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Arisu's POV

When I arrived I almost fell to the ground.
"Good afternoon Lady Ukitake" soul reapers yelled.
"Jesus..." I clutched my heart.
"My myyy I told you all you didn't have to greet her such wise!" Ukitake sighed rubbing his neck.
"Ahh how sweet of all you guys!" I mumbled.
Ukitake made his way to me.
"Should I introduce myself?" I asked him and he nodded. I looked at the many many soul reapers gathered. So many jeezz...otōsan how do you manage.
"OHAYOOOOOO!!!!" I waved startling Ukitake next to me.
"I'm Arisu!! I'm the captains daughter and I know I may not know all of your names yet, but I will very soon! Please feel free to approach me at anytime I love making friends! and I am very social! Call me Ari-Chan!!" I grinned widely as the soul reapers stared in shock from the cultural differences
I sweat dropped.
"A-ah...I know our cultural setting may be slightly different and I can come off very shocking but trust me I'm a very fun person to be around, and I hope to make it very lively here....." I rested my hands on my hips
Their faces changed to a more hesitant one...
"Ari-" I cut off Ukitake
"What...." I began cackling out loud
Ukitake sighed and held a palm against his face. He smiled at them and dismissed them.
"You're a handful aren't you" he nodded his head in disagreement.
"Whaaatt..I don't want them to treat me all formal..." I shrugged.
"Anywayssss otōsan Im going to the back to gather some things. Kuchiki Taichou notified me the Sakura festival is back on and wants me to preform and wants me to help Rukia in her celebration dance help her feel more confident" I notified him
"That's great! Do you want me to prepare your room" He smiled widely at the fact that I would be staying here.
"Yes please! If it isn't too much too ask I won't be back till tomorrow morning but for the night of tomorrow yes!" I clasped my palms together.
"Ari...of course it isn't!" He gave me a light flick on the forehead.
I chuckled.
"Perfect you want anything from over there?" I asked before heading out.
"Hmm...OHH!" His eyes widened and I took a step back startled by his sudden reaction. He's such a dork.
"Can you bring me some snacks! Please" he grinned.
"Yess I'll bring you and shiro some snacks imma bring a little something for some of you guys " I smiled and quickly kissed his cheeks before running off.
"I'll be back tomorrow morning!" I waved.
He still gets a little shocked by the act of affection since they're not really use it it.
His eyes softened.
"Be careful Arisu!" I heard him shout

When we met at the Senkaimon, Byakuya and Renji were there.
I had written a list on my phone on what to get
Yamamoto - some herbs for his teas
Toshiro - candies beans (his favorite)
Byakuya - hot Cheetos ( he needs
To try them)
Shunsui - Smearnoff's (peach flavor)
Ukitake - lots of snack, and look for a jewelry
Rangiku - Victoria Secret gift card.
Renji - more cloth headbands
Rukia - plushies
Mayuri - a set of surgical utensils
'Now I know I may not like him much and he's creepy but! having a friendship with the man can come in handy some day'
Okayyyy I think that's it!
"Ready!" I looked up to see the two men waiting for me.
We grab walking through the Senkaimon.
I walked invetween them two.
"So its still very early if you want to accompany me we need to stop at Kisuke's place and have him give you gigai's because I don't want to be talking to you all and seem like a crazy women talking to herself" I chuckled at the thought.
"I don't like gigai's" Byakuya spoke
I sighed...
"Fine atleast you Renji please don't let me look like a lunatic" I grabbed his arm and he nodded.
"You wanted to go to the tattoo shop right" I looked over to him.
"A-h yeah...I want to see some designs I was thinking about getting" he began thinking.
"Awesome! I've been always wanting to get something too can I go with you!" I grinned.
"You want a tattoo?" He questioned.
"Well I think they're really cool, specially if they have meaning you know. Not just those that people get for the heck if it"
He nodded
"Like I noticed there's a seated officer in Squad 6 who looks up to you he has a small one on his brow I've seen him around" I smiled and he kind of hesitated.
"A-Ahh yess" he smiled as he looked down.
I smiled as well. He seems glad to know he's strong enough to be proud of being their role model.
"Ehhh kuchiki Taichou you want a tattoo?" I nudge him and he looked at
Me from the corner of his eyes.
"Never, I don't think I would mark my body" he spoke bluntly.
"Hmmm...I think your squad number would look cool on you somewhere it wouldn't be seen...like the back of you neck! You got long hair it wouldn't show!" I tried convincing him.
"I'm not tainting my skin for the last time" He shot a glance
"Heheh finee finee" I chuckled.

We arrived with Uraraha exchanged greeting I hugged the man almost squeezing the breath out of him. He gave Renji a gigai except byakuya who refused. Stubborn head.
"Let's go to the shop and after wards we go get my things and if we're done early we can head back, even though I told Ukitake I would be back tomorrow but it's fine" I spoke as we walked.
Once we neared the shop Renji was talking about we walked in.
"You've been here?" I looked at Renji and he nodded.
"Oi Renji!" A tatted young guy walked over and they greeted eachother.
"Are you here about the design you wanted to extend" He asked and Renji smiled nodding.
"Alright I'll start setting up" he looked over to me and byakuya but he obviously could not see Byakuya.
"This your girlfriend?" He smirked at Renji and he went red.
"Yesss!" I slapped Renji's back forcefully
"Gwa-!" He choked
"Then you guys can get the couples discount!" The man winked.
"Are you getting something?" He looked at me.
"I actually did have something in mind...do you mind taking a look" I pulled out my phone.
He leaned over. "Oh snowdrop"s we don't get those much anymore" he took my phone and examined the picture.
"Let me go print this out on a stencil and we can start after I finish Renji it won't take long" He smiled and left.
"What's a snowdrop?" Renji looked over.
I showed him my phone.
"It's otōsan's squad flower..." i smiled and Renji nodded.
"Now go get tatted so I can go next" I smacked his chest and went to go sit.
Byakuya stood next to me as Renji laid on the bed getting his work done on his back.
"So you're getting Squad 13th flower imprinted into your skin" I look to Byakuya leaning against the wall with his eyes closed.
"Mmh" I said softly Incase anyone thought I was talking to my self.
"Heyy! I think Renji needs to hold your hand! He won't stay the hell still" the young man scowled at Renji as he yelled to me.
'Where's my Oscar honestly...' I grumbled.

"Cominggg" I smiled...I sat next to Renji holding his hand.
"Babe...why won't you stay still?" I caressed his palm and let it sit in my thigh...'yesss I'm going to torture you Abarai' I smirked. His pupil's were so small. I started to caress his whole arm shoulder down.
"So strong...and cant take a needle?" I cocked my head to the side. Renji roughly turned his head the other way.
"STAY STILL!" The man yelled.
Byakuya was just keeping a glare...'probably pissed his lieutenant can't handle a needle....right?' I glanced once more and he caught my glance and looked away after a few seconds.

After a while...
"Alright done! Let's gets started on you shall we" the young man directed me to the last chair of the room.
"So where do you want the art?" He asked and looked at me.
"I was thinking along my side you know on the right" I said as in shower him where.
"That's perfect since it's vertical! Let's get started" he turned and pulled on a cloth screen blocking the two men waiting for me from their view.

3rd POV

The two men stood there on the other side of the screen that was pulled.
"Could you remove your blouse" the man spoke.
Renji tensed
"Sure" Arisu replied.
"Gwa-" Renji eyes widened.
There was shuffling and moving.
"Let me unclasp it for you" Arisu's spoke again.
Renji was about to explode...Byakuya eyebrow was twitching slightly.
"Right there?"
"Yes" she spoke
More shuffling.
"Alright ready?"
"Mmh!" A squeal was heard causing both men to freeze Byakuya eyes opening quickly.
"A-ah sorry is this your first? It hurts the first times but everyone comes with different pain tolerance"
"Don't worry it'll fade it a bit"
The two men standing there a blushing mess.
"I-itaiii" Arisu squealed.
"Sorry" the man spoke.
"W-what...is going on?" Renji could barely speak.
After a 30 mins.
"Do you like it?"
"Do you want to show him?" The man asked.
"Yess yess!!" Arisu eagerly spoke.
The man moved the screen a little.
"Renji Renji!!! LOOOKIE!!" Arisu's stood  covering her breast and front torso with her shirt. Only Her side boob clearly viable. Her red irritated skin surrounding the beautiful tattoo of a "snowdrop"
The two men's eyes widened.
"A-ARI!" Renji was looking to his captain and back at the girl looking at herself in the mirror. Renji flabbergasted at the fact that Byakuya had color in his cheeks.
"C-cover up!!" Renji panicked.
The girl giggled and went behind the screen.
"It's great..." she mumbled to herself.
They quickly paid their artist and took their leave. Arisu was able to get all the things she wanted to bring back. She struggled with Ryuken when she asked him for surgical tools until she explained he became even more hesitant knowing they were for a Soul Reaper. He told her how he wished she was born into his family he would've been more than happy to have her in his clan.

"Could we stop by my place real quick..." Arisu spoke to the two men behind her.
"You guys can head to Urahara's I won't be too long" she said before flash stepping away leaving the men behind.

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