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3rd POV

The captains bid their goodbyes to eachother and Ukitake looked to the side to the sleeping girl.
"I'll protect you with my life Arisu"
He began to lift the girl in his arm and took her to the room he ask Kyone and Sentaro to remodel for her.
He laid her in her futon and covered her.
He bid her goodnight and went to his own room to rest.
He couldn't help but feel as if something was missing...or off.

  Arisu's POV

I felt the in making its way through the window and I got up.
"Ahh...I'm in Soul Society...I wish I had my ballet shoes" I sighed. I would have ballet class every other day after class and weekends during the morning.
"Well might as well stretch until I can ask someone to get them for me" I stood up and began stretching all my joints.
"Oh I see you down have any bones" I heard a voice behind me
"Ohh otōsan morning!" I smiled.
"Come on let's each some breakfast" he ushered me.
While we had our breakfast I decided to ask.
"Otōsan can i ask you for something"
"Well you see I take ballet classes and I want to practice because we have a recital at the end of the year and I don't want to be out of practice...but I don't have my shoes..or my uniforms" I frowned.
"I see...maybe we can send someone to the Real word to buy some for you" he thought and my eyes shined.
"Yess I think we can ask Squads 6 Lieutenant" he thought
"Oh okay.." I felt kind of nervous at the thought of Captain Kuchiki.
"But also...what is ballet?" He asked and I froze.
"What!!" I yelled flabbergasted
"I-Uh calm down calm down!" He waved
"You don't know what ballet is!" I was so shocked
"Never heard of it.." he looked at
Me blankly.
"Jeeezzz Louise"
"Who is Louise.." he asked
I face palmed.

After our breakfast we both made our way to Squad 6. As we got closer I saw the trees again...oh how I love those trees.
  We entered his building.
"Captain Kuchiki, it's Captain Ukitake and Arisu" Ukitake knocked.
"Come in" we spoke and we entered.
I saw him sitting working on papers and Renji too.
I dove straight next to Renji.
"Whatcha doing Renji" I peered over his shoulder.
"Oh- Uh paper work" I didn't noticed his flushed cheeks at the closeness.
"Ah! Arisu mind his personal space" Ukitake scolded me.
"Ahhh sorry Renji" I scooted away.
"No problem didnt..really mind it" he flushed and I smiled.
"So I was coming to ask you if we could borrow Renji for a task" Ukitake began speaking with Byakuya.
  "What task?"
"Well you see Arisu here is a ballet dancer and she would like to stay in practice and she needs her shoes and uniform but there all in the world of the living and she's not allowed to leave" Ukitake tried to reason with him
  I was leaning close to Renji again watching his I did notice he got tensed.
  "What's this...ballet you speak of" the word rolled off byakuya tongue.
  "What!!!!!" I slammed my hand on Renjis desk as he jumped.
  "I'm not familiar with it.." Byakuya stared at me..those grey eyes.
  I sighed.
"Ballet is an artistic dance form using precise and highly formalized steps...danced on the tips of your toes" I spoke as I smiled softly imagining dancing just now.
  "It's such a beautiful form of dancing that begun in the 19th century and it keeps the present tied to our history in graceful movement...I would be more than glad to preform for all of you guys unaware of the art of ballet" I smiled
  Byakuya stared at me...but this time I couldn't read him but I felt no tension. I swear I saw a ghost smile on his face for a millisecond before he looked down at his paperwork.
"Renji accompany them for you to retrieve her things" he spoke
  I was so happy!!! I swear I thought he was going to say no..
  I clasped renjis hands in mine.
"Neeee Renji!!! Please can we go now!!! I really want to practice!" I smiled and he turned into a tomato.
"I-uh okay okay" he stood up quickly.
Everyone began walking out. I looked back at Byakuya.
"Thank you...Captain Kuchiki that was sweet of you" I smiled
He stopped working but didn't look up.
"Don't mention it"
I smiled and left content with his reply.
I showed Renji in my phone what to get in specific and he is taking my phone for reference.
"Get this brand okay the others are good and all like amazing but wayyyyy to expensive! Here's the money and you can take my phone for reference!" I handed everything to him.
  "Perfect imma stop at my squad to inform Captain I'll be leaving and head to retrieve them" he disappeared...how do they DO THAT!
   I forgot to asked Byakuya one last thing.
I walked back to his squad.
Should I....no I've already asked for Renji....but I need to.
  I entered and his door was open "Kuchiki Taichou" I spoke nervously, But he didn't respond. His head was hanging...why does everyone fall asleep here. He must be tired.
  I entered the room, and closed the door behind me. I grabbed the pillow like things they have in the corner and slowly shoved me so he could fall into the pillow....'my dude you weight a ton' I supported his body till he finally touched the floor. 'They should have blankets by where the cushions were' I thought and I was right. I threw the blanket over him...boy he was knocked out.
  I looked over and saw the paper work...'his signature isn't too hard' I shrugged and took the pen and began to fill the paper out they're the same like Shiros paper work.
He didn't have much paper work so I walked over to Renjis desk and filled them out as well. After a hour or two I think I finished Renjis paper.
  "What are you doing" I heard a voice
I jumped slightly since it had been so quiet.
"Jeeez you scared me" I sighed clutching my heart.
  He was sitting up. Looking around not know what happened.

3rd POV

Byakuya sat up and noticed he was covered..'did I fall asleep' he thought.
  "You fell asleep...you looked to peaceful you probably haven't rested in a while I didn't want to bother you so I gave you a cushion and I filled out the paperwork wasn't really that hard to copy yalls signatures" she looked at Byakuya as she rested her face in her palm.
  Byakuya didn't even know how to reply...she makes herself comfortable I'm someone else's home but he doesn't understand why he doesn't really mind it too much.
"I see..."
"Just go back to sleep and get more rest, a man should always have his full hours of sleep if he wants to have his energy for tomorrow" She slightly smirked to him
"I'm fine now...I feel rested even if it was a few hours" he ran his hand through his hair.
"So what are you doing here, I thought you left with Ukitake"
"I came to ask you but I didn't want to wake you so I waited" she stood up and went to open the door letting the sunset light come in.
"What is it" he narrowed his eyes in curiosity...he oddly didn't feel uncomfortable around her presence.
"Well you're a noble so you have this HUGEEE houseeee and I just wanted to ask if you would allow me to use one of the spare rooms daily for my dancing"
He didn't say anything
Arisu's fidgeted under his gaze
  "What would I get out of lending a room to you" he asked. She was a little shocked.
"Uh...well I took a physical therapy course during the summer so I give amazing therapeutic massages! and AND in the summer I also learned how to make amazing! Spicy edamame !" She stuttered her way through her sentences
  "I don't know what either of those two are but I'll agree" he looked across her passively.
"You can use that room across from the one we're in right now" he spoke pointing at it.
His manor was built in somewhat a 'U' shape so he pointed at the one right across from there's.
Arisu smiled widely. "OHHH THANK YOU BYAKUYA" being the friendly person she is knowing no boundaries.
She made her way and excitedly gave him a hug before running across the grass to the room to check it out.
  Byakuya stood there dumbfounded by her sudden act. He shook his head.
  He looked at her as she went into the room and saw how spacious it was just perfect.
   "I've returned Captain" Renji came into the manor.
Arisu's quickly almost tackled Renji to the floor.
"RenJIIII~~" she sang.
"Ahh- yes yes I have the stuff!" He panicked and gave her the bag.
  She sat in front of the two men and began to unpack her shoes and informs.

Arisu's POV

"Tights..perfect!...Leotard...perfect!...practice tutu and skirt...perfect!!....Shoe-" she froze as she saw the box...
"Is something wrong" Renji became nervous and Byakuya stared.
  "Renji...these are...Fina-Francesca shoes...these shoes cost $4,000 w-why did you get these? how did you get these!?" I was frozen holding the shoe in my hand.
Renji began to scratch his head.
"Renji" Byakuya spoke..and Renji stood up and left.
"Wh-wait!!" I yelled still confused as to why he GOT THE MOST EXPENSIVE SHOES IN THE WORLD..
"You spoke of this ballet...with such respect. Even if this ballet could have been the worst thing in the world you made it sound as if it was the most heavenly thing in your world. I respect how much respect you have toward this ballet you speak of and Renji spoke to me before he left. I gave him the money" He simply went back to writing in his papers.
"Byakuya..." I softly said.
He bought me the most expensive shoes I've ever wanted since I was a little girl...only the most professional of the best in Ballet  own these shoes. I Felt my eyes sting.
  I slowly put the shoes back in the box and got up and sat right next to him facing him as he faced his work desk. He stopped to look at me confused.
I hid my eyes...I rested my forehead against his shoulder. I sniffled and took a few breaths.
"I want to ask why...but all I can say it thank you.." I sniffed.
"It wasn't that big of a deal" he spoke. You arrogant man.
I slowly wrapped my arms around him and stayed still...he tensed you for a few second before I went him move and began writing again.
"Thank you.." I said again.
I felt him rest a hand ontop of the arm that I had around him over his abdominal area.
"It's getting late, you should head back with Ukitake" he spoke softly.
"Mmh" I nodded
I slowly moved and grabbed my stuff.
"I'll see you tomorrow" I smiled back at him and he just nodded, I could see the smile this time. I felt that 'butterfly' feeling everyone talks about.

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