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Arisu's POV

They continued to speak about things I didn't even understand...I was so lost until he mentioned my name again.
"Arisu is allowed to roam Las Nochesbut let this be a warning to you all if I hear a complaint from her about any of you..." he stayed quiet as he sipped his tea and spoke again "anyone can be replaced" and the 'Espadas' nodded...that's all I got from this that they're ranked.
They stood up and quickly left but I felt all eyes on me specially from that creepy long haired spoon guy.
"Well then shall we eat" Gin spoke and they sat down in the tables
Some people came in and brought a curry like soup with rice.
It was actually very delicious.
"So Ari-Chan how have you been! You look well" Gin broke the silence.
"I've been good.." I have simple answers.
"We can continue our convo tomorrow you must rest" Aizen spoke.
"I want to see Inoue...I just want to see if she's safe and I'll never ask for anything again" I said bluntly which caused Aizen to stop eating.
"By all means go ahead..Ulquiorra escort her" he said and out of mid air the tear guy appeared.
"Thank you.." I said before standing up and he didn't reply I eagerly followed Ulquiorra.
"You have 10 minutes and I'll be escorting you back to Aizen chambers to your room" he said and opened the door and closed it behind him.
I looked into the room and see a figure sitting on a long couch.
"Inoue.." I spoke and she turned her head so quick. We both ran to eachother
"Arisu-Chan!" I engulfed her Into my arms
"Oh my god you're alive...you're alive" I held my hand in her head as I let out breaths of relief.
"What are you doing here" she pulled back.
"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have let
You come back alone I was so selfish!" I brought her back into my arms.
"Ari...no don't blame yourself...even if you had been there you would've came with me either way. That arrancar mentioned you he thought you were going to be with me but I was glad you weren't so you wouldn't have came but....here you are" she cried
"Don't cry...I should be the one crying I couldn't protect you!" I cried
"Ichigo was really upset...at me that I left you, maybe he cares more than you think Inoue" I smiled at her and she looked down at her knuckles smiling.
"I'm so glad you're okay...but why did they bring you?" I asked her.
"I don't know..Aizen kept rambling about my powers about gods and time and he never stated a reason" she explained
"Me either...he said 'because he couldn't leave his daughter with those shinigami's" I sighed
"He also said...that even thoe I may loathe him and hate him...but he said he genuinely cared for me" I looked at her and she was just as in shock.
"Do you really think he meant that...I mean look at what he's done"

"I know I find it hard to believe those words even came out of his mouth but...his eyes said something else. I don't know but it's not as if over night all will be forgiven...he almost killed me and and many else as if I could even forgive the man" I sighed.

"Do you think they will come for us.." Inoue broke the silence as we sat on the couch.
"As much as I don't want them too...I hope they do because I want to leave this place as soon as possible" I smiled at her trying to give her hope.
"Also trade dresses with me...I hate this I feel naked" I said seriously and she began to laugh.
"You look very sexy Ariiii nooo you fill it out so well!" She complimented and I had a tick mark.
"Inoueeee....switch" I hissed
The door opened. I turned back.
"I'll come visit you every chance I get I promise, stay safe and don't get hurt you hear me!" I said and she nodded. I got up and followed Ulquiorra.
"Hey 'quarta' espada" I said and he stopped.
"I don't meant to bother but is there other clothes I could get" I asked and he looked like he could care less I just didn't like when he eyed me down.
"Not that I know of. All clothes here are made specifically for the person if you want clothes ask Aizen-sama" he continued walking.
"How long have you been here" I tried making convo.
"Not too long"
"Well...you have any friends here"
"You talk too much"
"You talk too little"
He looked at me from the corner of his eyes his eyes were dark green so empty..
"Your eyes..and your heart are empty...I hear no emotions" I said
"What is this heart you speak of?"
I almost fell from his question.
"What?" I choked
"You human always speak of such things" he stopped and lifted his hand close to my chest.
"If I rip open your chest will I see it here...If I rip open your skull would it lie there" he asked
I was in shock of his statement..
"I'm not referring to the organ itself...what I refer too is a metaphor" I said looking into his confused state.
"By heart I mean emotions...do you feel anything at all...ever"
"I don't understand your statement" he said and continued walking.
We reached the doors...
"I'll be your friend Ulquiorra..everyone needs one" I turned to him and he didn't turn back fully he just stared at me from the corner of his eyes and disappeared.
I opened the doors and closed them behind me.
"I've set up your room I hope it'll be to
your liking" Aizen voice spooked me since it had been so quiet.
His side was the right and my side was the left side. I nodded and made my way to the room..."goodnight" I said and closed the door.
The second I closed the door I felt it...the Spritual pressures...."what the..." I stopped..'no...no...' I thought.
I went to the window that lead to the outside...'no doubt about it'
"Ichigo...noo" I dropped my head against the bars...."dammit" I hissed...
I went and sat in the bed...the whole night. I didn't sleep a wink.

3rd POV

Ichigo and the other have entered Hueco Mundo...they already met Nel and her two Fracciones and met up with Rukia and Renji.
They're currently now entering Las Noches. They have now split up.
They have all been fighting...for the sake of Inoue and Arisu.
[Im sure you now this whole fighting fiasco...so let's time skip to when he's fighting Grimmjow and Inoue is finally in Ichigo's hands so now he's desperately looking for Arisu]

Arisu's POV

I woke up with a huge headache I don't know what time I slept at and Gin was outside waiting for me he told me "If you're not feeling well visit Szaeyelapporo he can help with a few medical supplements" I nodded and followed his directions but not before I noticed him open his eyes and look at me with a serious face and mouthed 'careful'....what is with him.
I was walking down the halls...in the stupid outfit. I finally reached a room that said "9" and I knocked.
"Come in" a voice sounded from the other side.
I opened the door to a dark room...and many cylinder fluid filled tubes.
"Ohh to what do I owe the pleasure am for such visit" the link haired guy smirked my way..
"Gin informed me you could help with my headache pain" I asked.
He smirked.."yes I can please sit" he gestured to a chair.
His presence give me a weird vibe...
I sat down in the weirdly built chair.
He went a did a few things here and there and gave me a drink that was sizzling...sizzling. I stared at the drink...
"Drink up before the bubbles are gone" he said and I drank it. It wasn't to bad but it wasn't good either.
"Give it 5 minutes...for the full effect to kick in" he stared at me and took the glass from my hand.
I went to stand up...and I was feeling odd...numb one could say.
"H-hey..." I tried getting his attention. He turned in slow motion...smirking.
"She's all yours" he said and another figure came forth...no..it's the creepy guy.
"You sure it will hold her down" he spoke.
The pink haired guy turned glaring at him.
"Don't underestimate my work Noitora" he spat.
"Whatever...here are your stupid hollow masks you wanted" he threw him a bag...and I was being dragged...everything was fuzzy.

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