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Arisu's POV

  Me and ichigo were at school chatting away with chad and Orihime (my best friend) who had the biggest crush on my cousin it Ichigo is too dense too notice anything.
  "ARISU CHANNNN" I hear Keigo lunging himself my way already.
  I scooter over to ichigo and Ichigo easily elbowed his face
  "How many times keigo..." Mizuiro sighed.
   Class went on and on and finally finished.
   Me and ichigo were walking back already but I had just remembered I wanted to buy more migraine pills because recently I've been getting them too often.
   "Ichi I'll be home soon imma go get more pain killers for my migraines I'm out" I waved and ran in another direction
  "Call me when your on your way back...and don't take too long!!" He shouted and I waved him off.
    I went the hospital near by which is wear is always get my prescription paper and I get my monthly check up with my doctor.
  "Ah Ms.Kurosaki I'll notify Dr.Ishida you've arrived" the nurse in the front greeted. I nodded
   I tell my family I get drug store prescription but the thing is those do nothing I get unbearable pains.
   I went up the elevator to the top floor. Dr.Ishida is my doctor due to the fact one time where I was waiting here for 3 hours which a huge headache he came down scolding the staff and took me himself and after that he's been my doctor ever since...only recently did I know he is the director of the damn hospital!! No wonder the nurses and staff get all nice nice when I come.
  The elevator arrived and I made my way down the hall and kicked in the door.
   "Come in" his monotone voice spoke
"Kurosaki, how have you been" he motioned for me to sit.
  "I've been good it's just the pains..I cannot stand then anymore Ryuken-san i don't stress with school or anything so I don't understand why I would be getting them" I sighed
   Dr.ishida has been seeing me for the past year and as stone cold hearted he may look after a while he grows on you and he loosens up, he's a pretty chill dude, and all he talks about is how he wished his son who actually will be attending our school very soon would study medicine.
   "But do the medicine work Arisu? When you take the capsule due they relieve the pain?" He leaned in his desk
   "Yes yes they do...but I mean I forget to carry them on me sometimes and the pain.. it's so unbearable Ryūken-san" I felt my voice breaking from my stress over these pains.
  "I suggest I do some neurological exams to see if we can find the source because these migraine have been happening for a year already, that's not okay" he narrowed his eyes.
  "I-I can't I don't have medical insu-"
"Arisu I am not asking you to pay for the exam I'm the one-"
  "Noo!" I stood quickly "I cannot let you do that...trust me Ryuken-sam I want to enter the medical field and I know well how much the exams are I cannot let you just do that" I gripped my school bag.
  "Even more so the reason I'm doing it, Kusoraki Arisu...you've been the longest patient I've had since I got here. Plus you're interested in working here after you graduate to do your studies, and i have gotten to know what kind of student you are. You're hard working and thriving. Unlike my son...I'm doing those exams okay and we're going to find and end to these pains" he spoke with such a passively look yet much meaning in his words.
   I smiled gratefully..."you're a kind man Ryūken-san" I stood up and bowed.
   "Let me walk you out" he stood and we began heading down the elevator
  "I'll set the dates and I'll let you know if I'll need you to fast or not okay, you have my number if anything" he said almost as he he were to be scolding me
   I chuckled "yess yesss" I waved him off
We made it to the front desk
  "D-Dr.Ishida how can I help you" the nurse stood up abruptly.
   "Get her, her refill and make it two this time" he said
   "Two? But her refill is only one?"
He narrowed his eyes.
  "A-ah yes!" She went to the back

I looked at him curiously? "Why two this time?"
  The nurse came back with two bottles this time and set them in the counter.
   Ryūken-san grabbed my school bag and dropped one in there and leaned over the desk and grabbed a small plastic baggie and out the other in there.
  "Carry one with you at all times and the other leave it at home, I'll be updating it to two refills now okay" he patted my head and I bowed
   "See you next month!" I waved and smiled he cracked a small smile that stubborn old man

   "Is she a relative sir?" The nurse in the front asked never witnessing the doctor be so "kind"
  "None of your business" he walked away.


I was walking home didn't notice it got so dark Jesuss...
   I felt something tug at my stomach oddly...as I reached my block.
   I froze in place when I heard a screech
My feet began running and I hear crashes
I turned the corner to see a women plunge a sword through Ichigo and a huge...creature. a gust of wind blew me back.
   I stood back up and watched the creature disappear and ichigo landnin the ground with a ..massive sword.
  I ran to him "the hell happened I was gone for a hour!" I was breathing hard panicking
   I looked at the women in the floor and my stomach turned ...she seemed familiar but I was probably just going crazy.
  "Y-your" she froze looking at me oddly
...I looked at her curiously.
  "Nevermind.." she spoke.
"I didn't intend to pass all my soul reaper powers...yet you absorbed them all" she groaned looking at ichigo.
"The hell is happening!" I looked at ichigo.
"Please take me too the Urahara Shop" she groaned
Ichigo began to lift her
"And your Yuzu and Karin and Ishhin!" I yelled
"They're okay don't worry they passed out when we come back I'll erase their memories" I sighed and helped ichigo
We walked for a few minutes and got to a secluded area
A man quickly came out for the shop
"Oh Ruki-" he stopped and looked at me
"Uarahara.." Rukia broke his gaze to me
What the hell is up with everyone staring.
He gestured us inside and and huge man with glasses began performing some type of magic? Some light suddenly began to surround her and her wound slowly began to heal.
The owner gestured is to the main room with a small table and we sat.
"So I assume you absorbed her powers Kurosaki-san" he opened up a fan and began to hide his face.
He began to lecture us on the whole soul society, and the whole hollows situation..
"..and in soul society there are different squads and each squad belong to a c-"

"Captains.." I cut him off. They stared at me I shook my head in confusion.
"I don't know..we're that came from haha" Urahara just narrowed his gaze at me and began laughing
"No worries Kurosaki! We're all weird!!" He waved me off laughing.
"So..Kurosaki's we will watch over Rukia-san for tonight I'm sure she will find you guys once's she up and going.
We began to walk out and made our way back for the house. Found Isshin had already gotten Yuzu and Karin and asked us if we were okay, when did their memories get erased?
Today has been so weird

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