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Arisu's POV

I walked down the hall and and stopped by Byakuya's office I was about to knock but stopped myself. Remembering my thoughts...from the day he asked me to preform and help Rukia with the celebration dance Hisana once preformed.
'What am I doing...having these thoughts here and there of this man. He was once married to a women he loved, and here I am...I am not at his level he wouldn't ever see me the way I think of him. Stop being and idiotttt'
I remember my thought and decided not to knock. I kept walking down the hall. Once I hear commotion in Rukia room I opened it to see Rukia and Renji writing.
They both turned.
"Hey...I'm here to help" I gave a little smile. I slid the door closed behind me.
"Arisu!" Rukia smiled and immediately seemed determined.
"I want to master this thing for nee-sama" her eyes gleamed. She really does love Byakuya doesn't she, well I mean who couldn't.
Wait what did I just say...
"What's wrong" Renji's voice broke me from my thoughts. I blinked and looked at them, they both staring at me.
I sighed.
"If I tell y'all something promise not to mention anything..." I sat down and Rukia plopped down right next to me.
"I went to Otosan's house to meet his sibling with Shunsui behind his back...because I wanted to obtain a dance that runs within this family to preform at the festival, and I was able to get it, but we found out that...Ukitake never told them about me this whole time. He never mentioned me once and they don't know it's me...they think I'm his 3rd seat and they despise me already, they told me to tell him not to bother introducing 'her' to them" I rubbed my temples.
I felt Rukia small hand rub circles on my back and I smiled at her.
"I'm sure Ukitake Taichou has good reasoning to be holding something like that from his family" Renji spoke.
I nodded
"I sure hope so...cause i feel really down, but I still want to do the dance...cause no matter how hard I try to be mad at him for not telling them..right now I still...I-I still...." my voice began cracking so I took a deep breath and looked down to the floor.

3rd POV
A certain captain subconsciously stopped writing the second the girl in the room next to his began speaking. He couldn't help but notice his now grip became more tight around the pen once he heard her voice begin cracking so he closed his eyes and took a a few breaths and continued to write again.

Arisu's POV
"I-I want to see his smile from the stage...and I want him to be h-happy and proud of me" I wiped my eyes roughly and took a deep breath.
"OSHH" I made a fist and grabbed the notebook Renji was holding startling him and began to read over the choreography.
We all together kept correcting Rukia and spent hours going over it for the next two days. There was 3 days now until the festival. We finally got the dance down with Rukia.


"I swear you have two left feet..." I sighed as we all laid in the floor.
"I blame Renji..." she spoke and Renji shot up, and yelled at her.
"Yes YOU! you were telling me the choreography all wrong imagine if Ari hadn't helped...I would've looked like a fool up there!" She huffed and crossed her arms.
They both glared are eachother but it warmed me in an odd way. They have a bond, but I think they don't quite notice it just yet. I chuckled breaking their staring contest. I stood up dusting off my Kimono that Amaterasu left for me. In the morning. I literally wake up to clothes folded right next to me.
"Well now all you need to do is go over and practice Rukia, as for me imma head to my practice room and begin my dance. I'll see you all later yes" I smiled and they both returned the smile and waved.

I walked out of the room only to come across someone at the bridge of the garden. I debated before I put my hands inside my sleeves as I crossed my hands. I slowly walked to the bridge and the figure turned. My knee length hair was loose dancing with the light gust of winds.
"Arisu.." The mere action of him speaking my name before event stepping onto the bridge sends my heart into a frenzy.
"Kuchiki Taichou.." I spoke in a low tone.
"I'm assuming Rukia was able to learn the dance" He asked and I nodded as I closed my eyes.
"Step by step, you won't be disappointed the Kuchiki's will be beautifully represented on stage. Rukia is...amazing" I spoke sincerely and softly.
I opened my eyes only for them to widened as to find him just looking at me. I didn't advert my gaze.
"What about you?"
I was taken by surprise and tried holding back a flush.
"W..what do you mean?"
"Have you had your dance prepared too.." he asked and I felt my shoulders drop lightly. Why was I disappointed?
Hahaha...did I expect him to say something else. How silly of me.
"I wanted to wait until Rukia got the dances down and I was confident enough to leave her too it, I was actually just on my way to begin my practice" I now adverted my gaze to the pond below our feet.
"I see...then I shall leave you too it"
I nodded.
"Mmh..." I didn't want the conversation to end but I had nothing else to say. Well I did. I slowly began to make my way past him, the scent of cherry blossoms filling the air as you pass the man.
"I shall be looking forward to your performance this weekend Arisu..." He said as I just past him. I halted and kept my back to him. I didn't know if I was flushed or not, but it felt like it. I quickly looked at the floor.
"Stop that..." I sighed, but then covered my mouth not knowing I spoke unwillingly. I wanted to say 'stop saying things that make me feel like there's something to hope for or look forward to'
"Stop what exactly?" He asked and turned to me.
I didn't even know to to cover it up at this point. I tried playing it off as much as I could, or make it a joke.
"You'll just make me nervous on stage knowing you'll be watching and judging" I gave him a light chuckle causing him to raise a brow.
I waited to see if he would respond but he kept the raised brow. I closed my eyes content. Thank god.
"Would you like me to bring a bed to the practice room?"
I stopped and looked at him confused.
"You've been sleeping with Rukia the past two days, are you avoiding going back to your barracks" He asked and I quickly brought back to reality; sighed and scratched my neck.
"Umm...I-I'm going back today just...later...I'm sure Shunsui already spoke with Ukitake or whatever, but Uhh don't worry I'll be out of your hair by the evening" I smiled
But his brows furrowed for a short second. "I wasn't trying to-"
"Nono I know, but I'm just saying I'll be going back today" I chuckled awkwardly.
"I'll see you later Kuchiki Taichou" I quickly bowed and made my way to the room. Once I arrived instead of leaving the door open I closed it.

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