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3rd POV

Everyone kind of kept quiet but saw the scene before them as Byakuya spoke with Arisu. It was until she fell face forward going limp over Byakuya causing everyone to stand.
Ichigo being the first one breaking from Inoue's barrier.
"Ari!!" He stumbled his way over.
Unohana quickly went to her aid and helped the girl.
"Get her a room quickly...her wounds need to be treated Aizen must've punctured a organ get her to surgery now" Unohana ordered her squad members and they quickly took her away.
"I will keep you guys updated" Unohana spoke and left.


Unohana finished surgery on Arisu and took her to a ICU type of room.
Everyone was outside her room when Unohana came out.
She was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of people standing there. Inoue, Chad, Ishida, Renji, Ichigo, Rukia, Ukitake.
"How is she can I go in" Ukitake pushed through causing them to be confused as to why the captain would be so worried.
"No, I'm sorry no visitors as of now...I'm have Captain Kurotsuchi come here in a few moments to examine her internal organs...her liver was punctured but that's okay the liver regenerates itself with time, but her diaphragm is in bad shape."
Unohana spoke softly.
"But she's okay?" Ukitake tried taking a look in the room.
"Yes she's okay you have nothing to worry about but if you could bring me some extra kimonos for her to change her that's would be great Ukitake-san" she smiled and took her leave.
"Taichou...with no disrespect whatsoever but why are you so involved with Arisu" Rukia questions him.
He turned around and scratched his head..."well you see I'll leave that up to Arisu to speak with you about it's not my position to speak about it" he smiled. Ichigo was still a little confused.
"Arisu found out many things since she has arrived here so when she wakes please notify me right away" Ukitake took off.
"That's weird.." Rukia thought.
"From what I've seem and heard Arisu calls him otōsan and she seems really close to the Captain she has been staying with him since she has arrived here, but I need to head back Kuchiki Taichou was the one who sent me here to get an update for him" Renji sighed
"Byakuya wanted an update?" Ichigo scoffed
Renji shrugged "Arisu has a special relationship with everyone here even my own stoic captain.. she does work with magic" Renji chuckled at his joke and waved at them.
After a while they all went their separate ways.


It has been a complete week since Arisu has been in sleep since her surgery. Ichigo and the rest did not want to return without Arisu but they had assured him when she wakes they will reach out to him and discuss matters, but currently there has been no sign of her awakening.
Captain Ukitake has been late nights in her room.
"Ahh I see you're here" Unohana spoke very softly regarding it was night time.
"Yess any updates" Ukitake played with her sprawled hair.
"It's very odd she went into a state of prolonged coma, but considering the toll she took not just physically but psychologically it makes it possible"
Ukitake nodded and saw the pale girl infront of him.
"I'm sure she will be awakening soon her body does take a while to heal she is human" Unohana reassured him.
Both captains were slightly startled by the noise and turned.
"A-ah sorry my captain sent them" Renji froze
"Byakuya.?" Ukitake asked surprised
"It's his thanks in a way for helping Rukia" Renji scratched his head.
"Well visiting hours are over let's give her some peace and quiet" Unohana ushered them out.


Arisu's POV

Where am I.....it's dark yet I can see
"Ari..." I heard a voice and turned
There was a figure before me
"Ari dear..." a sweet voice called out from the figure
"Oca..san" I reached out and felt a hand
I saw her face she was so pretty...such kind eyes.
"I know you've recently have gone through so much because of me...if I would've been stronger I could have pro-"
"No...please so finish your sentence. I know what you want to say but I will not listen to that nonsense...you have me the gift of life I couldn't ask for anything more" I reached for her hands
"You're so kind...you remind me so much of Jushiro he seems to be rubbing off on you" she smiled
"That's the second gift you gave me...Ukitake has been so kind and welcoming. He took me in when he did not need too and cared for me, and even if he asked me to leave today I would fight back so much for how much I care for him" I smiled at the thought
"He really is the kindest man in seretei" mol smiled.
"So is it true..." my time slightly shifting
"Yes...Aizen Sōsuke is biologically your father and I know I should have atleast told someone but I didn't want to risk him getting his hands in you...I did everything I could hide you away from him...my only choice was reaching out to an old friend from the world of the living who I knew I could confide in and sending you there...I entrusted the task to a maid of mine who always helped because right after I gave birth to you my body just couldn't go on..." she caressed my hair.
"I'm sorry..." I looked down
"No no my dear, I'm sorry...I should've told Jushiro from the start and maybe could have avoided much problems but I didn't...but what's done is done this is just the beginning Aizen is a cruel cruel man.....and is about to get really dark" she spoke with all seriousness.
I nodded
"From now on you will fight and remember when ever you're in the toughest situations always find the will Arisu...even if it's the smallest chance find the will, and cherish the people around you keep the close" she began to fade and I reached out to her..
"I'll see you soon dear but right now I need you to open your eyes"
"Open your eyes...breath...feel the oxygen run through your lungs feel the blood through your veins"
"I-I don't understand what's happening"
"Arisu...I love you and I need you to breath" she cupped my face in her hands and
She vanished...
I was alone....in the dark...that's when I realized I'm not awake.

3rd POV

"GET THE CRASH CART!" people were running in and out of the rooms.

The captains received a hell butterfly notifying them of the situation 'Fumiko Arisu's is in cardiac arrest'
Ukitake left in an instant..Byakuya quickly made his way over...Toshiro ran...Matsumoto ran as fast as she could...Renji began to run with Rukia as fast as they could.
Unohana was quickly in the room.
"Charge the paddle 250!" Unohana instructed...she opened her robe and Isane quickly sprayed gel onto the paddled.
"Unohana!! What's happening" Ukitake arrived at the door huffing.
Unohana didn't respond to the people at the door causing commotion.
"Place a barrier for not let them in" Unohana instructed a member.
"Clear!" She spoke and pressed the paddled against her chest.
Arisu's body lifted from the tabled and back down.
"No pulse charge again! 300!" Unohana raised her voice slightly.
There was banging against the barrier by the door.
"CLEAR!" Arisu's body lifted and dropped again.
"No pulse!" Isane panicked

"Unohana!!!" Ukitake was right at the door begin held back by Renji and Rukia.
Rukia turned to look at the scene..her heart dropping to her stomach.
Her brother stood there looking at the scene but nobody can read his thoughts.. Toshiro and Rangiku held there eyes closed wincing.

"360! CLEAR" Arisu's body lifted and dropped once again...
The room went quiet and Unohana stared at the monitor............

The room went quiet and Unohana stared at the monitor

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Evryone let out the biggest sigh...Ukitake fell to his knees holding his head in his hand...
"Get the surgery room ready! Her stiches have reopened we need to close them immediately the shock might have injured her internally Go!" Unohana instructed
They quickly reeled Arisu...out of the room and into another room.
Unohana turned back to everyone "I'll give you an update as quick as I can" she left immediately.
"She's okay Taichou she's okay" Rukia tried comforting her captain.
"She really gave us a scare didn't she.." Shunsui spoke walking over to Ukitake helping him up.
"She's gonna be okay handsome don't worry" Shunsui lifted him up
"I'll go notify the head captain" Byakuya left quickly but everyone noticed his unusually pale complexion.
Byakuya stepped outside and was surprised to find himself taking a huge deep breath once he reached outside.
"Nee-sama..." he turned to see Rukia looking at him worriedly.
"I'm fine it was just the rush of the moment notify Ichigo I'll make preparation to have them cross, I'll be at Squad One" he walked away

Everyone waited for about an hour outside in the halls.
Unohana stepped outside causing everyone to straighten up.
"She's stable, no injuries internally her stiches were just ripped open due to the shocks delivered during her arrest" Unohana spoke with closed eyes, but opened them in shock once she noticed her being engulfed in arms
"Thank you.." Ukitake spoke with a breaking voice
She closed her eyes in content "No need to thank me" she smiled
Ukitake let her go
"You can all go ahead and see her she's in stable condition just please keep the noise and talking to a bare minimum" She spoke and left.
Everyone let Ukitake go in first.
His heart broke seeing her with tubes and monitors around.
His hand flew over his mouth and he froze by the door not being able to handle the situation.
Shunsui went and helped him in.
"Look...see that her heart is beating, look at her chest it's rising she's breathing, look at her face she's okay" Shunsui reassured him. Ukitake nodded and hesitantly sat on a chair next to her bed.
Everyone else slowly walked in to see Arisu for a bit.
  Rangiku leaned closer to the bed...and stared at the girl sympathetically.
After a few hours...Ukitake was looking very pale.
"Why don't you head back Ukitake I'll stay here with Matsumoto for the night and we can all agree on schedules so someone's always here" Toshiro spoke walking closer.
Ukitake looked hesitant to leave.
"That's a good idea and tomorrow you can stay the night and we'll have someone else be here during the day" Shunsui got him up. Ukitake nodded
"Okay tomorrow we will see a schedule thank you Hitsugaya" Ukitake smiled and left.

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