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Arisu's POV

Inoue had immediately said yes for us staying at her place for the time being.
We had dinner except Toshiro and Rangiku took a bath first. Me and Inoue sat outside.
Inoue still had some bandages on her.
"You feeling better Inu" I asked and she smiled but she had a frown.
"What's wrong Inoue" Rangiku asked beating me to the question.
We began listening to Inoue's rant...she really does love Ichigo. That stupid guy cannot take a hint if it was to save his life.
"Inoue..." I spoke and she looked up at me with her teary eyes.
"You shouldn't frown over such matters, I know Ichigo is very dense and cant take a hint for the life of him...but...I have a feeling telling me the feeling is mutual between you too, but yours are much more advanced than his at the moment but I see the smiles he sends your ways. You're no burden at all...if it wasn't for you Ichigo would not be standing with us today Ichigo's life will always be in your hands to save...give it time love" I hugged her.
We heard water splashing around and Rangiku really stepped out butt naked. She had a body of a goddess may I add.
She began to tickle us
"HAHAHAH RAnGIKUUU" we laughed together.
After a while they got ice cream and made some nasty mixture but I got a bow for me and a extra bowl of just regular Ice cream no toppings.
"Hey guys I'll be back in a little" I said and they just nodded and began giggling.
I saw Toshiro up on the roof.
"Oshh" I put the two small bowls on my right hand and quickly stepped on the stair rails to give me a boost.
I jumped causing Toshiro too jump...but I didn't land.
I began sliding..."Shirooo!" I yelled and quickly felt someone carrying me up and sitting me down.
"Are you an idiot! You could have hurt yourself again!" He scolded and rubbed his temples.
"Heheeee sorry..." I laughed sheepishly
"Here.." I handed him a bowl and he reluctantly took it.
"Don't worry it's just ice cream I didn't add any nasty toppings like these girls" I reassured him. We began eating our Ice cream. It confortable silence.
"You know...I never really thanked you in all sincerity" I said
He sighed "Arisu you've thanked me on multiple occasions"
"I know but...words itself can't express how thankful I am...you saved my life if you wouldn't have been there in that moment those men who knows what they would've done" I smiled at the moon.
"It's fine...really" he put the bowl down...I turned too look at him. He has amazing features when you really pay attention. He's eyes take it all specially...I felt my stomach have butterflies...'oh for god sakes stop thinking like this ..' I thought
"What" he was looking at me with his usual half  lidded eyes.
"N-nothing...I just really like your hair and eyes...they're your best features" I smiled and looked away but not before noticing his eyes widened.
"You really are weird.." he said
"why is that.." I asked confused
"When I was younger nobody would ever approach me due to my hair and eyes yet you say otherwise" he laughed lightly... his chuckle made me feel light. 'Ommgg stop Ari' I scolded myself.
"I mean I'm just being honest...I would have loved to be your friend" I said and again his eyes widening for a few seconds.
"You're too friendly" he said
"and you're too cold.." I nudged his shoulder. I took a whim and laid my head on him shoulder...he teamed for a minute before relaxing and stayed still.
"Hey Toshiro.."
"Yeah.." I felt the slight vibration as I felt his hot breath land on my face.
"You're warm.."
"No..no..your heart is warm...I can hear it" I said as I placed my hand over his heart. He tensed slightly. I can hear his emotions again...like that moment with byakuya.
'Warmth...peace..' was what I felt in Toshiro's
"I'm not cold hearted if that's what you mean" he said
"Mmhh" I nodded

"Taichouuuu! We're gonna head to bed already" Rangiku voice caused me to jump up.
He sighed and to slide down the roof..he stopped and handed me his hand. I took it and we carefully went down the roof. When we got to the edge he jumped off first and turned to me.
"Jump" he said and held his arms out
"Eh?" I flushed..
"Just jump" he had a tick mark
I jumped off the roof and his hands easily gripped my hips and he set me down as if I weight nothing. I flushed a bit and he saw but didn't say anything.
"We should head inside" I said and opened the door.
The girls were not there...but there was two futons laid out. I walked to Inoue's room and see the both of them asleep in the same bed, I smiled at them and whispered goodnight.
I walked back to the living room area.
"Where are they?" Toshiro asked.
"They're asleep already they must be tired" I smiled as I went to the kitchen and turned on the light.
"You haven't ate anything" I said
"I'm not hungry" he said
I turned with a hand in my hip...
"You haven't ate since you got to school which was at 12pm and it's 11 right"
He groaned and looked to the side.
"It's fine come I'll make you a ramen it won't take long at all" I began to heat the water.
As the noddles cooked I chopped up green onions, boiled a egg and cut some pieces of meat to put into the ramen.
After it was done I served it and it smelled amazing. I set it in the table infront of him and then gave him some water and he began eating.
I was cleaning up the dishes used making sure I wasn't making a lot of noise. Toshiro came with his plate to me.
"Itwasreallygood" he mumbled looking off to the side.
I giggled "thank you, give me that plate so I can wash it" I washed it and began drying the plates and setting them in thei proper place.
  I tried reaching for a high shelf for the plate to set it so I took a small stool Inoue had and began to reach to set the plate.
"I'm goi-"
Toshiro's voice spooked me since it had been quiet and I let the plate go which landed ontop of the other played where it's suppose to go but since I was startled I lost my footing and was waiting for the hit to reach me...but it never did.
I opened my eyes to see me staring at the floor..I felt a thug on my body from my wait and I was brought back to my feet.
"Sorry I didn't mean to startle you" he said scratching his head.
"No it's alright I should've used a chair instead" I laughed it off and turned off the light to the kitchen and made my way to the futon's next to eachother.
I got in and was quickly feeling the sleep overcome me.
"Night...Shiro.." I mumbled
"Goodnight" he relied amd I fell into a bliss sleep...until I began having a night terror.

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