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3rd POV

It's been about two days since Ichigo has been looking for Arisu...her spritual pressure is gone completely.
He finally went to Uraraha earlier that day.
"Yes...the second we felt the familiar reiatsu from the Arrancar that first came here Yourichi followed it but when she got there there was no one...just traces of the Spritual Pressure and the other did in fact belong to Arisu" Uraraha hesitantly explained.
Ichigo out his hand over his face.."now Kurosaki-san do not be irrational and go blaming yourself" Uraraha tried to reason with him.
"How can i not...I was in the moment and completely blamed her for everything and now she's gone" Ichigo shook...
Uraraha decided to give him a minute
"I'll go infrom Soul Society" he stood and left.


The captains were all in shock to hear that Arisu has disappeared as well.
"We cannot waste no time sending search parties we have a war coming in the winter I want everyone training to their max!" The head captain spoke
Ukitake just held his head down..
"Jushiro..." The Head Captain spoke
"Understood sir.." Ukitake spoke with no expression whatsoever facing the floor.

The captains gave small words of encouragement to the poor white haired captains worried sick.
"You should no better than anyone she will be okay" He turned to see his best friend Shunsui Kyoraku
Ukitake nodded and sighed and was feeling light headed.

"That child isn't one to let herself be hurt by the likes of them she's stubborn" they look up to see Captain Kuchiki before excusing himself to leave.
"Wasn't that kind of him ey" Shunsui smiled.

Arisu's POV

We walked through the gate and entered a huge room. It was narrow but heigh ceiling. We walked closer to a wall.
There were people around us staring..
"It that the human?"
"She looked delicious"
all those comment made my heart race in fear..
"My princess you've come" A voice boomed causing me to look up to the owner.
My knees locked. "A..Aizen.." I barely made out. All he did was smirk...
"Everyone out...Ulquiorra bring her to my chambers" He said and stood up and left.
Ulquiorra directed me to follow him.
"Why.." I asked
He turned to look at me
"Why are you here? Lord Aizen requested your presence" he spoke
"No...why are you helping him.."
"I live to serve Lord Aizen now enter" he had nothing in his eyes...nothing..emptiness.
I entered a room stumbling almost.
It had a huge balcony where you can see pure dessert and white sand.
"Arisu come" Aizen spoke...
I slowly and cautiously made my way over.
"What do you think.." he looked at me and directed me to sit. I slowly sat.
"O-Of what"
He lightly narrowed his eyes..
"Of Las Noches...the place were in"
"I-it's huge..."
he chuckled "it sure is I'll have you with someone to prevent you from getting lost" he smirked
"Why am I here. Where's Inoue" I slowly felt the confidence retiring to me ever so slightly.
"Ahhh straight time the point" he seemed amused.
"My princess...you're my daughter how could I leave you to those shinigami's" he looked straight into my eyes...like he was staring I to my soul. I've never felt fear to how I feel it now.
"I know you probably resent me...hate me...loathe me, but that doesn't change the fact that I deeply and genuinely care for you Arisu"
His words...made me want to slap him right then and there...like he was mocking me but the look in his eyes said otherwise.
"I want you to tell me everything...and maybe I'll hate you less" I felt my throat hitch.
He snapped his fingers and two girls appeared before us. I've never had anyone glare at me as much as they did to me.
"Bring me and arisu drinks" he said and they disappeared.
Within minutes they came back with hot tea the blonde one set Aizen's down and the pig tailed one stumbled
"OWW!" I stood up quickly from the burning sensation on my laps bumping into her sending her back.
"Bitch.." she hissed
"You did that in purpose!" I groaned as I tried pulling my pants away from my skin that was burning.
We were broken from out words as I felt breath taking spiritual pressure but it was bearable yet the two girls cling to their necks trying to breath.
"Lord Aizen!" They voiced out
"Get her a new pair of clothes and set them in my room now" he spoke with much authority and stopped his spiritual pressure. They left instantly.
"Are you okay?" He stood up but I slowly backed up.
"I see...I'll keep my distance if that's what it takes" he smirked and sat back down
'Takes for what??' I thought.
He walked to a room and came back out...and entered another door and came back out.
"I set the new clothes in the bathroom feel free to change and come back out when you're ready I'll have food prepared you must be hungry" he said and began to leave.
"Thanks" I said lowly.
I walked into the bathroom and locked it and quickly turned on the water...
I slid down the bathroom door and clothed my head in my palms...
"Why...what's happening...where's Inoue.." I began to panic a bit.
I tried regaining my breathing. He
'Calm down...the best thing I can do right now is to just do as they say...or I'll be killed or worse Inoue could get hurt..until I can figure out a way out of here' I told myself and showered quickly and stepped out and dried off.
I picked up the folded dress...
"What the...hell..." I looked around the room...there was literally this piece of cloth...or the towel I walk out in.
I sighed and took deep breaths. I felt ridiculed...exposed.
'But do I look good...yess I do' I tried cheering myself up.
I picked up my hair in a loose bun and put my pin through it with some loose strands out. "This is..ridiculous.." I sighed and stepped out of the room.

I stood awkwardly there

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I stood awkwardly there...the guy with the tears down his face was waiting outside.
"Are you ready...before eating Aizen-sama wants you to join the meeting" He spoke and began to walk. I slowly walked behind him.
When we neared some doors we quickly stepped in and there was ...people sitting in a round table.
"My dear come sit" Aizen's voice was heard through the room. There was a chair next to him so I quickly made my way to go sit.
"My my of no ones claimed her yet I would love to do research on her" A pink haired guy spoke...he had handsomely features but he creeped me out.
"No..I call dibs I'll make her my fraccsion for sure" a guy with this spoon...head thing spoke...he was just straight up creepy and ugly. I fidgeted uncomfortably.
"Is that a way to speak of my daughter infront of me" Aizen smirked as he rested his face in his palm.
The room never been quieter you could hear a pin drop.
"Daughter? " a blue haired guy spoke.
"Yes introduce yourself go ahead" Aizen laid a hand in my back sending shivers down my spine fear spreading though my body.
I held my hands in my knees staring at my hands. "Arisu Kurosaki Fumiko" was all I said.
"Kurosaki? You know Ichigo" a voice made me shoot my head up. The blue haired guy was the biggest smirk on his face.
"Y-yes!" I said a little to eagerly.
"Enough Griwmmjow" I look back to see Tousen
"It's alright Kaname let's Arisu make friends will ya" I see Gin come forward...I still remember what he told me up in the hill...he sounded like he didn't want this at all..what did he mean.

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