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3rd POV

Currently everyone is in Soul Society. Uraraha had relayed the message to everyone regarding Arisu's condition and her whereabouts. She will be kept under Kisuke Uraraha's watch as he finds a way to speed her process.
Ukitake went to see her before Uraraha left Soul Society. He spoke to her as she laid there unconsciously.
"I'll miss you...I'll be waiting for you here. I promise I'll take care of myself...and I'll have your own practice studio build in the my barracks for you, and I hope to make arrangements for you to come often" He caressed her hair that returned back to normal now, but no longer in a bun since she did not have her pin no more. He said goodbye and took his leave.
As of now she was laid next to Ichigo who was resting in the Kuchiki manor since he blacked out due to his loss of his Soul Reaper Powers.
"It looks like she's just sleeping" Rukia sat next to her and everyone else in the room.
"Yeahh" the door opened and everyone turned.
"Toshiro?" Ichigo looked shocked.
"She dropped this" He said and walked over and tied something on her wrist. He stared at her for a few seconds.
"Watch over her well" He said before he took his leave.
"Oh yeah Rukia, where's Byakuya?"
Rukia looked up.
"I'm not sure why? Maybe in his office"
He pulled out a folded scarf.
"Arisu wanted me to return this to him"
Rukia looked at the scarfs
"That's nee-sama's noble scarf" she reached for it.
"I think he had given it to here in Hueco Mundo I'm not sure honestly" Ichigo shrugged.
"What?" She asked
"I just said I don't know!" Ichigo groaned.
"Maybe Kuchiki-san considers Arisu a close friend" Inoue spoke.
"Maybe...nee-sama doesn't really have..'friends'" Rukia thought.
"Or" Inoue continuednne
"No no..don't go saying 'or' plus he's way to old for her" Ichigo looked to the side causing everyone to chuckle.
"What do you mean! Nee-sama is only 24! He's young!" Rukia began arguing with Ichigo
"Yeah 24 in human yearsss! How many in Soul Reaper years" Ichigo butt heads with Rukia.

Little did they know the walls are thin...they could be heard all the way in Kuchiki's office were Renji tried not saying a word or laugh. Byakuya closed his eyes letting out a soft "hmpf" with a ghost smile but quickly fading after he realized you won't be in their presence for a while. He did not u sweat and why such a wave of gloom filled him for the second he thought of that.
'Maybe I do consider the girl a acquaintance or friend' he thought but quickly got back to his work.
Renji noticing his Captain zoning out here and there.

Back in the room...
"Ohh are you calling me old!" Rukia gasped and everyone's sweat dropped.
"Nee Nee lets all calm down ha ha ha" Inoue tried being the harmonizer.
"We should hurry back home everyone is waiting" Ichigo looked outside.

Everyone was ready to leave...Ichigo had Arisu in his arms.
"See you later Rukia!" Ichigo waved once more before they all crossed over.
Rukia smiled sympathetically...knowing she won't see her good friend for a while.


They arrived at Uraraha's place.
"Well I'll be taking good care of Arisu for you, but what will you tell your family"

"Well I don't really need to explain it to my old man but I'll tell the girls she got a dance scholarship or something like that for a while" Ichigo scratched his nape.
"Very well" Kisuke took Arisu in his arms and directed them to a room.
"Feel free to come by anytime you want I'll be looking into a way of speeding up her process and what could be done alright" he opened his fan and began to fan himself.
"Thank you Uraraha-san" Ichigo smiled softly.
"So did Arisu...really have a power from the 'gods'?" Inoue broke the silence.
"It appears so I did some research and there had only been 2 other who had as well possessed powers gifted to them by gods...and they all belonged to the Fumiko clan which is where Arisu's bloodline belongs from. Which also leads me to believe why Aizen chose them to experiment on" Uraraha explained and everyone's nodded as they understood.

"We will stop by very often and visit her thank you" Inoue bowed
"Ohh no no no problem at all!" Kisuke waved them off.
They bid their goodbyes and went separate ways.

[ Fast forward the 1 year that has passed since Ichigo and Arisu have lost their Soul Reaper powers and the Fullbring Arc begins ]

"Wait you found a way?" Yourichi asked Kisuke
"Yess so what I have been doing all this time is breaking the reiatsu molecules to a very weakened state and then I place them into a fluid filled with more weakened Reiatsu molecules and then through a intravenous line (IV) I'll be giving in to her and it'll be a slow process but it'll be faster than waiting for years...she's 17 about to turn 18 and she's aging. Look at her hair! It's grown so long since the first time she got here" Kisuke pointed out her hair.

"So once her spiritual pressure is restored her powers will awaken and she will be out of her sleep" Isshin stepped into the room.
"Correct...since her Zanpakto isn't your most common one its science is a little different" Kisuke fanned himself

"That's good...I'm glad. Ichigo spends his days in his room if not working; he has been adapting to not being with Arisu like he used to" Isshin sighed.

"There's also something we must discuss I'm aware you've sensed their spiritual pressure as well as Ichigo's" Uraraha became serious and they all nodded.

"These men are dangerous and I've developed a way...we can 'help'" Kisuke turned and they continued their plan.

Ichigo has been working and assisting the soccer team, and afterschool heads over with Xecution where he has been recently working on his Fullbring.
He currently is in the process of mastering it with Ginjo. Inoue is there to heal him Incase of serious injuries since it's his real body and not his Soul body.
They have been informed of this Tsukishima man who has a very strong power to manipulate memories and changed them completely.
They recently had a close encounter with the man who attacked their meeting home. He had to move to their second home for the time being.
Ichigo returned home that night to find the very man...inside his home with his sisters.

Arisu's POV

'It's dark...slightly chilly...how long have I been like this. I can't see anything'
I turn to find blackness surrounding me.
I can't feel nor sense anything I feel 'empty'...there was a light blue light far beyond in the distance.
I walked and walked which felt for hours...I got close to the blue flame...what is this. It wasn't hot nor warm. It didn't have a temperature.
I hesitantly put my palm into the flame.
The flame spread throughout my body immediately.
"Wha-" I froze..
'Welcome back Lady Arisu" A voice popped out of the blue.
"...y-Yuki-o?" I looked around and a figure slowly made their way forward.
"Yukio!" I hugged the boy once I saw his face.
"It's been a while Lady" he returned the gesture.
"H-how long has it been? What is happening?" I began babbling.
"Well right after the war with Aizen you quickly fell into your sleep we have warned you about Lady Amaterasu disappeared but I stayed and help into the little reiatsu I could and lived on that...it's been a year and 7 months"
My eyes widened.
"A whole year...I turned 17 and it's been 7 months meaning I'm almost gonna be 18!" I slapped my palm into my forehead.
"You need to find the will to wake up Lady...Ichigo is not doing so well" he spoke with a gloom face.
"W-what do you mean?" I was confused..

"Ever since he lost his powers from what I hear of the voices in the room when they come in, he has gotten a hold of another power and there is a man whole targeting him...that holds a very scary power" he continued to explain everything I have missed out on.
"Also...the white strip of hair on your right side has...expanded it leads me to believe you might have your whole right side soon be completely white and your left side (y/h/c) " he pointed out and I grabbed my hair to check it out he wasn't lying the white is spreading only in my white...I don't hate it. It remind me of otosan...
"I wonder how he's doing..." I smiled as I stared at my hair.
"I'm sure he's missing you very much lady" Yukio smiled and began to move back a little.
"I shall take my leave lady and leave you to it...until Lady Amaterasu returns you have me to use to your free will" Yukio bowed and slowly began to disappear into my left arm.
"Great....now let's see.." I sighed and slumped down.
"Ichigo...wait for me please don't be hasty" I breathed.

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