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Arisu's POV

"That white strand hair birthmark confirms your relations to the Fumiko Clan" the old man spoke
"Fumiko clan?" I was getting so confused

"You don't just bear soul reaper powers you have wizards within don't you child I remember"

"I...I do..but this clan you speak of I don't even know my own parents; I need answers!" I was beginning to get frustrated.

"With time answers will come but for the time being we have different matters to attend to regarding Rukia Kuchiki execution" he banged his staff in the floor

"Nani!" My eyes widened at the statement just made.
"Until further notice Central 46 is to make the accommodations, and we have spoken already regarding Arisu's stay DISMISSED"
Everyone began to slowly walk out...
I stood there frozen 'Rukia...is getting executed'
"Arisu let's go" I was snapped back I to my reality by Ukitake leasing me out..
When we finally reached an open area I noticed a few Captains around us
"Ohh how you've grown into a beauty eh Ari Chan!" A lavender male walked towards me.
I felt my memories slowly coming back at a steady pace.
"Gin..Taichou" I said uncertainly
"Ohhh you remember how sweet!!" He patted my head. I smiled softly
"Come on Ichimaru leave her be" another voice said behind him, his soft eyes and smile
"Oh...Aizen Taichou!" I remembered finally when I was training he's the flashback I saw.
"Eh- you remember me too!" He spoke shockingly.
"Yess! You helped me train..." I smiled I was slowly feeling better seeing everyone.
"She's grown hasn't she" I turn to see Shunsui and I smiled.
"Address everyone by their last names you're being informal" a irritated voice spoke I turned
and I stared at his face trying to remember...
"Oh so you recall everyone except the one you prevented your death"
and my heart felt warm...my little Prince Charming who saved me. I giggled at the memory

"TOSHIROOOOOO~" I suddenly ran to him knocking him over
"Ohhhhhhh shiroooo!!! My Prince Charming how can I forget!!!"

(You ran to him like Nellie did to Ichi)

"I couldn't remember youuu!! Ohhh I missed ya Toshirooo~~~" I adore how we're the same height!   Everyone was snickering at the sight"Unhand me! I'm not your little friend to be running around hugging!" He shiver me with a dark flush across his fa...

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"I couldn't remember youuu!! Ohhh I missed ya Toshirooo~~~" I adore how we're the same height!
Everyone was snickering at the sight
"Unhand me! I'm not your little friend to be running around hugging!" He shiver me with a dark flush across his face
"Ouhhh....you're so rude...I was just so happy to see you" I made my fake tears arise
"Oh Hitsugaya you made the pretty girl cry how cruel" Shunsui snickered
"Wha- I didn't- Oi..stop making a seen" he hissed annoyed.
I stopped immediately and stared at him...and he stopped and stared
"Tsk...ungrateful" I said and began to walk to Ukitake
"Gha—What!!" He yelled
"Oiii Taichou why are you so red" A big breasted lady came forward.
I grabbed Ukitake's hand missing everyone...I smiled...I missed this.
"Let's go take you to your clan household.." Ukitake smiled
"Bye shiroooo see you laters don't miss me too much!" I waved
"Wha- you Idiot!" He barked

" Ukitake smiled    "Bye shiroooo see you laters don't miss me too much!" I waved    "Wha- you Idiot!" He barked

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Me and Ukitake began walking towards the outskirts of Seretei.
"Your Clan manor is right across the Kichiki manor your elders get along very well with eachother" Ukitake began to speak.
I nodded. When we got closer another presence appeared before us.
"Oh Kuchiki Taichou you decided to join us" Ukitake smiled.
I stared at him passively..he's so handsome...yet so unreadable and he hurt my cousin Ichigo..and friend and his own sister is about to her executed and seems just fine!
"I figured someone from a noble to another it would be a gesture of kindness to show her the ways of a noble" He stayed
"Ohhh how thoughtful!" Ukitake smiled widely. I was still holding his hand. I really have this strong bond feeling like a strong connecting me and Ukitake. It's so weird..but I can't explain it. I would give my life for him...and it's so weird considering i spent a month here in Soul Society 10 years ago but in the real world a month is like "2days or 2 months" I didn't really understand the whole time time thing but my point is...I feel a strong daughter and father bond with him.
We approached a huge manor...."Jesus H Christ" I was in shock
"Welcome Lady Fumiko" two people opened the doors
"Welcome Lord Kuchiki and Ukitake" they bowed.
"Lord???" I made a face
"We're birth from noble clans Ari" Ukitake smiled
"You tooo apa!" I was suprised
"Actually Arisu I don't think you should call me anything aside Ukitake in here the elders might find it bothersome" He frowned.
"But why..." I was confused why they would
"Elders have standard and are easily bothered anything having to do out of their clan" Byakuya spoke and I nodded
We approached another room and there were 5 old people.
"Arisu..." a elderly lady approached
I was a bit hesitant so I grabbed onto Ukitake's arm.
"Oh...no need to be shy dear I'm Shenri and these as well are the other elders of the Fumiko house" she smiled
I returned the smile.
"It's a pleasure" I bowed.
"Please please sit" she leaded us to a beautiful long table
I sat in the main seat.
Byakuya and Ukitake on either side of me then the elders.
"Now that we have the opportunity to speak with you-"
I cut them off.
"Where's and who is my mother" I stayed seriously.
"Oh..Arisu.." Ukitake whispered to me, but I kept my stare.
The elders looked at eachother. "Arisu dear your mother passed away...but that's all we know of" the lady spoke.
"That's all you know of" I raised an eyebrow..
"You see child, when in a clan you follow rules if you break the rules or commit a action to soil the name of the Fumiko clan you get banished..now you clearly need to learn manners in not to speak over others" the old man spoke.
"Why was my mother banished" I was in no way affected by the old mans comment.
"You mother simply went out of the manor...opened her legs to a commoner and outcome the product sitting before us" the second elder man spoke. Byakuya kept his eyes close as well as Ukitake but facing down.
"I think we should go" Ukitake spoke
"So my mother was pregnant with me, and you all abandoned her" I spoke with poison in my mouth
"No your mother abandoned us, her people, her role as head of the Fumiko clan!" A lady spoke
"But rules are rules...you were given birth to and you are the heir to the Fumiko clan, but we all came to an agreement that sending you to the human world would save us much trouble" the last old lady spoke.
"Pathetic.." I scoffed and they all looked at me I'm shock.
"I cannot believe I am part of such a house...there's no way I'm staying here" I stood up.
"You shall and you will! Your mother walked out on us but we will not allow another Fumiko to soil the name of our clan!"
"SIT DOWN!" Shenri yelled at the man verbally attacking me but he didn't budge
The man duh into his sleeve and pulled out a wand my adrenaline kicked in

Incarcerous = ties person up
Portego = causes spell to reflect back to sender
Repello = repels any object/person away

"Incarcerous" he yelled and pointed his want at me.
I reached inside my legging and pulled mine out.
"Portego" I said without being fazed his attack returned back to him faster than his, as he was now tied up.
Everyone stood from the table.
"Arisu stop this now!" Ukitake raised his voice
"Repello" I swung my want and he flew to the back of the room against the wall. Everyone gasped.
"I am the head of this clan now...and I will let no man nor women elder or not speak in such way to me or my mother, I will decide we're I shall be staying until further notice" I spoke demandingly. Just because I'm 16 doesn't mean I'm not mature enough to grasp concepts.
"You are no head of this CLAN AND NEVER WILL BE!" The man continued
I raised my wand again
"Arisu's enough!"
"Silencio" i spoke and the man stopped talking.
"I am disgusted to see how this is how I am to be treated...if this is how it is I have no interest in being a noble or in a clan...I've been here for 10 minutes and I think I have had more than enough, it's sad...it wasn't my mother who spoiled the clams name, it was you people" I returned my want to my leggings and ran out.
I ran across some halls until I stiblemd upon room of open space with portraits and photos ...there was a portrait of a women...so beautiful. Sitting in a chair with long long hair and the same white strand as me.
"That was your mother" I turn to see Shenri..the only one who didn't say anything against me.
"She was an angel...she helped out the elderly, and poor she would plant Sakura trees all around the Soul Society 'the Sakura Flower' they called her. But one day...she left for a few days and came back with the news she was with child. As everyone was upset I was ecstatic...I was going to be a grandmother...your mother decided to leave the clan and after a few months she reached out to me. I was worried she was suffering all alone out in the world" she sat with me in a couch
I was so intrigued by the story...and the fact that she sat grandmother
"...but she wasn't she was in love, and being taken care of as you grew in her belly" she smiled as she held my hands.
I smiled..."she was in love...with who"

Footsteps appeared by the entrance.

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