Chapter 19

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I look at him for awhile, there was no way in telling if he was messing around or being serious about someone being dead already. I know my parents, they can't be dead.

"Don't think to much about it, they died a slow and painful death. which is what you and your brother are going to have when the boss gets his hands on you two," he says with a sickening smile. I glare at him as i see Sam, Cole, and TJ making their way in the gas station. Cole gives me the signoal to keep him busy.

"You actually think your boss is ever going to catch us?" I question him. He laughs a little waving the gun around, which my eyes have been locked on to watch his every move.

"He already is one step ahead of you every time. You can't win this one," He says as Sam tackles him to the ground. The gun goes sliding across the floor and TJ picks it up. Sam holds the kid in place.

"Andrew, nice of you to pay a visit," He says angry as he shoves him into the wall. Andrew smirks at him.

"Sam, long time no see.....Sorry about your car by the way, Calvin was supposed to finish it off  but someone got in the way," He says glaring at me. Sam punches him in the stomach making him hunch over in pain.

"Our turn to ask questions," TJ says walking over with the gun loaded and ready to shoot. Cole stands by Molly, Talia and Me.

"No, how'd you find us?" Sam says in pure anger and determination. Andrew looks at me then back at Sam.

"She means something to you doesn't she sammy boy?" He teases earning himself another blow to the stomach.

"Answer the question or TJ will blow your brains out," Sam replies back even more pissed, which i didn't think was possible.

"I've been following you," Andrew says back making Sam punch him in the face this time.

"Don't play games. We would have noticed someone following us, it's what we are trained to do," he says back making Cole step forward. a little.

"Damn, you got a little stronger since the last time I seen you," Andrew says with a teasing smile on his face. Sam goes to hit him again but Cole grabs his arm.

"Don't he wants this," Cole says making Sam relax a little. Cole walks over to Andrew and pins him to the wall.

"Listen, either you give us what we want or you're good as dead," Cole threatens making Andrew look a little scared.

"Look, i told little princess over there. No one has seen the boss, we all just work for him," he says calmly.

"So, you take jobs and you don't know who your boss is?" Cole questions trying to understand.

"Yeah, basically.. Look, all i know is what Calvin tells me. He picks up the orders from someone who is with the boss... I don't know anything else," Andrew says eyeing Cole.

"Alright. How did you know we would be here?" Sam asked again shaking him a little.

"An inside sorce," He says smiling at us all. Inside source? What does that even mean?

"You have five seconds to tell us," TJ says loading the gun. Sam smiles at Andrew because he knows TJ is pissed.

"Look, Maybe you should learn who is real in you little group of friends," was all he said before more guns went off outside. I heard Lexi and Jade barking and then a sickening sound of one of them.

"No," I said running out the front door.

"Cassidy don't," Sam said as he runs after me. I make it outside before he grabs me by the waist to stop me. I see Lexi dead on the ground, in a pool of her own blood. I start tearing up as the guns still went off around us. Sam dragged me back inside and closed the door. He held me tight as i was fighting to get free. Then a gun in here went off before the others joined us.

"They have us surrounded," TJ says looking out the window. I look at Cole, he knows how much those dogs mean to me.

"Cassidy, stay focused," he says making me clam down a little. Cole nods at me and we focus again.

"No way is the truck going to work, they shot it up," Molly says looking out just as someone shoots and the window shatters. Sam covers me with his body as we all take cover. 

"Dammit," Cole says pulling a piece of glass out of his arm.

"Make a run for it, everyone. Stay in groupd of two," TJ says as he opens the back door. He grabs Talia's hand and Cole grabs Molly. I look at Sam then back to the front door.

"Cass," he whispers as I shake my head. We let Cole and Molly go first then Tj and Talia. 

"They aren't going to make it," Sam says but i already knew that. I ran from Sam in the other direction. I was going to make sure my friends made it. 

"Over here you monsters," I shout as I run down the road. Sam was fast to catch up and grab my hand and we run faster.

"You're crazy," He says as we get shot at and a jeep is closing in on us fast.  Sam suddenly stops and looks around before a bullet hits my shoulder, just skinning it. I let out an ear piercing scream at the burning sensation that takes over my body. Sam quickly grabs me and we run more until we get to a drop off that goes into a river.

"Stop!" Someone shouts from behind us. Four guys stand with guns aimed at us. I was holding my shoulder in pain and Sam was in front of me.

"Cass, jump," Sam whispers to me still looking at the men. I look back and grab his shirt, smiling at the guys i jump pulling Sam with me. We go down and hit the ice cold water.

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