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3rd POV

It's been weeks since ichigo has became a sound reaper and they would spend more time at Urahara's place constantly and apparently Orihime and Chad have powers which is pretty cool actually! Sucks that I'm left out a bit thoe...I've been having such an odd feeling lately.
I've been happy tho I've became really close with Rukia she always looks after me so much which is pretty adorable.
   It was late and me and Rukia were walking back to Urahara's.
  "Oi Oiiii so you're friends with humans now" a voice spoke and I looked around curiously and she froze in place.
    I turned and saw a man up on a freaking light pole!
  "A-Abarai Renji!" She spoke
"Rukia who is he? What's wrong" I spoke her
  The guy came down with a freaking sword!! The hell is happening!!
   "Run run now!" She looked at me and we both got thrown back by the wind this crazy dude made
   He went full crazy on Rukia swinging his sword yet she dodge most of them so gracefully.
  I was about to take off and I felt a presence behind me suddenly.
"Are..you the lowly human that stole her powers" I turn in fear not knowing what to do..
  He has such a handsome face..yet so stern...yet so ....familiar. My head began to pound again.
   "Arisu!!" Rukia yelled
The man stopped and his eyes widened for a mere second.
   I began to walk back slowly in fear I could barely breath around him..his spiritual thing Urahara told us about.
   He just stared at me with a glare...yet curiosity?
"Kurosaki!" A blue light passed through us and I fell back
  I like over..."ishida no!" Rukia yelled "Kurosaki...Arisu..how sad.." the man spoke again and I looked at him so confused yet so frightened.
   Suddenly I felt Ichigo coming...oh no..this is bad so bad.
     "Ari!" He yelled and grabbed me and ran backing away from the man I couldn't take my eyes off.
     I felt so weak..and my head was pounding off the charts!
   "That girl" the man pointed at me as ichigo held me
  "Nee-sama DONT!" Rukia yelled and he stopped and glared at Rukia.
   Ichigo set me down next to Ishida he was bleeding profusely.
    "Uryū come on look at me love.." I tried making him look at me as I panicked.
  "Hey hey!" He slowly opened his eyes.
I tore my shirt and began to wrap his wound tightly. His pulse is low 52 bpm and it's getting worse.
  "Ishida stay with me imma call your dad!" I tried getting my phone
"No! Do not give me that family problem crap right now!" I shook and he silenced..
I was side tracked as now not the red head yet the man attacked ichigo and he fell flat face forward.
I whispered and ichigo was bleeding profusely
  "STOPPP!" I yelled I felt my body releasing energy

3rd POV

The lieutenant and captain froze as the girl tending to the Quincy yelled and let out a huge amount of spiritual pressure
   To the point where they let out a few coughs of breath here and there. Rukia froze knowing if she finds out about her past it'll be for the worse.
   "Let's leave brother I don't need these humans.." she spoke
   The girl stood up
"Stop!! Don't you dare take one more step..." she avoided eye contact
   The captain stared at the girl knowing full well now who this human was...the child. The child that he had become so fond of..was now grown up.
   "Let's leave brother" Rukia spoke
"If you come after me I'll never forgive you ever..." she glared at the girl on the floor shedding tears and left in class confusion.


Arisu's POV

I called Ishida's dad and Uraraha came for ichigo and told me to head to his shop when I was done.
Right when Uraraha left Ryuken-san pulled up in his car.
"What happened" he spoke and lifted ishida with no effort at all and set him in the car.
"I-I don't even know..." I looked at the road..
We arrived at their home which was huge...we got Ishida inside and he began to clean and stitch his wounds.
"This is why I tell him not to involve himself with soul reapers.." he spoke passively.
"He never listens and look at him.." he sighed. He finished stitching ishida.
I grabbed a blanket that was by his feet and covered him. I worriedly caressed his hair.
"I need to go Ryuken-san Ichigo also was hurt I need to see him" I bowed
"Want me to drive you" he spoke
"It's okay It's very close by" I spoke softly
He came close and patted my head
"Thank you for calling Arisu"
I quickly began to walk towards Urahara shop.
"How is he!" I slammed the door and walked in.
"His wounds are deep but Tenssai here was able to get it under control" Yourichi spoke.
I sighed.
I walked back next to Urahara and sat at the table.
"Hará-san" i spoke as I held my temples and held my tears..
"What can i do for you my Ari-Chan" he fanned himself, and Yourichi sat on the table.
"Something is wrong with me...everyday I feel weird...*my voiced cracked*...I have horrible head pains...then today..the man that came with the stuff on his hair, he looked so familiar..and it's as if he knew me! He kept making references as if he knew me!!" I gasped in frustration
Urahara stared at me with sympathy
"It hurst...my pains hurt me a lot and that man the second he made eye contact with me my head began pulsing.." I cried into his chest as he rubbed my back.
"Jinta in my room in the storage closet there's a red box bring it" he spoke softly as my whimpers silenced
He let me go and I sat up there was a red medium sized box inside.
He opened it and there was a bag inside and be brought it out.
"Arisu... this bag belonged to you" he opened it and began to set out stuff infront of me.
He set out a stick...a book..a letter..some old candies ew...and a Sakura flower the oddly was in full bloom and not...dried up and dead.
He grabbed the letter..
"Dear Kisuke Uraraha we're sending you Kurosaki Arisu your way in hopes you can return her to her home. She has appeared before us here in Soul Society a few weeks ago accidentally through a opened gate. Through her time here everyone has become quite fond of the kind child yet she cannot stay here. Her powers developed at a rapid pace her body cannot handle. If she were to stay in soul society she would die. We also came to know that her name is Arisu Kurosaki Fumiko...we understand she doesn't not live with her parents nor does she know the whereabouts, but what we did confirm with the elders of the noble clan is that she is in fact a Fumiko. Please watch over the child and know that we have erased her memories for her well being until then.
~ Squad 1 Yamamoto"

He finished and placed the letter back into the envelope.
"...ha...this has to me some kind of joke" I rubbed my temples as the pain got worse..
I grabbed the flower and looked at it.."that flower when you arrived here had the spiritual pressure of a certain captain and only one captain in Soul society owns those Sakura Trees...he's the captain you met today the man you spoke of...Byakuya Kuchiki" Yourichi spoke
It's as if a roleback began playing in my head...it was me a child...and the man...in several ocasiona and some other people.
My head began pulsing ..."I-I think I should go.." I stood up and everything went black.

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