Chapter 19

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Chris closed the door behind him. 

Stephanie stood in front of him in the pitch darkness. She was supposed to shout out 'Happy Birthday' and then the other two would shout out, scaring the shit out of him. Yes that should be just fine.

"HAPP- mmph!"

Chris attacked her with kisses in the dark. His hand lacing around her fingers and circling around her waist, pulling her closer. He kissed her with so much force that Stephanie's back was arched slightly. Poor boy had no idea that they were not alone.

Suddenly the lights flipped on. There was a loud burst of confetti falling from heaven and the two clueless people shouted out:


Chris' heart sank to his knees out of shock. His eyes were wide open in surprise while Stephanie was only blushing. She forgot to push him away in the heat of the moment. Their lips were stuck to each other's but unmoving like statues. Like fish kissing each other.

It was such a comical scene that Marilene burst out laughing.

"Oh Holy mother of cows! What have I just witnessed? Pour some pure water on my visionary beings!", Steve cried out, covering his eyes in agony.

Chris pulled away from Stephanie embarrassed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Your idea of fun?", he grimaced distastefully but not cruelly.

Stephanie nodded and giggled.

"Not my fault you think so much", she laughed, flicking his forehead lightly.

She stepped closer to his ears so that no one could hear her.

"We did it once. I'm not giving you the satisfaction just yet"

Chris flushed a deep red. Like a beet root!

"Happy Birthday Darling!", she whispered before guiding him towards the little party.


"You need to stop drinking!", Stephanie scolded the already gone Chris.

"Bwut I want eeeeeeeeeeaaaatttt!", he slured. His words were barely making any sense.

"You already did...", she reminded him.

 She knew it because she had to feed the food to him. He was drunk beyond the point of return of sobriety. It would take a long sleep of 12 hours for him to sober up.

"I dwint mean foooooooddd!", he said. His eyes were alert despite the consumption of alcohol.

"Oh my God! Drunk makes you worse. You need Mother Mary at this point", Stephanie exclaimed. 

She was clearly flustered. She was not drunk and his drunken talk was making it hard for her to be peaceful.

Chris staggered around Stephanie, hugging her and sticking to her side. He was worse than Marilene who was luckily being handled by Steve. 

Looks like Steve and I are the only ones sane........

After about an hour of pure struggle for freedom from Chris' drunken self, she dropped him on the bed. He fell asleep in mid-air, before his head even touched the pillow. When she went in the hall, she saw Marilene snoring on the couch and Steve resting on a chair. His hair was a mess and his tie had been all loosened up. Marilene's work obviously.

You're in for trouble tomorrow.

She smirked to herself. Steve would usually become a seducing irresistible guy with Marilene whenever he was mad. Or so she was told. It was the same with Chris. Only Steve had more of an effect due to his usual normal and innocent demeanor.

"Hey I'm going home now!", she announced.

"Oh okay. Be careful", he waved his hand at her.

Stephanie was relieved that Steve hadn't been as drunk as the other two. In fact she didn't even see him touch alcohol once. Probably not drunk at all. As for her, she had a high alcohol tolerance and didn't even drink much. Mainly due to Chris. He could NOT handle alcohol.

I'm going to give him a piece of me tomorrow. Just you wait Christopher Richards!

It had been such a long time with all of them together. Chris and Stephanie had been so busy with each other and with all other things that they had no time for the other two. They barely had time to even date.

Date? A burger and instant cup noodles was their usual date. Nevertheless, they enjoyed it.

"I wonder where Wendy is", she muttered.

The night was so cold. 

A part of her had wanted to stay next to Chris but eventually she would have to go to her place. Even though she was not exactly touched, she didn't like the look of the house. All dark and sinister. She sighed at the sight of the visible gloom in front of her. 

Stephanie removed the spare pair of keys from her pocket and opened the door. 

As she entered the house, she saw a dim light filling the house. Her aunt must have left it on. She usually did that. And it was already past her bedtime.

Seems to be coming from the kitchen.

She stepped into the kitchen and the smell of heavy alcohol wafted through the air. 

"Ugh!", she covered her nose in disgust.

She found an empty bottle of beer at the sink. Her aunt must have had a drink. Dumping the bottle in the trash chute, she quickly tried to get upstairs.

Dangerous and perhaps drunk aunt was hazardous for her health. Her aunt could never control herself when drunk. Once, she had witnessed her aunt beat a man senseless when drunk. The man was at fault for trying to rob the very maniacal Mrs. Bats though.

But it did scare Stephanie to DEATH.

Just as she reached the first step, she was yanked back by her hair. Stephanie's head almost came out of her body by the immense force she was pulled. She felt a slight tear at her scalp and the pain was blinding enough for her to let out a moan.

A hand clasped around her neck from behind.

"Where are you going?", her aunt spoke in her ear. 

The alcohol breath threatened to gag Stephanie. She must have had the entire bottle to become this tipsy. Stephanie forced herself to calm down.

"You can't hurt me", she warned her.

"Watch me", came the reply.


VOTE and we shall continue tomorrow!

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