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Arisu POV

I was having a bad dream
It was so much fighting and people with mask...people I didn't know were crying and fighting. There was a girl with very longg (y/h) colored hair and a very noticeable white patch of hair. Standing infront of everyone..
'In the end everyone falls...perished'
I sat up sweating I rubbed my head..
My body by itself stood up and looked at the clock
"Mmm" i whispered groaned it was 2am
I felt like I knew wear to go..to calm myself
I walked through the night..hallways and corridors..I wasn't even thinking. I finally made it to the garden..
I sat in front of the Sakura tree.. every time I'm by the tree I feel like energy if flowing from the tree into me..it's odd but then again I'm 6 and a halfffff!
   "Why do I have powers"..I whispered
I sighed getting sleepy again
  I kept playing with the petals
"What are You doing here" a deep voice nearly made me pee myself
  "Ghhaaa" I sucked a breath in nearly fainting
  I got so scared and turned quickly I see Byakuya standing there in his nightly clothes..
  "I couldn't..s-sleep" I looked away
"and you had to disturb my sleep and come to my barracks" he raised his brow
  "The Sakura trees..they calm me down"
"What's with you at the sakuras" he furrowed his brows
"I'll head back right now" I wispered
"Idiot It's 3am if anyone sees you out you'll be in great trouble" he begins to talk inside
"Hurry Im loosing sleep" he voiced softly yet sternly
  I followed and we wait inside a beautiful mansion...so many hall ways. So many rooms. He opened up a room and lead me in..
"I'm down the hall..yell if anything" he spoke and left
  "Mmh.." the room was huge..and dark..
'I don't like it..' I look around and it was very dark and blankets around. The dark reminds me of those flashbacks or dreams I keep having.
  You could hear the trees tapping the window making me jump every time
I stood by the door for minutes scared to move..* tap* the window again
  I grab the blanket by the door and made a room for it down the hall
  I see the only room that's down the hall and open the door and close it behind me quickly.
"You're so troublesome" Byakuya sat up with a very annoyed look
  "I-it's d-dark...i don't like the d-dark" i said my voice breaking. His face softened and he ran a hand through his hair..I just noticed he took of those silver thingies.
   He stood up and opened some closer like doors and pulled out more blanket and laid them out neatly.
"Sleep" he said and went right back to lay down.
  I dragged the blankets right next to his..and got it under the blanket.
He didn't even bother looking anymore he got comfortable. His back facing me.
I was staring at the ceiling for a while I heard very light breathy snores.
'Thank you..Arisu'
A voice spoke... I looked around it sounded familiar..could it be.
'You're welcome Lady Kuchiki' i closed my eyes
  'Please...watch over him for me I have a feeling you'll be a big part of not just soul society but him as well' the voice fades out as I fell asleep
3rd POV

Ukitake woke up not finding Arisu next to him..he walked out immediately looking for her before receiving a hell butterfly.
'Arisu is currently in Squad 6 barracks'
He sighed but was confused, he quickly changed and made his way over.
Byakuya woke up to the Arisu snuggled agains his side, he unconsciously moved away trying not to wake her a covered her with the other blanket.
He quickly sent out a hell butterfly to squad 13 knowing well the captain would panic.
  He stepped out of the room and closed it.
"Goodmorning Lord Kuchiki we will be cleaning the room now, breakfas-"

"Leave the room be as of now, when the child wakes feed her whatever she desires understood" he ordered and headed to freshen up. The workers bowed and left the room.
Byakuya was too naive and dense to notice his fondness over the child. No matter how irritating she might be to him at times. She's tolerable to him.
He made his way over to the shrine of his late wife.
  "Last night...it could have been a dream, but I oddly felt your presence; had you spoken to the child again..." he looked at her picture.
"I have a feeling if you ever met her you would be quite fond of her"
Byakuya little praying was interrupted


Arisu's POV

I woke up and the room was still dark I look at the clock 12pm!
  I stood up and walked out the room there was someone standing outside
  "Goodmorning you're a guest of our Lord Kuchiki what may we serve you to eat" they bowed
   ....."ehhh..." I sweat dropped
"Anything is fine you guys have soup" I hesitantly asked..this feels weird.
  "A morning broth will be served as you wish"
  They walked me to a little table and sommer than expected a soup like now came and it was DELICIOUS!!!
"Thank you so much you are amazing!" I bowed to the workers
  The bowed never looking at me
"Have a lovely day!" I hugged each one by their legs and walked out

Hmmmm...where is this Byakuya boy..I walked by rooms until I found one open he sat there staring at a photo.
   I walked closer..she was beautiful
He noticed my presence and was about to say something it I beat him too it
  "She's beautiful..like the Sakura trees out in the garden" I smiled
  He just looked at me..
"She is happy...I can feel it, she used to watch over you constantly, but now it's as if she doesn't need to do that anymore she's resting in peace surrounded by all these Sakura trees that bloom" I spoke to him. It's as if she wasn't speaking to me but she wasn't I can just feel it.
  "How do you.."
"I can feel it.." I cut him off again
   He looked at the photo..
"It's weird how I'm able to hear and feel these thing, but I promise you byakuya.. if I ever master my powers someday I'll find a way for you to see her again..and you'll fall in love with her all over again" I smiled widely
   He looked at me wide eyes for a split second before his eyes softened and the smallest smile fell on his face he laid his hand ontop of my head.
  "That won't be necessary Arisu...she's happy now as am I" he spoke and closed the little shrine..
   That's the first time he's ever used my name...
   "Arisu!!!" I heard someone yell
I turn to find an upset Ukitake

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