Chapter 30

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"Oh what brings you here?", Mrs. Bats asked, surprised.

"Stephanie isn't answering her phone", Chris informed her.

They stood like that for a few seconds.

She didn't invite me in.

Chris went in nevertheless. He took a quick glance around the house to find nothing out of place. There was no sign of struggle or damage for that matter.

Mrs. Bats offered him coffee and they started a casual conversation on Stephanie. How she is? Where she could go? As such.

Chris suddenly received a message from Marilene :

Keep her busy... make some noise to distract her. 

"What is it? You look worried?", her aunt inquired. 

She leaned over to peek into his mobile but he quickly put it back into his pocket with a gentle smile.

Bitch please!

The aunt just sat back and gave him a smile wider than the Mississippi. If only smiles could kill, this one would've buried Chris under the very house. The smile was huge, yes but it didn't reach the eyes. They were wide in madness and... a bit of paranoid.

It scared the EFFIN' SHIT out of him.

They got up to place the cup of coffee on the table a few steps ahead when he tripped on the air and dropped the cup right at aunt's feet. In a rush to avoid the warm liquid she tried to move away but slipped and fell right on the smashed pieces of glass. 


She screeched in pain. It was not as loud as the one he had heard a few seconds ago but audible enough. 

That should make some noise.

Had he not been too caught up in his thoughts he would have seen Mrs.Bats through him a piercing glare from the floor.


"Hey you in there?", a voice whispered as loudly as whispers could go.

Stephanie's head perked up immediately. She scooted nearer the door to reply.

"Yes", she murmured.

What on Earth is going on?

It was a few minutes ago that Nathan and she heard her aunt scream. Not loudly but loud enough for them to know that she probably fell on her butt.

"We're gonna get you out of here", Marilene started to explain.

Stephanie started to nod.

"She can't see you dimwit", Nathan called out from afar.

"Yes!", Stephanie whispered in haste.

Nathan was getting on her nerves as the minutes passed by. She had forgotten what an ant he used to be. Always irritating and pinching. 

"Who's the guy?", Marilene asked from the other side.

"Long story", Stephanie muttered back.

She could literally feel Marilene's curiosity poke her in the cheek.

"Steve has already called the police so you needn't worry", her best friend said.

"Are you fine?", Stephanie asked clearly not listening.

"It's not the time to ask me that question stupid.", came the furious whisper.

Then silence.

Stephanie hadn't heard anything from above them. She started to become tense. The fact that Marilene wasn't speaking wasn't the matter but also that the house was unusually dipped in silence. It wasn't likely for them to not hear anything from down there.

There was a slight scraping of nails on the door but she hardly paid any heed to it. Everyone scratch their nails on the door once or twice while being kidnapped or waiting on their kidnapped friend.

Nothing out of the usual.

"Hey Marilene?", Stephanie muttered a while later.

Her mouth was almost kissing the piece of barrier they called the door. Still no sound.

"Shit!", Nathan cursed.


Mrs.Bats was panting heavily. Chris was heavy and it was very difficult to move him alone. She was going to make him suffer for a bit. Let the blood pour out for sometime. 

The feeling of that red dark and thick liquid on her hand felt too wonderful to think about. It almost made her giddy.

"Chris you can show me how red and thick your blood is...... We'll heal you up depending on the strength of your blood", she exclaimed.

"You are sick and disgusting", he managed to spit out through gritted teeth. 

The boy was clad in sweat and blood on his front. She just smiled and sniggered slightly at his words.

"So I've heard", she said, giggling more.

"Mrs.Bats, where is my girlfriend?", he insisted.

"Call me Angela", she winked at him.

Then she looked at the knife in her hand. It's tip was bent to form a hook and was a sharp as wolves' teeth. It was a beautiful thing to gaze at and use. Now it looked even pretty with the red blood covering it's naked metal.

Like a smooth silken dress.

Angela washed the knife because she decided it would be troublesome later and attract flies all over the knife. She didn't want her knife tainted with little pests. Then she turned to look at Chris and his huge yet slim body.

Okay big pests too.

Chris focused at a point on the ceiling but he wasn't really looking at it. His eyes were glazed and unmoving. Had his chests not been rising like the crests and troughs of the waves of the ocean, Angela would have reckoned that he had died.

She kneeled next to him.

"You thought that that fall would hurt me? It did but you are naive boy. I know all about your tricks and your friends", she smirked. Her voice was dangerously low.

This caught Chris' attention and he tilted his head to look at her with horror. Angela smiled in satisfaction. She bent low to softly purr in his ears.

"Never bring your enemy where there might be knives or any weapon.... Especially the kitchen sweetumps!", she babbled on.

Chris on the verge of losing his consciousness tried to speak again amidst his slow breaths.

"Where... i-is Step-...pahnie...?", he coughed out.

Angela giggled crazy.

"Oh! Right below you but before you jump out of your body due too excitement I'll go check if your friends are having fun in the basement downstairs."

Poor Marilene! I liked her too. I'll just not kill her.


I was a bit demotivated this week so this chapter may not be too great! ^^

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