Chapter 1

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Stephanie muttered under her breath. Her cheek was really cut deep and now blood was flowing out of it in slow movements as if the cheek was bored of bleeding. 

She was not worried over the pain but the amount of make-up she would have to use to hide the long gash the next morning. Otherwise people would ask questions and think her non-existent boyfriend had beaten her up. She was so tired of everything going on in her life at this point. Since, as usual, she got herself beaten up due to her stupid actions.

Stephanie sighed as her cheek finally stopped bleeding. She went out of the bathroom, closing the door behind her and looked about her room. One thing good about the house was that she had an attached bathroom in her room. So she didn't have to leave her safe haven for stupid urinary functions. Her tensed body relaxed a little bit when she stood in her room. Her room was only hers. NO ONE ever disturbed it.

She kicked off her slippers and tied her hair in a messy bun. Then she quickly went into the bathroom and changed into her pajamas. After settling on the bed, she switched on the T.V. She could not help but get frustrated. Not a single action or horror movie. Every channel had either rom-coms or food shows. Looking at the food shows made her stomach grumble, reminding her that she hadn't eaten anything since the morning.

Food.Food. Food. Food. Food.Food. 

Her brain went like a zombie. She checked her phone.

12:01 a.m.

It was past midnight and her aunt was supposed to be sleeping at this time. She slowly crept out of her room and down the stairs. Every sound seemed to be magnified in the silence of the dead night. She glided into the kitchen as quietly as a cat and opened the fridge to looked for any left over food. 


A smirk found its way on her face as she saw a bowl of sweet pork and chicken wrapped in a transparent foil. It was hidden behind all the other left-over food. It was her aunt's favorite which was to be her breakfast initially. Not anymore. It was going to be Stephanie's little dinner snack.

Stephanie reached for it and warmed it for herself in the oven. She quickly went to her room and hastily closed the door behind her.

A sigh of relief escaped her mouth. But something was odd. The room did not feel right to her as if another presence had violated its peace and beautiful silence. The white brightness from the walls of the room did not feel right. Stephanie looked around her and her eyes noticed that her desk was a little disorganized. Her drawer looked slightly open and some papers lay scattered on her desk. The air had a queer smell. As if someone had been in her room just after she went out. 

Someone was in my room.

The thought itself was enough to terrify her. She stood in front of her door for another five whole minutes, silently. She realized that no one was in her room now

She sat down on her bed and started devouring the meat in the bowl hungrily. After she was done, she smacked her lips together in satisfaction. She knew she was going to get another round of beatings for that but she hardly cared. She had been beaten up by her aunt before her parents had disappeared and was immune to most of the attacks. Her body had adapted over the five years quite well. 

With a pat on her stomach, she turned the lights off and pulled the blanket over herself in her super comfy bed.

Seconds later, she was already sleeping. She knew the consequences of eating her aunt's hidden food but her exhaustion took over her. 

What she didn't know was, that a person was lurking behind her curtain, watching her all this while.

"Interesting", he murmured to himself.



There! It's my first time publishing one so...Did you all like it..? This is the first chapter and I have a lot of problems ending a story because I have an overactive imagination and if I let it control the story then shit might get real!

So I'll keep it simple! ^^  
And please vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*internal pleading *

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