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Arisu's POV

I have been speaking with Ukitake about my invitation to France to study ballet and he immediately agreed to it. Which made me happy but I just didn't want to leave him abruptly.
"It's until next month so I can stay here till then can't I?" I asked him
"Of course you Can plus don't you need to help Rukia with the dance, I remember you saying Kuchiki Taichou asked you to help her" He rubbed his chin.
"Trueee!! I completely forgot about that omo...." I rubbed my forehead.
He giggled and as did I.
"Aren't you preforming as well?" He asked and I smacked my cup down into the table....
"Oh my goodness...otōsan! I haven't even made a dance yet!" I grabbed my hair into my palms. He looked to his sides in panic.
"D-don't panic! It's till this weekend so you have all this week!"
We both panicked together.
"Hmmm...imma need to start working, otōsan do you have paper and ink and a light I can use"
He quickly scooted to a drawer and pulled out the supposed and handed them over.
"Now don't go staying up late I'll take the lamp away" He warmed
"That's okay I can go outside and use the moon" I giggled
"I'll lock you in" he glared
"I was joking...." I said and stared at him plainly feeling a shiver of fear down my back.
He quickly began laughing and rubbing the back of his head.
"I'm joking! I could never!" He laughed and I sweat dropped...
'Jesus...I thought he was serious' I sighed.
"Okay otōsan well im going to work on some ideas for a little and I'll head to bed I promise!" I smiled softly and he stood up and patted my head lightly and nodded.
He made his way across the common room to his room. The beads hanging from his door move as he walks through them.
I began brainstorming some ideas, and songs. It's a ceremony so something light and peaceful, just for the audience...but how many attend the festival thoe?
I feel like hours passed as I tried coming up with an idea...or inspiration.
"Damn..." I sighed as I looked as the paper below me. I rested my cheek against my palm, my face being squished now.
"Hmm...could i do something for otōsan?" I suddenly thought.
I got the idea to ask Shunsui tomorrow, but for now imma gets some sleep.

The next morning otōsan let me sleep in, he was gone by the morning. I got up and decided to wear something from my kimono's, I've been coming to like Amaterasu's fashion sense recently.

I quickly combed through my hair andheld in up in a bun

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I quickly combed through my hair and
held in up in a bun. Today felt a little more warmer than usual but still fresh and chilly just warmer than usual. I quickly made my way to the 8th squad barracks.
Once I arrived I quickly spotted him on the roof of the entrance building. I quickly, jumped to the fence first which wasn't too high and just made my way up through the windows until I reached the top. He was laying down with hat covering his face.
"Kyōraku Oji~" I sang softly Incase he was asleep but who am I kidding he knew I was here long before I got up the building.
"Hmmm Ari-chan~" His raspy voice replied. He didn't get up and I'm glad he didn't cause I wanted to know how he could sleep on the roof. I went next to him and laid as well on my back. Facing the sky.
"So Kuchiki-Taichou asked me to preform in the Sakura festival and I was looking for ideas...and I remembered otosan is also from a sort of clan right?"
I heard him shift and he lifted his hat to glance at me and lay his head back down.
"The Ukitake's Family here is considered a low-class aristocratic family, they're not like the Shihōin, or Kuchiki family, but they have always been known greatly for actually being very traditional" He finished and I hummed in response.
"Mmhh" I stared at the sky.
"Do you know...if by chance-" I got cut off just as I spoke.
"They have plenty" he chuckled.
I looked over at him and he removed his hat and turned his head to me facing me as well. I quickly set eager to know.
"Ojiii please tell me!" I pulled on his pink haori.
"Yess yess~" he waved his hand as he groaned sitting up.
"So Ukitake hasn't really kept in touch much with his family ever since joining the Gotei 13 which is natural as a captain he has many duties, but their family does me once a year for the "Dance of Haniyasu" which is a dance for the goddess of earth bring forth luck and wisdom and all sorts of blessings, but that stopped once Ukitake's sister in law was executed for loosing the sacred treasure" Shunsui poured himself some sake.
I nodded suddenly bummed out and began to think.
"Dance of Haniyasu" I mumbled...
"Where can I find the choreography..." I pulled in his haori once again.
"Hmmm" he scratched his neck and thought.
"That's going to be difficult...and you can't ask Ukitake it'll spoil the surprise" Shunsui thought.
"The last one who had preformed was his sister in law since she was the eldest and im not sure is his younger sister knows but we can pay them a visit" He began groaning as he began to stand.
"Wait really!" I slipped as I got up to excitedly and he caught my forearm and pulled me up.
"Yes, just be careful Ari-Chan" he mumbled and we made out way down.
We quickly began our trip and left the Seretei, and he held his arm out.
"It'll be faster if I take us Ari-Chan" He smiled and me and I nodded.
"Okay, I have my phone and notebook legs go" I hooked my arm around his and we moved so fast, it was insane I could feel the pressure in my ears. It hurt slightly. Around two minutes later we arrived at a beautiful traditional estate.

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