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Arisu's POV

I was being dragged and from light it became dark again...I wanted to move but my body would not respond. I felt numb head to toe...paralyzed.
I tried speaking but I couldn't even do that...all I could get out were groans.

[ ‼️ Warning : This scene will get very explicit (rape) and may be uncomfortable to some readers, but due to the storyline I will be writing this scene. If you wish to skip it please feel free too until you see "✅" this emoji meaning the scene is over and you can continue reading ‼️ ]

"Shut up you brat!" I heard his voice book through the room...
I felt myself be thrown over something...my legs were just dangling..I didn't like were this was going at all..
'Please don't....' I shut my eyes..
"Now lets give your little hero's a gift before we visit then huh" his voice laughed...
I felt my dress be easily moved to a side...I kept feeling cold hands over my body..I couldn't move.
The next thing I felt was...pain...pain shoot through my lower self....my hair was being tugged.
I couldn't move a muscle...I felt the tears slide down my face...I felt pressure inbetween myself and pain...for minutes upon minutes. It seemed like eternity.
'Kill me...please' I kept repeating in my head.
I soon felt myself be tossed to the floor. I felt my cough as my breath was knocked out...the way I landed I could see my legs...blood on my dress..on my legs.

" ✅"
"Now lets proceed shall we...TESLA" he pressed his foot against my face.
"Don't bring her out till I say so...let's be theatrical" the man laughed in hysterics.
I was on the cold floor...I couldn't feel anything but pain...I felt humiliated...dead. My cheek hurt so much from when he pressed his shoe against my mouth...

3rd POV

Nel had just reverted to her child form after fighting Noitora, and begun fighting Ichigo once more.
"You're so weak you're no fun!" Noitora yelled as Ichigo struggled against him.
"Maybe a little motivation would do the job?" Noitora smirked..Ichigo was confused.
"TESLA...bring the trash!" He yelled
Noitora fracción dropped the bloody body lump onto the sand.
"Ghaw!" Inoue clasped her hands over her mouth.
"She was a fine one...it was so euphoric! Best one ive had in a while" he laughed out loud.
Arisu's emotionless...eyes stared into nothing facing them. Ichigo couldn't move for the life of him...as he stared at his dear like sister in the ground...covered in blood all around her legs...plus the confessions of the Arrancar of his advantage taking of her.

"A-ris-u" he chucked out

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"A-ris-u" he chucked out..
"Now tesla.." the arrancar said and soon the fracción was a huge bull like monster.
Ready to kill Ichigo..
"KUROSAKI!" Inoue yelled but the boy couldn't move...anymore.
Tesla charged a fist but it never reached him.
"What is this..." a voice spoke
Ichigo slowly looked over
"K-Kenpachi.." he said and Kenpachi quickly sliced Tesla in half.
"Next" he said and lays his swords in his shoulder.
Inoue takes the chance and runs to Arisu's and drags her the most she could away from the battle.
"Stay out of my way...or you'll get killed" Kenpachi spoke and Ichigo was left there as he begun fighting Noitora.
Ichigo quickly turns to see Inoue healing Arisu...and he quickly makes his way over and leans over the barrier and watches.
"Arisu...arisu...a-ri-su" his voice began to crack...
Arisu laid there with lifeless eyes..."k-kill m-me" they both froze at her words...and saw the tears falling from her eyes.
"H..h..hurts" she stuttered out.."Inoue let me in" Ichigo had a shadow cat over his eyes...Inoue opened her tightly shut eyes and let him inside the healing barrier.
He gently sat and lifted her body closer towards him.
"H-hhurts" she spoke again...Ichigo loosened his grip around her..
"I'm sorry...I'm sorry...I couldn't protect you" he whispered..
Arisu..heard his soft cries...aside from her physical pain she was experiencing her heart hurt listening to his cries...she would remember to when they were kids and Ichigo would cry for everything she would sing to him.
"D-deep...in t-he m-m-meadow" she tried making out and Ichigo raised his head as he held her in his arms..
"Under the willow..." Ichigo continued for her "a bed of grass, a soft green pillow...lay down your head, and close your eyes...and when they open, the sun will rise..." he didn't sing but more of spoke the words softly. Arisu was closing her eyes...
"She'll be okay Kurosaki..shes slowly healing feel her pressure it'll take a while but she will be fine" Inoue sniffled. Ichigo stayed still with Arisu in his arms..."I'll never let this happen again.."
Ichigo healed up while inside and Kenpachi finished fighting and Ichigo laid Arisu's and stood up.
Suddenly and arrancar appeared and left with Inoue and Arisu in his hands.
"I'm sorry" he said before disappearing.
Aizen announced his leave to Karakura Town as he successfully used the girls as bait to trap them in Hueco Mundo.
"SHIIITTTT" Ichigo screamed.
They were dropped off at the end of a stair case...with the 3 leaders about to leave through a garganta.
They announced their leave and locking them in Hueco Mundo..and how they are leaving Hueco Mundo to Ulquiorra.
Inoue was holding the half lidded eyes Arisu's in her arms.
Aizen turned and narrowed his eyes..making eye contact with Arisu...he chuckled.
"Pity..." he said and turned walking through the Garganta...Arisu laid there a tear rolling out her eye.
Ulquiorra began taunting Inoue with his whole heart talk.
Ichigo came and a whole fiasco went down to the point where another Espada and two arrancar showed up.
Arisu couldn't keep up with everything.
When they finally made it out of the building Ishida found Inoue with Arisu and Ichigo left with Ulquiorra.
They were debating on where to go..
"Follow me" a voice appeared and turned up to see Unohana.
They followed her to an open area where a Rukia laid as well.
Thy set down arisu.
"You May leave her in my hands but before you leave please explain her injuries so I can work faster Inoue-san" Unohana asked...but Inoue hesitated as there was Ishida...Hanataro...Isane...and Kuchiki Byakuya there as well
"Umm...this is um...the espada Zaraki just fought..." Inoue fiddled with her hands as tears stinging her eyes causing Ishida to worry.
"Inoue-san...what happened" Ishida placed his hand in her shoulder.
"The espada confessed to...have t-taken a-dvant-tage of her Arisu-sa-n" she put her hands over her eyes and she cried.
"What.." a low voice asked.
"I see...leave her in my care I will take care of her" Unohana replied with a serious tone.
They nodded and hesitantly left to Ichigo's aide.


Arisu's POV

Inoue just explained to Unohana...I felt the eye of everyone...how humiliating.
I just looked at the sky...
"Arisu-san can you hear me" Unohana spoke...I didn't want to speak I just looked at her with my eyes.
"Can you move" she kneeled infront of me.
I stayed still...I could barely move my eyes...let alone speak.
"Do you feel pain dear" she asked ever so softly...which caused tears to fall from the corner of my eyes...she closed her eyes and and nodded.
"Isane begin emergency #120 Kido in her" Unohana stood up and Isane quickly got to work.
I looked to my right side...and saw him he was looking at me. I couldn't read his eyes whatsoever...but I didn't want him seeing me like this. I tried lifting my hand but I couldn't...I was only able to move my finger. His eyes quickly noticed and looked back up to me...
"Kuchiki Taichou could you please join Arisu inside the Kido barrier as we heal your injured arm" Unohana spoke.
My eyes shot to her...she sent me a smile...'observant women you are Unohana' I thought.
Byakuya walked over and entered the Kido cube.
Both Isane and Unohana began healing. I slowly felt myself regain feeling in the tips of my fingers.
Byakuya sat next to me...he didn't say anything sat there and closed his eyes.
I felt...a wavy feeling in my body.
'This man..' is he using his reiatsu...I looked over to Unohana who is also watching him. Isane didn't notice.
"S-st-op" I made out and he opened his eyes looking at me.
"You noticed?" He spoke I blinked in a slow manner
"You'll heal faster" he said
I looked up to the sky..."I-I'll ne-ver...heal..f-rom t-hiii-s" I said Feeling the stinging feeling in the corner of my eyes again...but I held it this time.
I felt warmth ontop of my palm...there was the wavy feeling again...'you stubborn man' I looked over at him.
"Suman..." my ears picked up...but maybe I was hearing things...and I was getting really sleepy. I closed my eyes...sleep engulfing me.

Byakuya's POV

Bruises on her hips...bruises on her legs. I tried using my reiatsu to speed the process.
'How cruel of a person to seep so low to do such atrocious acts' I thought in my head.
Her eyes were no longer filled with the glow they carry...they were lifeless.
I've felt rage earlier when that Espada pointed his swords at my 'pride' and I saw Rukia lying on the floor...but what I'm feeling right now I cannot explain nor out the words together.
As much as I may deny it I have grown fond of the presence of this women. She lights the room when she walks in.
I opened my eyes to see here asleep.
There was a glow coming from her pin.
The glow blinded us for a few seconds before it dimmed and another presence before us.

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