Chapter 17

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Stephanie, Chris and Steve had a lot of fun. She got to know so much about them in that just one night! Chris was just short for Christopher and Steve had been short for Stevenson. They didn't want people calling them that. 

Stephanie was literally rolling on the floor from laughing herself crazy. It was the most fun they were having in years. Tears rolled off her eyes as she saw the two brothers fight.

"I always told you we should have eaten it first!", Chris shouted at the top of his voice.

"And I told you later!", exclaimed Stevenson.

"Had we not eaten it first that boy would not have had the last pizza left on the counter!"

"Had you not shouted it out loud it would not have even attracted attention!"

"I was right!

"And I was left- I mean I was wrong!"


"I mean I was more right!"



All them silently and simultaneously looked up to see a fuming Wendy in the room, clearly exasperated. 


The boys were scared of their mother for sure. It was quiet all the way through dinner. After that, they started to decide on where they should sleep. That was a big problem to discuss.

"Stephanie can sleep in my room", Chris declared.

"So that I hear you guys in my room? No thank you very much.", Steve grunted, rolling his eyes.

"Keep rolling them. Maybe you'll find something intelligent back there", Chris retorted. 

"Why? Cause you never saw one?", said Steve.

Stephanie sighed. She rapped on each one's head with her knuckles so whilst they were groaning, she could speak.

"Listen. I'll sleep in Chris' room but you needn't worry. He won't even touch the air particles around me."

She got up and went to her designated place. She put two pillows in between to separate her space from Chris' and fell on the bed.

As soon as she shut her eyes, she fell asleep. In her subconsciousness she heard Chris come in and set her up nicely on the bed. Then he covered her with a blanket and went off to his side and slept off.


There was a tug.

"Hey wake up" someone whispered.

Stephanie's eyes opened. Everything was a bit unclear due to her drowsiness but she was able to recognise Steve with that hair.

"What?", Stephanie yawned.

"Come here", Steve whispered.

That's weird.

Either she was in a horror movie or in the Bury Your Friend music video OR both.

Stephanie finally woke up. She stretched herself out and saw Chris sleeping on the bed like little baby. His little finger was sticking into his belly button and his mouth was wide open into a dark abyss.

Stephanie looked at the time.

6:00 am.

Disgruntled, she followed Steve into the balcony. It was cold outside!

"So what up?", she grumbled and looked around groggily.

"Hey um... Chris told me about the whole deal with you .... and I wanted to say sorry", Steve said, looking away.

Stephanie sighed.

"It's fine really. You helped me too so we're even"

"Still I'm sorry. In no way is that an excuse for me to have told you all those things that I did."

Steve continued to stare into the dark silent air.

"Chris really cares for you. When he saw those bruises on your body he was very much scared and...hurt", Steve went on softly.

Stephanie raised her eyebrows.

"You're the one who treated me. How did he even.....?", she trailed off.

"Well he actually undressed you himself and everything. I know he lied to you and plus... we can't let our mom in on this. She would've called the police or something. Chill though. Chris didn't look at your naked self weirdly."

I am about to kill Chris for just setting his eyes on my nude self.

*A moment of silence*

"So I'm sorry", he said again just to make it clear.

Stephanie burst out laughing. He was so awkward at this point.

"I forgive you", she laughed and patted his hand soothingly.

Stephanie smiled at him widely and ruffled his hair. They were dang soft.

The brothers use some special shampoo and I want it.

The world was so strange in some ways but also sweet at the same time. Then and there she realized that a bond had struck between her and this family.  And she would do anything to protect them. 

It was a sweet bond.

A bond worth maintaining and holding onto without fearing if she would be stabbed in the back.


A/N :

The end!

Kidding. If you read it till here then continue on further or wait for that matter please!!!!!!!

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