He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder and walking us toward the front doors.

"Where are we going?" I asked as we walked outside toward his truck.

"You need to think clearly, so what better way then to go to the beach," he says as we drive off. I didn't care if my parents got mad we skipped, i just wanted to be out of school where Heath was. We drove for about ten minutes before getting to the beach. We didn't get out though, just sat in the truck looking at the Lake.

"Heath and I used to have a thing," I finally say. TJ nods but looks confused.

"Then why does Cole and Keegan like the kid so much?" He asked.

"They didn't know we had a thing...." I say getting all teary again. TJ shuts the truck off and looks at me.

"What happened?" He asked in a soft voice, almost like a whisper. 

"Remember on the mic, when Sam said he was watching me, the night i came home crying from homecoming?" I asked.

"Yeah, he said something about your boyfriend breaking up with you or something along those lines," He says remembering.

"We did break up... But that night something else happened," I say as tears built up in my eyes and finally fell, i couldn't control it. TJ's grip on the steering wheel got tighter.

"What happened?" He says clearly already figuring where the story was headed.

"He wanted to go outside and talk so i went with him. I told Keegan i was going with him, but Keegan thought just because we were friends or something. So I went, and Heath was drinking and.... I told him to stop...But...He..." i had to stop talking because i completely broke into tears and couldn't talk. 

"He fucking touched you!" TJ shouted hitting the dash with his fist. I was in a breakdown and didn't even notice much. I felt his arms wrap around me and pull me into a hug. I just sit there crying as he tried to comfort me. I don't know how long we were there until i finally settled down and looked at the time, it was lunch time at school.

"I swear to God Cass i will kill the kid," TJ says starting the truck up.

"No! No one can know TJ, please," I beg him. He looks at me.

"Are you kidding me right now? After what he did to you, you are just going to let it go?" He said a little upset.

"TJ please, i trusted you. No one else knows and i don't want anyone to know! Please!" I say. He fianlly agree, even though he wants to kill the kid. We drive back to school where everyone was in the parking lot freaking out. We walked over and Sam hugged me.

"Where were you two?" He asked looking at TJ

"She wasn't feeling good," TJ says with a shrug. 

"Are you alright?" Cole asked worried.

"Yeah, i was shot remember. I can have pain," I joke making him smile a little. I look back and mouth a thank you to TJ.

"You could have text me," Sam says as we all walk into the school for lunch.

"You guys were all already walking to class, TJ offered so I let him take me home real quick for some things," I said playing it cool. TJ was walking next to me, like he was affraid something was going to happen. I looked at him and he relaxed a little. We got to the lunch room and sat down and all talked.

"Sam Johnson, haven't seen you since we were little,"  Allison said. I hated Allison, she was the drama queen of the school, always causing problems for everyone. Now she was talking to Sam, not okay, she needed to step off.

"Yeah, I moved out of town and we just decided to move back," Sam says holding my hand. Allison ignores that guester and goes on flirting.

"Well, it is nice to have you back. I really missed you," She says with a smile. Sam ignores her and looks at me.

'Yeah well, I missed my girl," He says kissing my cheek. Allison glares at me before Sam looks back at her.

"Well, welcome back," She says before walking away. 

"Dude, she was so trying to get with you," Cole says laughing along with Keegan and Josh. TJ still had a serious look on his face though. I never should have told him about Heath, now look at him.

"Dude what is your problem?" Josh says to TJ. TJ looks at him then me then back at him.

"Nothing, im just tired," He covers making me relax. I knew TJ hated lying to everyone but he had to and he was doing it for me. I owed this kid big time for this. After talking more, TJ was more relaxed, well that is until Heath came walking up.

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