Chapter 61

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"The judging panel have come to a conclusion."

Stephanie waited with bated breath.

Please God. Please don't be this mean to me. Please!

"We have decided to not evict Brandon to jail........"



" what most of you think I would have said considering my relationship with the defendant as friends.", the judge continued.


Stephanie was not breathing anymore. She just sat there still. 

"However, justice is something that does not hold personal connections accountable. We therefore, sentence Mr. Brandon Collins to life imprisonment for the murder of Tom, May and Brian Crimsons and for holding Steve, Chris, Stephanie, Marilene and Nathan as hostages. Man you almost committed a mass murder! You should have thought it out at least.....*sigh* The court is now adjourned."

The people emptied out and Brandon was dragged out rashly. No one wanted to deal with a cold-blooded murderer gently.

The rest of her gang encircled her and stared down at her. Stephanie raised her head at them and a silent tear escaped her eyes. 

They all shouted out of relief in the court. Stephanie let out a shout herself. Even though she had lost so much as compared to him, she was relieved that she would be able to gain more of what she had lost.

"H..Hey Stephanie", a voice whispered from behind her.

Although it was soft, it was the loudest sound to her ears. Stephanie's body stiffened as she turned around to face Mrs. Bats.

"Mrs. Bats", she stated grimly.

For a moment, there was a familiar darkness in her aunt's eyes but it was soon cleared and replaced by an apologetic smile.

The guards beside her stood holding her, unsure of what to do.

"I'm..... I'm sorry for what I did. I know you won't forgive ever and I hope you don't. But I just wanted to let you know. And I'm Angela.... not that name anymore."

Saying so she was dragged away as Stephanie felt a rock lift off her chest.


Stephanie and Chris were walking to their apartment. 

Hand in hand.

"Um.. I wanna tell you something.", Chris said.

Stephanie let out a soft whimper as she braced herself for what was about to come.

"It's okay", she said. "I know this would happen... I.... I don't mind."

"What?", Chris asked confused.

"You want to separate from me right?", she spoke.

Chris' eyebrows almost touched each other in a disgusted frown. He looked at her as if she told him that she was a hippo in the disguise of a human. (No offence hippos!)

However, Stephanie failed to notice the expression on his face. She just rambled on.

"I understand why you'd want to do that. There was so much that you had to go through for a despicable and dispensable person like m-  ..... Mmph!"

Stephanie was cut off by the most rough kiss known to humanity by Chris. She felt like he was trying to tear her lips right off her face...

Even after all that, only one thought remained in her head.

He tastes like chocolate...
I love chocolate....

Stephanie tried to push him away but he grabbed her wrists and held them down by her waist. When they broke apart, Chris was looking into her eyes with a mixture of rage and passion both.

"I was going to tell you to restart our lives again.... Why, do you want us to separate?", he roughly inquired.

"Of- of course not!", she replied in a high-pitched squeak.

"Then shut up. You should know that I love you and unfortunately you can't do shit about it", he said in a low growled.

"I'm glad then!"

"Now speak no more else you'll have no lips left", he warned her.

"I'd like to see you try", Stephanie challenged in the middle of the street.

Chris smirked.

"Shall we try inside then?", he proposed.

Stephanie gave him a wide innocent smile and nodded her head.

Chris stepped away and linked his fingers in hers and both walked towards their apartment for reasons evident enough.

Step by step.
To start their life together anew.


Oh! Thanks a lot for the support.... There is just a chapter or two left.I might have bored you with my long and tedious chapters and I am glad you stood by my side!!Love you lots and now vote and comment lol.

P.S. : Would you want me to do a bonus chapter for Steve and Marilene; and Jake and Angela?
Only if you want though!

P.S. 2 : This is prolly one of the rarest chapters where I don't end on a suspense note! ^^

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