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3rd POV

Arisu was being held my Ukitake and the captains infront of him noticed Arisu's begin to shake and her spiritual pressure going through the roof.
"What's happening" Soi Fon shouted as she exhaled from the pressure Arisu's was releasing.
Ukitake took his hand and hit her behind her neck knocking the girl out and spiritual pressure disappearing.
"She's probably just in shock right now" Toshiro spoke and walked towards her and Ukitake still up with the girl in her arms.
"Let me take her to squad 4 while you guys head to Head Captains barracks and I'll meet you guys there" Ukitake flashed stepped to leave her in Unohanas care.
Ukitake then right after left to Squad One meeting with everyone speaking of the event that just took place.

Meanwhile Unohana was drawing blood from Arisu and doing lab works and test. She was just checking if she was healthy.
After she left the blood test running she finished inspecting Aizen'a body noticing something was off and spoke with Isane.
Both of them went back to the lab...
"Taichou is it just be or does Arisu's DNA pattern look familiar?" Isane was scratching her head looking at the computer...
Unohana quickly checked and chills ran through her body.
"Oh my...." Unohana face went stoic.


Arisu's POV

I opened my eyes and the lights blinded me for a few minutes.
I sat up and rubbed my eyes
"Oh Lady Fumiko you're awake right on time" a Shinigami walked to me
"Hmm" I asked him confusion.
"Umm...Ukitake Taichou wanted me to infront you of you are to wake up on time to head to the Execution grounds, Kuchiki Rukias execution will take place in a few minutes. You've been asleep for a good while" he bowed and left
"What.." I held my head.
But the seal....did he finish it??? Do I head to the grounds.
I felt spiritual pressures going through the roof!
"Oh my god!" I grabbed my wand from the bedside and checked my pin was in my hair. I felt horrible chest pains but I ignored them.
I couldn't flash step the best I could do right now is run. I'm not too far but it's still a walk.
I ran and ran..I could see fire...a bird??
Omggg...did it start already.
"Rukia please hold on a little longer"
I ran for a few mor minutes and went up the longest stairs!!!
I finally made it to the stop I was breathing so hard...Rukia was at the stop of a long wood frame...someone was infront of her...Jesus their soritual pressure is...insane...yet familiar.
I looked at the huge flame in front of them..in a form of a huge bird.
I didn't even know what to do as I panicked.
The captains were just watching and byakuya was doing...nothing...what the hell!
'I need to find Uki-'
my thought broke as I suddenly saw a huge rope fly over the bird and and tightened around its neck.
I look down to see Ukitake there and Shunsui...they released so much spiritual pressure and before I knew it the whole thing just exploded and disappeared into thin air.
"These people...." I stood in shock.
I looked back up to hear a huge break and I see...of course...ichigo he broke the execution stand in half. I could hear gasp from the captains far infront of me.
Next thing I know I'm running towards Renji cause Ichigo decided to chuck Rukia through mid air!!
We all crashed together.
"Rukia...." I cried and I squished her in my arms.
"Ahhh arisu" she returned the hug with a soft look in her eyes
"I'm so sorry.."
"I couldn't do anything"
"No don't blame yourself this was all me" he hugged me tighter.
"I missed you so much.."
"Yeah....as did I you idiot..." she slightly hit my head.
"We need to go.." Renji stood up
"Go...I can't just leave ichigo here" I said and ran away from them toward Ichigo but he was already on the floor sending 3 lieutenants flying unconscious.
"Ichigo!" I yelled and he stopped after knocking out Isane
He looked at me...the look in his eyes...his spiritual pressure is immense; he got stronger you can just see it.
"Stop...please we have Rukia please don't hurt anyone else" I walked closer
"You know these people were going to watch Rukia get killed just now.." his time suprises me
"Yes I understand that but please bear with me and understand both points of view" I walked closer
"So you're in their side?" He gave me his back.
"Are you crazy I helped with the seal in order to destroy to Sogyoku!"
I couldn't even continue before Ichigo was attacked from behind....of course it had to be Byakuya.
They immediately went at it.
I turned to see captain Soi Fon squishing Kyone's chest.
"Stop!!" I yelled.
Soi Fon gave me the dirtiest look.
She had a gold point covering her finger.
She was gonna charge at me and I gripped my wand. She flew at me .
"Flipendo!" I pointed it at her and it I cord her flying backwards but before she could get up I saw familiar purple hair fly past me and take Soi Fon.
I could hear Ichigo yelling at byakuya and they were going at it...they're going to kill eachother.
I suddenly look to my right and Shunsui took Ukitake with him...and the Head Captain went after them.."otosan" ...everyone's fighting
I felt Ichigos pressure sky rocket "BanKai" he yelled and I was pushed back from the air...he achieved Bankai...Ichigo what have you been doing.
Soon enough after more fighting they were enclosed in some black thing I couldn't see and my anxiety began. I noticed something else where's is Toshiro...I closed my eyes...shiro...
I felt it ..."his pressure is so low" I ran to the stairs "why the hell is going on!" I ran not before I ended bumping into someone. "Arisu!!"
I rubbed my nose and looked up ...omg
"ISHIDA!!!" I jumped to him and tackled him and engulfed him in a hug.
"Ommgg you're okay!" I cried
"A-arisu-san I'm fine!" He stammered
I rubbed my face into his chest.
"I was so worried!" I let go and see everyone else..."mina....y'all are alright"
I got up from Ishida and ran to Inoue.
"Inú!" I hugged Inoue
"Ari-Chan!" We both laughed
"We were so worried you Rukia had left and then you disappeared out of nowhere!" She scolded me
"I know I know...I'll explain everything later, but right now there's so much going on it doesn't even make sense" I grabbed my head. I looked at Chad and he was okay and smiled.
"It looks like Kurosaki is fighting" Ishida spoke
"Yeah...." I frowned
"I want everyone to just stop fighting" the moment I said that we all heard like glass shattering and we looked back to see Byakuya and Ichigo both bleeding...with their back facing eachother.
I ran back to them.
Ichigo was standing...but byakuya was slumped over a bit. "Ichigo..." I voiced and he stabbed his sword to the ground.
I turn to byakuya who was bleeding more...
"Byakuya..." he turned slightly giving me a glance
"Please stop-" I was cut off as he raised his hand asking me to stop..
"Byakuya...just let me hea-" I walked forward
And he flashed stepped away...and I dropped my head casting a shadow over my eyes.
"I see...you still kept your noble standards" I whispered
"Arisu..." I turn back and see everyone standing behind me
"What was that..." Ichigo asked
I nodded my head
"Nothing come on you need to rest.." yet he kept being stubborn
"Are you and byakuya close or something?" He kept asking
I didn't respond
"If you had a chance why didn't you convince him to stop?!" Ichigo slightly raised his voice.
I punched his gut sending him back
"Ghaack" he chocked and coughed up blood.
"Arisu!!" Everyone gasped
I walked forward.
"Heal him Inoue" I smiled at her and she hesitantly did so.
I walked toward him.
Ichigo glared at me
"You think I didn't try...when I got here I obviously asked him about it which lead to an argument, but after spending days here and actually being invoked in some clan business of my own you come to realize how much these people follow their rules that's why. You think I could have done something and stopped everything...NO I COULDNT! I'm not strong like you and I don't go risking my life as if it were nothing!" I went on ranting and Ichigo's eyes softened
"You were always one to see both point of view...the harmonizer" he smiled
"And you're always stubborn" I smiled back
We sat there until we heard something above us ding
"Attentions everyone from seretei this is Lieutenant Isane from Squad for here with Captain Unohana from Squad 4 and everything I'm about to tell you is the truth"
Everyone froze in their stops...

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