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Arisu's POV  (6yrs old)
"Uncle I'll be right back!!" I yelled across the house, I left the house without telling my cousins who I have been staying with since I was little I was getting ice cream without them Hahahaha!
   "Ahhh short cut it'll get dark soon" I went through a few bushes before a light caught my eye
  'Hmmm?' I stopped mid tracks
I got closer and it was a light in the middle of two trees..."what is this"
  I touched it with my hands but my hand went through
   Curiosity got the best of me
I stepped through the white light and before I knew it I was engulfed in a white light.

(Squad 12-Research and Development)

"Why is there a opened gate in area 3600-3400!" One office yelled inside the computer room
  "What!?" Everyone looked
"Close it before-"
*ding ding ding ding*
"Damn..." He sighed
  Everyone began typing into the computers
"Get the gate closed now! I'll inform the something or someone has gone through the portal.." the officer ran out
  "Captain!!! Captainnn!! Captain Kurotsuchi"
"Quit hollering across my LAB!!!"
He stopped in his tracks and bowed
"There was a gate randomly opened in are 3600-3400 Karakura Town"
"Well did you close it?"
"Then what is the problem?????" The captain turned
"Well something...more like someone has gone through the gate"
"We don't-"
"I have a captains meeting in 30 minutes! Gets people at the end of the gate there now!! And fine this someone!!!" The captain ordered
"Yes sir!"
He ran away

Arisu's POV

After a minute of the white light I final landed somewhere, my feet felt the ground.
"Huh???...eeeehhhhh!?" I looked around I was in a huge grassy area next to some white buildings
I looked behind me and the white light disappeared..
"No-!!" I tried to reach out but it was gone
'Oh no...no nonono' I began to feel sick to my stomach scared
I felt my tears begin to fall
"Wh...whu...where do I go??" I did a full 360
I began to walk and get closer to buildings soon enough i was walking through halls
"W-what is this.." my voice quivered
"This way! I sense the spiritual pressure have your weapons ready this could be a ryoka!!" I heard voices booming
I turn to see men ...running full speed with ..swords!??
My heart dropped
"Right there!!!!!" They yelled
"AAAAAHHHHHH!!!" I yelled and the top of my lungs and began running where the hall way took me
"Don't LET IT GET AWAY!" I heard their yells and footsteps them gaining on me
"HELPPP-" my face came in contact with something hard
I fell back
"Huh-?" I looked up my tears running down my face I see a boy with white hair and the bluest ocean eyes ..
I turn and see the men
"AHHHH!!!" I yelled screeching and immediately grabbed onto the boys black pant and held his legs
"STOPP!" The boy yelled

"Oh-! Captain Hitsugaya!" All the men stopped in their tracks immediately and froze
I was trebling and holding the boys leg for dear life I felt like I just might pee myself...as I am gasping and crying at the same time
I feel one of his hands hold my head against his legs
"Hitsugaya Teichou please hand the ryoka over!" The man in the from spoke loudly
"Ryoka??" He spoke bluntly yet firm
"Yess this thing went through a accidentally opened gate Captain Kurotsuchi ordered us to exterminate the being" the men stood there
"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!" I cried and gripped his pants
"This thing! Is a child!!" The boy raised his voice
"Captain! It's a human!" The men retaliated
"Stop!! Now!" He raised his voice causing everyone to freeze
"I will speak regarding this at the meeting I am now late for! You all keep your ground exactly right outside head captains office!" He spoke loudly to them.
The men stood there and I felt his hand let go of my head
"Hey..kid?" I look up at the boy his voice now back to soft i was sniffling and breathing horribly from the fright
"It's okay..they won't hurt you come with me" he spoke softly yet monotone that calmed my nerves. He held a hand out and I hesitantly took it.
We began walking somewhere
"You all are to stay out until Head Captains orders understood" he spoke without turning his back
"YES SIR!" They Replied
I sniffles and held his hand with both of my hands.
We reached a door and there was so much commotion going on I side
"What do you mean a ryoka!"
"Kurotsuchi what the hell!?"
"Gate opened randomly thats is some-"
"I guess they have a hold on the situation" the boy spoke he looked over at me and leaned down a bit
"What's your name?"
".....a-arisu.." I looked at his hand instead of his eyes
"Arisu when we walk in their let me do the talking try to stay calm" he held my hand and opened the door
Everyone became quiet
I was behind him holding his right hand and walking behind him with my left holding his white robe
"Captain Histsugaya nice of you to decide to finally join" The head captain spoke
"I would have been here on time if I wasn't delayed..I'm sure y'all are aware of the ryoka situation" he said monotone
"What is this?" A tall man with lavender hair approached me and
"Mmmhh.." I groaned in dislike and hid my face in the boys robe
"Head Captain the ryoka I believe your looking for is right here" he straightened himself and walked away
Everyone froze..
"Arisu.." the boy moved but I was being difficult and held his robe until he finally made me let go..
" a child!!?" Everyone gasped
Everyone was staring at me
"Mmmm" I immediately grabbed into the boys legs again and studied everyone's faces..
"Child..why have you come here" a old man spoke but he spoke softly
"..I-..I just wanted ice cream....t-then..there was a white light.." I hugged the boys leg with my arms
" head captain I can easily take care of this and exterminate the being" a man with a weird face spoke
..."aaaaaahhhhh" I cried into the boys leg
"Kurotsuchi! Enough don't speak in such way infront of a child!! Have you no shame!" A voice spoke firmly
I moved my face a little to see a..handsome man..
"Hello ..I'm Ukitake..Ukitake Jushiro would you like some candy" he was kneeling infront of me and I see him open his palm with a lot of candies
My felt my cheeks flush
"Y-yes please" I slowly let go of the white boy and grab his hand with one hand and pick a candy with the other
"She a human child, she is harmless.." a lady with a long braid spoke
"I agree" many spoke
The head captain banged his staff causing me to latch onto the handsome white haired man who gave me candy
He lifted me off my feet and held me.

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