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Arisu's POV

'Mugetsu...." a man in black hair..red eyes..and blue wrapping around repeated...but for some reason I didn't want him to say in and I was yelling in hysterics..."stoppp!!" I could hear my crying It felt like the world was crumbling around me. The black reiatsu around the man increased...and he swung his arm to another man in white from head to toe.
"STOOOPPPPP" I yelled and was blown away from the blast....the man in white from top to bottom still got yo after words..."noo" I gasped. I wanted to move but everything felt in slow motion...is this sleep paralyses...wake up...wake ups

"WAKE UP!!" My eyes jolted opens as I felt the forced of my shoulders being moved harshly. I was gasping for air...the light were on...
"I-ichi-go" He was hovered over me..he leaned me up and let me rest my head in his chest as I gasped for air...
"You were dreaming or something...your spiritual pressure went through the roof you wouldn't wake up we had to call Ichigo" Inoue was next to me with a hand in my back.
"I'm sorry guys I didn't mean to cause any trouble" I moved away from ichigo to see everyone in the room.
I looked at ichigo and the figure of the man in my dream pulsed over Ichigo in front of me like a silhouette...I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What?" Ichigo stared at me
I nodded..
"It was a dream...more like nightmare, two people kept fighting but I couldn't stop screaming at a certain person to stop for some reason it felt so real.." I felt my heartbeat.
Suddenly huge spiritual pressure was felt...we all froze
"It's them!" Rukia said and everyone left.
"Arisu stay with Inoue protect her" Rukia ordered and I nodded instantly.
After everyone left we turned the lights off and locked the door.
Me and Inoue sat in the dark
"Let's breath feeling breaths to decrease our spiritual pressure Inu" and she nodded.
"So your dream..." she spoke
"Mmh...it felt so real Inoue, I can even find the words to explain it...but for some reason I wanted to stop that one person from doing their attack...I was like in hysterics" I sighed

"That's odd, but I'm not trying to sound superstitious but what if you saw something that's going to happen.."

"I don't know...but it could be but then again it could have just been a really bad night terror" I shrugged
Me and Inoue sat very close to eachother and spoke for a good two hours there in the dark until we heard rapid knocking.
I looked at Inoue and got my pin out of my hair. I got the zanpakto because my wand was in my purse.
I swung the door open...I sighed
"Both of you please come quick!!" Rangiku flashes stepped us to a roof
Me and Inoue froze Rukia and Toshiro bleeding horribly...
  "Go with Rukia!" I moved Inoue and made sure she started healing Rukia...I got a glimpse of her frown when she saw Ichigo looking at Rukia being healed.
"Arisu!! Taichou is in bad-" Rangiku was panicking and Renji
"Don't worry" I spoke calmly not trying to worsen their panic.
I got my pin I already had it in my hand my hair was loose...
I raised my sleeve..I dragged my pin across my arm quickly making a opening for blood to fall...
"OII!!" Renji grabbed my arm
"Relax..." I said retracted my arm and placed my palms on his chest..his breathing was bad..
"Repara y Sana" I said and the turquoise like appeared his wounds slowly started to stop bleeding and closing...his pulse slowly got stronger and he's breathing got deeper and even..
After a few minutes I stopped..."he's okay..he'll be sore but he's fine" I breathed deeply feeling the weakness in my knees as I tried standing.
I stumbled a bit
"I got you I got you" Renji helped...
"Let's all get back inside guys" I spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.


A few days have passed since the incident and Ichigo has suddenly become very distant and it's ticking me off...and I was getting fed up. Inoue has been stressing herself out and we've all been training because apperantly there are these 'Arrancar' people who want to kill us because Aizen wants to have a war...it's so chaotic I cannot even keep up.
It's been 2 months since I've seen Otosan...I wonder how his health is and how he's doing, Byakuya too.
For the past hour I have been following Ichigo's spiritual pressure but I keep ending up at a stupid old house abandoned.
"Wait..." I through and scratched my head
I pulled my wand out of my boot.
I slowly moved my wand across the air
"Revelio" I said and a barrier was infront of the house...."aishhh" I sneered.
"Portus" I said a opening appeared and I walked through it...following the spiritual pressures I felt from there.
I saw a staircase and made my way down..there were a bunch of unfamiliar faces all together at the end of the stairs.
"H-hi Im looking for my brother Ichigo"
They all stared at me
"Who are you" a blonde one asked me
"I asked first" I spoke
"He's training" he pointed over to a bunch of rocks crumbling
"Who are you" he asked again.
"I'm Arisu Kurosaki Fumiko" I said and made my way down the stairs.
"Fumiko??" He raised a brow and grinned.
"Yes Fumiko"
"No wonder...you looked exactly like her...you're Azami's daughter aren't you" he said and turned.
My eyes widened..and the people around him "ohhh" and nodded in agreement.
I ran down the stairs and reached him...
"You knew my mother!" I asked him with pleading eyes..
"Mhhh she was my first lieutenant" He said...
"Wait what...Lieutenant?? Who are you?" I was so confused.
He turned and smiled
"Hirako Shinji former Squad 5 captain nice to meet you" he posed ...he's a dork.
"N-nice to meet you too" I bowed.
"So you never knew your mom was in the Gotei 13??...she was amazingly skilled and her clams powers would just add it. When I first heard of her I quickly requested her for my lieutenant"
We sat in the floor and continued.
"She was very skilled and a
Noble head as well, but one day she resigned from her position...and I never heard from her again so I had to move my 3rd seat up to lieutenant, but that's about as far as I'll share" he got serious
"Who was your 3rd seat?" I was curious to see he would...suddenly change moods.
"Aizen..Sōsuke" he spoke. I froze and looked at him with wide eyes...he furrowed his brows.
...my stomach turned...
"Oi Arisu!" I hear ichigo voice grow closer
I stood up and and felt the contents in my coming up I rant behind a rock and let it out.
"The hell did you do Hirako!" You could hear Ichigo yelling
"I didn't do nothing idiot!'...all I did was mention my former lieutnerants name..you already know" he said
....Ichigo came to realization.
"Oh.." he said.
I fixed myself up and walked back..."I'm sorry...I wasn't expecting that information, but it's makes sense...all of it all" I looked at Ichigo...and he was lost.

"My mom was his former lieutenant before Aizen..." I looked at him and his eyes widened.
"I see...I'm sorry Arisu" he spoke softly
Everyone around us were a bit comfused.
"Care to fill us in?" The blonde man spoke.
"I'm sure you know what Aizen did back in soul society...but that day I had just recently been informed after not knowing all my life even after finding out who my mother was...Aizen himself confessed to using my mother for his experiment he had planned...I was the outcome" I said and the tension raised.

"Yeah...Aizen biologically is my father but no way in hell am I accepting it...my only father is Ukitake Jushiro and that's it biological or not he's my father" I said.

"Aizen used Azami...that Bastard" a voice said in the back he had grey hair.
"You're just mad cause you had a crush on her for forever" a green haired teased him, and he glared at her.

"I'm sorry to hear that Arisu-san but we're all here training to kill that bastard...he's the one who did this to us"

"First of all don't talk to me like I would care about his well being...the bastard is dead to me...please excuse my rudeness but trust me I hate him as much and if not more than you do and second...what did he do to you"

"He experimented on us as well...we were given hollow powers and now..we're Visords" he said showing me his mask and my eyes widened.

"Is he why you're not in Soul Society currently.."

He nodded
"That prick..." I hissed.
He came and patted my shoulder
"Glad we're on the same side" he smiled and everyone around us did too.
"What are you doing here Ari" Ichigo broke my trance...a scowl formed in my face. I swiftly bent my arm making sure my elbow was facing hit and quickly dug my elbow into his gut.
"Ghaw!! W-what ARE YIU DOING!" He clutched he abdomen.
"No! What are you doing! Hiding from everyone! Everyone's been worried sick! and I come find you fine and dandy...idiot...you could've at least told us you were training" I spat
"Ahh yeah you're right" he scratched his head.
I crossed my arms...
"I'm going to go to Soul Societu with Rukia and Orihime to train" I began to walk off
"Be careful!" He said
"No you be careful!" I waved

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