Chapter 18

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"Whoa!", Stephanie said.

Steve finally got rid of those perms after Marilene constantly nagged him about it. To  be honest, he looked much better with the normal straight hair than the perms.

"The nest has gone!",  sang Marilene as she hugged Steve. They had become very close over the months. 

Marilene had at the end forgiven him for all that he had said to Stephanie.

Today was a Sunday.

And also Chris' birthday.

They were to surprise him. It had been 8 months that Stephanie and Chris had been dating. It had been 8  months that she hadn't been abused by her aunt. Chris had made sure about that.


Flashback to 8 months ago:

"Hi! Mrs. Bats.", Chris smiled. He had an arm over Stephanie's beaten shape.

"Oh my God! What happened?", Mrs. Bats exclaimed. She was such a good actress. Chris almost believed that she was worried over her niece. Then he saw the fear in Stephanie's eyes and his confusions flew away with the pooping pigeons.

"I..I don't know. She said street fight but I don't believe it. As her boyfriend I am quite concerned over this", Chris said, feigning his ignorance.

Her aunt took them in the house and sat Stephanie gently on the couch. Although her aunt tried to look like a pure angel, Chris saw through her pretense. There were moments when her aunt's eyes showed anger and a warning. All masked under those eyes pretending to be kind.

And full of black eyeliner.

"If this happens ever again I will be compelled to inform the police", Chris said with a hint of warning in his voice.

You better back off.

Her aunt was startled. There was fear and disapproval on her face but she quickly covered it up.

"Oh! Yes yes yes you must!!", she agreed with a bit too much of enthusiasm.

Stephanie was quiet throughout the time and tears had accumulated in her eyes. She couldn't believe how innocent her aunt was acting and she couldn't believe that Chris was doing this for her. What if he got hurt for her pesky self?

NO no no no no no. That won't happen..

She tried to get up only to fall down on the couch again. Her legs were badly sprained.

Mrs. Bats stood up and eyed upstairs nervously as if she was afraid from going up.

"Chris dear... I'm old. I can't climb actually. Could you please help Stephanie to her room?", she stammered.

Chris agreed almost immediately and had to control himself from rolling his eyes at her. He took her to her room and was wonder-struck. Her room was quite large.

"Why can't she show some humanity and help you up?", he asked.

Stephanie scoffed.

"Oh she thinks I have a warship hidden somewhere that will launch tomahawks on her the instant she sets foot here", she explained.

Chris burst out laughing.

"That's ridiculous!", he wheezed.

Stephanie just shrugged. Later when he left the house, he only wished that his threat worked.

Clearly it did.

Stephanie often got shouted at and tripped over stuff but not touched even once. Although her aunt sometimes threw stuff at her, she always made sure to not injure Stephanie gravely. 

As much as she hated Stephanie, she didn't like the police either. 

Stephanie was glad about that.


They decorated the house to perfectness. Wendy had taken Chris for shopping, buying them enough time. They had decided to not invite any other people because Chris wasn't exactly fond of them. No one wanted Chris to be upset over people he didn't like.

Stephanie messaged Chris. They had to be returning anyways.

Steph: When will you be home?

Chris: SOON!

Steph:Come fast.

Chris:You miss me already?

Steph:Yah. Today's your birthday and I want us to have fun today.

Chris:OMG! I love fun. I am coming A.S.A.P!!!

"He's coming!", announced Stephanie.

Steve and Marilene hid in their spots and switched off the lights. Stephanie stood outside to welcome him inside.

"Hi Steph", Chris grinned at her from the front. He looked dashing, making Stephanie's heart pump blood faster. 

"Hey! Your mom?"

"Oh! She left...   Told us to have fun"

Chris was wiggling his eyebrows. Stephanie hid her smirk. She didn't want to burst his bubble of fantasies just yet. 

"Let's go inside", she cooed softly.

And together they did.


A/N :

Hey! Hope you enjoy it. Keep tuned in. Vote and comment like always and stay wimme!!!!!

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