Chapter 45

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I gave up trying to get free an hour ago. My wrists were all bloodys and in pain, along with my whole body. I should have never left the hospital, i need those fluids in me. I keep going in and out of sleep, blacking out, and having intense pain everywhere.

"Talia?" I barely said loud enough. She was still barely breathing from what I could tell, but I knew she wasn't going to last much longer. I let a tear slip, i messed up so much. How did we let things get like this, why coudln't out parents just have told us sooner and we could have avoided all of this pain and lose.

"Cassidy, crying isn't going to get your friends here any faster my dear," Allison's voice says from the door way. I should have known she was a part of this as well, she always had it out for me, from day one.

"Allison, why am i not suprised," I snap at her making her cross her arms.

"I wouldn't get snappy, have you seen where you are?" she says with a smirk.

"No, i couldnt see with your ugly ass in the way," I come back. This earns me a slap to the face making me hold back a groan of pain. I look back and glare at her.

"Allison, what did I tell you?" Austin says walking up making Allison frown.

"Sorry brother," She says. Brother? What? When did this happen? What did I miss all these years?

"Now, keep the girl company while I Make some calls," Austin says walking out, leaving me with the devil herself.

Sam's POV

As soon as Keegan made a move the guns went off. Seconds later Keegan dropped to the ground, Josh had shot and TJ had whipped out a gun and shot before Keegan could even pull the trigger on his own gun. Cole was standing there with Keegans blood splattered all over him. Josh and TJ still pointing the gun at a breathing Keegan. I walk over and pull him up by his collar pissed.

"Where is she?" I said pissed off. He smiled, blood dripping from his mouth.

"By the time you get to her, it'll be far to late..." he said before i shake him making him realize how serious I was. 

"Tell me where the hell she is!" I shout as Josh puts his hand on my shoulder telling me to calm down. Keegan smiles at me.

" Don't worry, her death will be slow and painful. When you find her, you won't even realize who she is anymore," he says. I go to punch him but Cole beats me to it. Keegan drops to the ground with more blood dripping from his mouth. Cole shakes his hand, it was a hard hit.

"LEXI! JADE!" Cole shouts out. We haven't seen the dogs in weeks, but when you call, they sure come running. Lexi appeared first, followed by Jade. They looked like they had been out in the woods due to all the mud coated them.

"Now, you tell me where the hell my sister is!" Cole threatened holding the dogs back as they snap and bark at Keegan. Keegan chuckles.

"Austin Reyes....." Was all he said before dying on the living room floor. The dogs stopped barking when they realized the threat was gone, but they were still on edge. Cole walked to Cass's room with us behind him. He opened Cassidy's computer and it opened to Austins page on Facebook. We looked over it and foudn nothing, except old pictures of him and Cass.

"You guys know this kid?" TJ asked. I was in the back when i got light headed and almost fell. I placed my hand on the desk to hold myself up, but slipped, knocking papers all over. Josh caught me and everyone was focused on me.

"Don't worry about me, we need to hurry and get Cass before something happens," I say making them go back to work.

"Yeah, he used to live around here. Cass and him had a thing when they were younger but then he moved away. I guess we forgot about him because we seen you guys leave and never came back. We figured it wasn't worth waiting for him to return because you guys never did. So she moved on and we forgot. It was in the box of pictures our parents hid from us," Cole says.

"Josh, you still do that hacking crap?" I said looking at my cousin. 

"Yeah, but I stopped years ago when the cops got to close to finding us. Justin had to go through a lot of trouble to get them off my case," he says.

"Well, we need your help.... Think you remember how to do that?" Cole asked handing him cass's computer. Josh smirks.

"Please, look who you are talking too, what do you need?" he asked sitting down. I lean on the back of the chair.

"Well, track down Talia and your phones. I mean the kid has those so they have to have a tracker on them. We watch as Josh works fast and comes up clean.

"Looks like he removed the batteries already, no way to track a phone when it's disabled," he says looking over his shoulder at us. Cole was pacing the floor and TJ was looking out the window petting the dogs on the head.

"Think you guys," I say as time was running low. 

"How about run his name or last name with a list of people who recently bought a house in town. I mean he has to be living somewhere," Tj says making us all smile at him.

"You are smarter than you look," I tease making him flip me off. Josh gets to work, his figures going fast across the key board until a little list of names poped up.

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