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Arisu's POV

"Come with us Arisu" he held out his hand and I took it but I didn't move.
"I can't...you're not the only ones who are trying to save Rukia...me and Otosan and uncle Shu are working on a method to stop the Sogyoku... and on the day of we're gonna be there to stop it...and I have this feeling I'll be seeing you there won't I...Ichigo" I smirked
He grinned "yeah...you're right you will"
"Stay safe!" I scolded
"You too!" He ran off with Hanataro and Ganju..
"Everyone else please be safe.." I closed my eyes for a moment then headed back.

After I made it back Ukitake and a Shunsui were waiting for me to get back safely and Shunsui took his leave. We headed back upstairs and it was already night fall. Ukitake seemed very strained he used a lot of spiritual pressure for the seal.
"Hey Otosan...i Can feel your spiritual pressure it's a little unsteady and low are you feeling alright" I asked as he finished his food before standing to go place the dishes in the sink.
"I'm fine dear don't worry about me" he spoke without turning back...
"How long have you been like this..." I felt the atmosphere become a little tense
"Umm...I've been like this since I've been a child I was suppose to not make it past the age of 7, but here I am hahah" he chuckled softly.
"Have you tried looking for a cure?" I asked...I could feel my heart hurting speaking about this.
"Yess but I've come to peace with it so don't worry, but for now I just need some rest" he turned to me.
"Would you mind if I healed you for a bit...there's something I want to show you" I smiled lightly. I wanted to show him what I learned today with Ichigo.
"Sure what is it?" He sat near me.
"So when I went to go to Ichigo he was hurt badly...horrible wounds...and I've never even used my zanpakto before aside from when I trained with Uraraha but it was just fighting techniques Ichigo was the one who was able to get to shikai and all super quick" I began to take the pin out of my hair and my long hair fell...
"Today was the first time I was able finally use my zanpakto turns out...this is my shikai the pin is my shikai...unless I were to wish to just use the zanpakto itself which I can and I have before I just wasn't aware my pin was the shikai" I smiled.
  "Wow! I'm so p- " Ukitake was cut off as he began coughing and coughing to the point where some blood came out from his strong dry cough.
I held the pin against my arm again...surprisingly the cut does not cause me pain, I assume so because it's my zanpakto.
I dragged the pin across my right arm making a cut enough for blood to spill
"Arisu! WHAT...Stop!!!" Ukitake gripped my hand and began to cough...I figured he would panic. I ignored him and continued.
I held my bloody hand against the opening of his Shihakusho..."Repara y Sana" I spoke and the light appeared again...I felt Ukitake's pulse grow stronger against my palm, his spiritual pressure becoming more even now, and his breathing and coughing subside. I assumed he felt the difference because he looked at me pretty stunned.
  After I finished the blood was gone and my cut was gone.
"See I'm fineeee and now so are you" I smiled.
He touched his chest and cleared his throat a few times. "Is that?."
I nodded
"Yes it's my zanpakto I figured it's not too much of a combat zanpakto but to be honest I'm still not aware of its full power so I could be totally wrong but it's okay because I use my wand for combat" I smiled twisting my hair and putting my pin up in my usual bun, but starting today I decided to let a few strands look in the front so it looks more 'cuteee'
"That's an amazing zanpakto, a little scary over the fact you need to injure yourself" he grabbed my arm and scammed it.
"It actually doesn't hurt...but I do feel weak after but thats because of the blood loss, but because I loose blood the healing is so strong" I smiled
He placed his hand on the side of my face
I just looked up to him. "I'm so happy you're getting stronger Arisu...you don't understand how happy I've been the past few days and after all this is over we can talk regarding living arrangements"
"Living arrangement?" I straightened my head.
"Maybe we can have a schedule for you to come every weekend" he looked hesitant
"B-but if you don't want to of course you don't have to! " he waved his hands
"Why wouldn't I want to!? I would love to" I squealed
He sighed in relief
"That's great time hear! Come on let's get some sleep"
"Oh Yeah! Aizen told me to go early to his squad he said we was willing to train with me!" I jumped up
"Really? That's great then head to bed so you can be up early"
I nodded and walked over to him as he was still sitting.
I leaned down and kissed his head. "Goodnight otosan"
He chuckled and nodded.
I got in bed and fell into blissful sleep.


I heard my phone alarm go off it was 8:00 a.m perfect.
I got up and got into a shihakusho Ukitake got me. I put my hair up and put my pin through it.
I got my wand and put it through the opening of my shihakusho near my breast. I know...I know...why there, but I mean it's convenient.
I saw that Ukitake was still asleep so I left a note instead and made my way out.
"Woahh it so nice out today!" I took a deep breath and began to job my way there. I jogged for a few minutes nearing squad 5 only a few more turns and walkways.
I neared a opening and I felt my stomach drop. I felt a nauseous feeling. I stopped and felt a presence but no spiritual pressure.
"What the.." I looked to my side and nothing.
"Hmm-" I turned around completely this time and looked up to the noise.
"A-......" I felt my body go cold and numb..
"Ai....zen....." I stepped forward not believing the scene before my eyes.
Fear ran through my body...
"AAAAAAAAAIZENNNNNNNNNN TAIICHOUUUUUUUUUUUU!" I yelled at the stop of my lungs I felt my throat being scratched from how much I yelled.
Immediately felt someone behind me...I was shaking in shock..
"Aiz...en..." she spoke
"H-Hinamor-san" I looked at her and she didn't take her eyes off him. She fell to her knees...I slowly walked over to her shaking..I felt spiritual pressures making there way over to us quickly.
I fell next to her and engulfed her in my arm...just because I didn't know her doesn't mean I'm not aware of a relationship between a lieutenant and captain...she must be in shock
"Aizen...ai-zen Taichou.." she trembled and wouldn't take her eyes off the scene. I held her closer
"Oh my now this is something..." a voice spoke behind us.
I turned with tears going down my face...
"Gin.." I spoke softly
"Oh my Ari-Chan are you okay..." he frowned
I nodded no feeling tears fall...
"Arisu-san...don't go near him" Hinamori suddenly spoke
"Huh-" I didn't even have time to react before Hinamori completely lost it and went to attack Gin, but his lieutenant blocked her.
They exchanged words and began going all out. I couldn't even move...nor process what the hell is happening...how dare they. Fight now instead of taking Aizen down...
I pulled out my wand. That's enough.
Captain Hitsugaya...Lieutenant Matsumoto and Iba had just arrived.
I swung my wand...
"Imobulus" I spoke and they both froze and fell forwards
"Im not even a member of the Gotei 13 and I'm more than furious over the fact you both decided to draw your swords instead on tending to Aizen Taichou.." I hissed and jumped into the roof.
I turned to see Toshiro ordering for them to be arrested and exchanging a few words with Gin. He looked up at me.
"Order a bed for him from Squad for Immediately" I told Toshiro and he agreed and ordered some shinigamis that were there.
Squad for arrived quickly...and I pulled out my wand. Toshiro watched
"Wingardium Leviosa" I pointed my wand and his body moved with the swords all together. I focused and directed my wand slowly to the bed that squad four had prepared.
Squad 4 immediately disappeared with the body.
"Arisu.." Toshiro spoke
"I was on my way to train with him...and I find him dead..." I shook as I hugged my body.
"What happened!" I felt the presence of the people arriving. Soi Fon, Ukitake, Shunsui, Byakuya, Komamura
I fell to my knees as they gave out..
Someone came infront of me and engulfed me...it was Ukitake I could tell from his lavender scent.
"She was the first one here...to see Aizen hanging from the wall impaled. Lieutenant Hinamori and Izuru drew their zanpaktos against eachother and she stopped the and brought down Aizen..." Toshiro was explaining to them but his words were just fuzzy in my head.
My heart was hurting so much at the scene I saw and I couldn't understand why.
I just felt the tears fall
Then I felt my body begin burning....a lot

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